Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 31: ambush

"So that\'s the case, the situation is not good."

In the vanguard camp, Andrea learned the whole story from Aviana.

To put it simply, Malfurion, who was worried about Tyrande, didn\'t want to wait any longer. He planned to sneak into Zin-Azshari across the battlefield while the demigod army was fighting the demons, and try to sneak into the palace to rescue his beloved Luna Priestess.

Although there are suspicions of arbitrariness, the long-awaited demigod has long been impatient, and the frontal attack is exactly what they mean.

The proud demigod is not easy to restrain, and even Garald, who is the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, cannot forcibly reverse the demigod\'s self-will to give contrary orders.

However, before the Demigod Legion set off, Malfurion asked Aviana to report to Garrod\'s main camp, requesting the main force to cooperate with the Demigod Legion\'s actions and send reinforcements to the front.

Entrusted by Malfurion to sit in the vanguard camp to receive the support of the army behind, Aviana arranged for her child to send the news to the camp, but for some reason, the messenger bird did not deliver the news.

"Based on the current situation, I guess..."

Andrea frowned, and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "It should be that someone from the Burning Legion robbed and killed your messenger on the way. They may want to wipe out all the demigods at once."

Aviana raised her brows upside down, raised her head to the sky and let out an angry bird song.

"Insidious devil, don\'t even think about succeeding!"

Flapping its wings and soaring from the ground, Aviana instructed Andrea, who raised her hand to cover the dust, "I\'ll make a trip myself to convey the news to Jarod, Andrea, please take my child Let us rush to the front and tell the other demigods about the plans of the Burning Legion."

Without waiting for Andrea to react, Aviana flapped her wings violently, and disappeared from his sight in an instant.

It took several seconds before there was a sound breaking through the high altitude, and Andrea shook his head with a wry smile.

"It seems that this mother of all birds is also short-tempered, there still time?"

Although Agamaggan is a wild boar who is easily discriminated against by IQ, in fact, this demigod is not stupid at all, but very shrewd.

After the pigs advanced in the Burning Legion position for a while, Agamaggan gradually became suspicious.

The enemy\'s resistance is too weak, and it is not at the same level as when there were generals in command before.

Godrin, the wolf **** who wandered around the edge of the demon army to harvest life, also noticed this. Although there were many demons defending the front, most of them were low-quality cannon fodder.

When Goldrinn slowed down his attacking rhythm, the **** panther not far from him didn\'t notice it, and was still rushing into the depths of the Burning Legion.

Goldrinn hurriedly howled loudly, trying to dissuade the other party, "Ashaman, wait! You are not a thick-skinned guy like Ursoc and Tortola, don\'t rush too heard me Have you spoken yet? Stop it!"

Asaman, the panther demigod, seemed to have never heard of it, and continued to act in his own way.

"Tsk! This guy is still so brainless!"

Due to her experience of being attacked by a pack of wolves when she was young, Asaman has always had a sense of resistance and rejection towards the wolves, and even Goldrinn, who is a demigod, is not pleased by her.

Among all the demigods, the black panther Asaman and the wolf **** Godrin can be considered the most aloof.

Asaman seldom communicates with other demigods, and wanders around in the wilderness all day looking for prey. The trolls who once ruled Kalimdor tried to hunt her down many times, but they failed every time and were killed instead. She seized the opportunity to fight back.

Goldrinn upholds the nature of a wolf, instinctively keeping a distance from other demigods and mortals, but whoever dares to invade his territory, he will attack mercilessly and tear the opponent to pieces.

These two demigods are the type with outstanding attack power, flexible movements but lack of defensive power. Garald\'s tactic for them is to wander around the outer circle and not directly participate in frontal battles.


The loud crowing of the eagle in the sky attracted Goldrinn\'s attention. The eagle demigod On\'hara led his followers to block the evil bats and other air troops. The corpses of the demons in the sky were as follows under the attack of On\'hara Dumplings generally fall downwards.

The storm crow transformed by Malfurion has reached the sky above Cenarius at this time. The demigod of the forest is swaying his powerful natural power wantonly. Thick thorny vines rise from the ground, and the nearby demons are bound by these genuine tentacles. Be strict.


Malfurion made a turn in the air, landed on the ground and reappeared in human form.

Cenarius kept his hands on his hands, and glanced at the proud disciple with some doubts, "What\'s the matter, Malfurion, are the reinforcements here?"

Malfurion shook his head and said anxiously, "No, please listen to me, we may have fallen into the trap of the Burning Legion!"

Cenarius knew his disciple\'s character very well, and Malfurion was definitely not the kind of person who liked to spout nonsense without any basis.

"What trap? What\'s going on?"


Just when Malfurion was about to speak out his conjecture, a loud roar suddenly came from the side and rear of the long-stretched demigod army.

The surrounding primitive jungle fell down in pieces, as if some kind of ancient giant beast was rushing madly in the woods.

Green flames of evil energy shot out from the gradually thinning woods, and a cumbersome demon with airy back and wings rushed out of the forest, waving a huge two-handed sword in its hand, harvesting a lot of life from the soldiers behind the vanguard battalion.

"Weak demigod of Azeroth, face mighty Mannoroth! I will be your mourner."

"The whole army assault!"


Elite demon troops, mainly demon guards and doom guards, surged out from the forest behind the demigod army, UU reading www.uukanshu. com cut off the retreat of the demigods in a short period of time.

These ambush elites formed a siege with the demon colleagues who started to counterattack in front, firmly besieging the demigod army in this battlefield.

The senior demonic generals, who had never been seen before, each found their own targets, and the leading troops rushed into the weakly defended flanks of the demigods from behind. The ill-prepared rebels immediately suffered heavy casualties.

"That\'s too late…"

Malfurion looked pale at the tragedy happening in front of him, self-blame and remorse gnawed at his heart.

"Don\'t give up hope!"

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Cenarius immediately mobilized the power of nature in a wide area, and the activated natural energy shrouded the entire battlefield.

"Nature will heal our wounds, Serenity!"

The large-scale group healing technique temporarily stabilized the morale of the coalition forces. When the fastest responding demigods took the lead in counterattacking, the wounded within the influence of Tranquility could feel the rapid recovery of physical strength.


Seeing this scene, Mannoroth raised his hand and smashed a dryad into a meatloaf, pointing the double-headed spear at Cenarius.

"The weak will pin their hopes on healing, and the strong will only destroy, destroy, and destroy again!"

"Weak demigod, let me teach you what it means to be truly powerful!"

"Big words!"

Upon receiving the invitation from the abyss lord, Cenarius held his left hand, and the thorns and vines pulled all the bound demons into the ground and buried them alive.

"I\'d like to see how you filthy defilers can overcome the will of the forest and nature, and atone for your evil deeds!"

"The stars are falling!"