Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 351: Don't pretend to be uncomfortable

Although there is a general idea, the key lies in how to implement it.

Each titan guardian prefers to use different creations. For example, Azadas likes the earthen with excellent building and forging ability, Mimiron likes the clever mechanical gnomes, and Loken likes the stupid, black and thick steel Vrykul and iron dwarves.

Not to mention Thorim, his preference can be seen from Sif\'s race.

Azadas and Thorim lack understanding of the mogu and tol\'vir that Raden likes to use, let alone the rarer Anubisath, and they don\'t know how to restart the minds of Anubisath and tol\'vir .

Elonaya suggested, "In that case, why don\'t you just ask the person involved."

"Anyway, we originally planned to let Thorim go to Uldum in the near future. The local flesh and blood tol\'vir should have inherited a lot of knowledge from their ancestors, and perhaps there will be information related to Anubisath."

In fact, the real party involved should be Raiden, but no one except Andrea knows the whereabouts of this great guardian. Now that the Wandering Isle has not yet appeared, finding Pandaria is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Elonaya\'s suggestion should be the most suitable choice among the second best options, but no one present can be sure how long it will take to lift the seal of Uldum and contact the tol\'vir.

The Qiraji Empire\'s hesitation should not last long. Under the urging of C\'Thun and the pressure of the situation, they will start marching again sooner or later.

"It\'s not too late."

Now that the next step has been decided, Andrea plans to take action as soon as possible.

"Taking advantage of the Qiraji Empire\'s lack of action for the time being, we will immediately head to the junction of the Tanaris Desert and Uldum."

"Thorim, as the only guardian who can move freely outside today, I can only ask you to accompany me to undo the seal of Uldum."

Thorim nodded without hesitation, "No problem, this is the planned itinerary, so let\'s set off now."

The war on the front line could start at any time. As the most important golden leg of the coalition forces, Malygos could not leave the Silithus battlefield for a long time.

Launch the teleportation spell to send Andrea, Thorim, and Veranas to Tanaris, and Malygos returns to Cenarion Hold immediately.

Silithus and Uldum happened to be next to each other. If Uldum\'s actions went well, it might be able to bring a group of fresh troops to the coalition forces in the Battle of Quicksand.

There are two gates from Tanaris to Uldum. After discussing with Azadas, Thorim and others, Malygos chose the gate of endless reincarnation in the southwest of Tanaris .

The closed gate is covered with flowing blue arcane energy, and the entire Uldum area is shrouded in a magical barrier. People without authorization cannot enter this long-sealed area.

"Andrea, take a few steps back first."

Thorim strode to the door of endless reincarnation, and carefully put his hand on the door.


An inorganic mechanical voice came from the door, "Titan guardian authority detected, welcome to come, Storm Guardian Thorim, do you want to end the confinement of Uldum and open the gate of endless reincarnation?"


"The order has been received and the gate is opening."


As the enchantment covering the sky over Uldum gradually faded, the heavy gate over 20 meters high slowly opened inward.

A desert atmosphere slightly different from that of Tanaris blows out from the gate, and Uldum, which has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, finally opens its gate to the world again.

The first thing that caught Andrea and Thorim\'s eyes was the long passage behind the Gate of Endless Reincarnation, with several huge statues lined up on both sides of the passage.

"Looks like we\'ve come to the right place."

Andrea\'s gaze stayed on the two statues on the right, and the typical jackal head clearly showed the identities of the two statues.


Riding on Veranas and flying into Uldum, the ruins of the Titans buried in the yellow sand appeared in front of the two of them one after another.

In the ruins near the Gate of Endless Reincarnation stands a tol\'vir stone sculpture that is hundreds of meters high, and there is an equally tall spire on the south side of the statue.

Thorim has not been sitting in Uldaman in a daze for so many years, he has already prepared a preview of the situation in Uldum.

"This is the Obelisk of the Stars, one of the three control towers of the Furnace of Origin."

When flying near the minaret, Thorim reminded, "Let\'s make a mark for now, and I may visit here again in the future."

After experiencing the disaster caused by the low-power eruption of the Origin Furnace, Uldum, which originally had a lush jungle, turned into a large desert. Only a small area in the center with running water flowing through it formed a very narrow oasis.

Going west from the Obelisk of Stars to the vicinity of the oasis, Andrea and the two soon saw the first tol\'vir gathering place.

This small town built along the oasis looks quite prosperous, but at this time the atmosphere in the small town is a little panicked.

The ten-thousand-year-long barrier that had shrouded Uldum suddenly disappeared, and the tol\'vir who lived in it for many years were the first to notice something was wrong.

Vilanas\'s huge body approached the town, causing screams of horror. The tovir, who had the lower body of a big cat and the body of a human cat, ran around with his head in his arms.

While maintaining order, some warriors with weapons and armors stared vigilantly at Veranas who had entered a hovering state in the air.

Thorim jumped out on the back of the progenitor dragon mother, and when he landed, he stepped on a big hole on the clean floor of the town.

Andrea patted his forehead and complained, "Aren\'t you pretending to be uncomfortable, Sky? You even deliberately jumped from the air and stepped on other people\'s floors..."

Patting Vilanas on the back, the progenitor dragon mother obediently landed next to Thorim.

A tol\'vir with a ginger-yellow plush body and a strange animal helmet came out in a row. He looked Thorim up and down, and asked in a suspicious tone, "Your Excellency, could it be the Titan Guardian? "


Thorim looked at the tol\'vir who seemed to be the leader unexpectedly, "I didn\'t expect anyone in your group to remember the Titan Guardian, UU Reading That\'s right, I am Thorim, the Storm King, you are The leader of the town?"

The tol\'vir hurriedly took off his helmet, revealing his excited cat face.

The cat with the highest status on the scene bowed its head respectfully to Thorim.

"Yes, respected Guardian of the Storm, I am Cousins, Prime Minister of the Ramkahen Tribe, and I am honored to witness the Guardian descending on Uldum again after thousands of years."

"Ramkahen... okay."

Thorim read the name of this tribe, which was mentioned in the content previewed in advance.

"Cousins, tell us about the current situation in Uldum. I am here this time to regain control of the furnace of origin."

"Yes! Lord Thorim, please follow me."