Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 30: biased intelligence

Aviana, the mother of all birds, is one of the wilderness demigods living in the holy mountain of Hyjal, and lives on the top of the tree of the mother of the world of Azeroth—Ganir.

According to the rumors, Aviana is the messenger sent by Elune to the material world. During the War of the Ancients, she traveled between demigods and mortal armies with unparalleled flying speed to deliver messages.

Andrea didn\'t know if this legend was true, and Elune never mentioned it to him, but in this world where there is a true god, he would rather believe in everything, at least not offend people by calling him another title.

Aviana flapped her snow-white wings slowly, and after feeling Andrea\'s respectful attitude, she nodded happily and said, "Hello, Andrea, are you a reinforcement from the rear camp? Why are you alone?"

Andrea, who was about to ask about Malfurion\'s whereabouts, was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn\'t understand what Aviana meant.

Seeing the blank expression of the golden eagle, Aviana\'s originally gentle expression gradually became serious.

"You didn\'t receive the notice I sent the children?"

"Notice? No."

Andrea seemed to have noticed something, and while answering Aviana\'s question, she raised her eyes to the frontline camp below.

In his guess, this pioneer camp where many demigods and their dependents gathered should be as lively as a wild animal park, but at this time the dense jungle is very quiet, abnormally quiet.

"Excuse me, please allow me to land first."

After apologizing to Aviana, the golden eagle descended into the woods, and Aviana followed closely behind with her mouth pursed.

Landing and changing back to the prototype of the night elf from the flying form, Andrea glanced around dignifiedly.

There were only a small number of night elf support soldiers and wounded soldiers left behind in the vanguard battalion, and none of the high-end combat forces such as demigods and Malfurion could be seen.

Combined with the information revealed by Aviana before, Andrea had a bad premonition in his heart.

"What\'s going on? Daying really didn\'t receive any news?"

Andrea rubbed the space between her brows with a headache, "Ms. Aviana, please explain the situation briefly. I suspect that the Burning Legion set a trap for the Vanguard."

When Andrea arrived at the frontline camp and began to understand the situation, more than 100 kilometers to the west of the camp, dust was flying up all over the sky with the shaking of the earth.

With several huge leaders leading the charge, a large group of "wild animals" howled and charged towards the demon front.

The first male creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a stag opened his hands and shouted, "Defiler of the forest, filthy demon! Feel the wrath of nature!"

A life-like turquoise light rose from his hands, and the surrounding forest seemed to hear the man\'s command.

The towering ancient trees pulled out their thick roots from the ground one after another, and gradually deformed and stood up amidst the rustling sound produced by the friction of the leaves.

These super-strengthened ancient treants swung their newly grown wooden arms and smashed heavily into the group of demons from top to bottom.


The powerful force caused the ground to vibrate for a short time. Taking advantage of these ancient war trees to attract and disturb the rhythm of the Burning Legion, a giant wild boar covered in purple runes and thorny vines rushed out from the back of the demigod position. It raised its head and let out a loud roar.

Using the two sharp fangs protruding from the corners of its mouth as weapons, the giant wild boar crashed into the Burning Legion\'s position like a heavy tank.

The powerful impact flew the large group of demons along the way into the air, and the thick pig\'s hooves followed and trampled them into a pulp without mercy.

Under the command of several eredar wizards, the Burning Legion focused on this lifeless wild boar, but their attacks seemed to be fruitless on the opponent, and even when they attacked in close quarters, they would even be hurt by the thorns wrapped around the wild boar. .

"Well done, Agamaggan!"

The two giant bears followed at a slightly slower speed. They rushed into the enemy formation along the gap opened by the wild boar demigod Agamaggan. With their tough fur and sharp claws, they expanded the gap in the formation of the Burning Legion from left to right.

The catastrophic scene disrupted the front line of the Burning Legion, but Archimonde, who was watching the battle from the Well of Eternity, still folded his hands calmly on his chest.

"Hmph~ Sure enough, it\'s here."

"Mannoroth, you will be the vanguard general, assisted by senior generals such as Makzaar, Kazloga, Haka and Kazak, kill them for me!"

Archimonde stretched out his blue fingers and scratched the whiskers on his chin, and said with a sinister smile, "As long as these demigods with the strongest combat power in Azeroth are killed, the remaining mortals will be nothing to fear." gone."

A giant four-legged demon similar in size to Agamaggan hammered its chest heavily, with a proud expression on its ferocious and ugly face.

"Please leave it to me, Lord Archimonde!"

Although the demigod army rushed into the enemy\'s formation with such force, Malfurion, who was commanding from the rear, felt an inexplicable sense of irritability at this time.

The mortal archdruid with green beard and hair turned into a purple storm crow, watching the battle ahead from the air.

"It\'s not right, the resistance of the Burning Legion is too weak, UU Reading They seem to be deliberately luring us into the depths of the battlefield."

Malfurion began to regret leaving Aviana in the frontline camp to support the main army. At this time, the demigods led their families to go deep into the enemy\'s line, and the connection between them became weaker and weaker.

This is the biggest disadvantage of demigods fighting together. Each demigod is full of pride and confidence in himself. They are unwilling to lower their stature and cooperate with other demigods. Most of the time they fight on their own.

Usually, when Garald was in command at the front, he would use the demigod messenger Aviana to convey further orders to the demigods who were charging into battle, but at this time Malfurion did not have this condition.

"Damn it, has worry about Tyrande clouded my calmness and reason?"

The storm crow that Malfurion had turned into flapped its wings angrily. At the same time as the sound of piercing the air was heard, he personally flew to the front line to deliver a message. The first target was his respected mentor, Cenarius.

Among the mortal legions of the Vanguard, a strange green-skinned creature and another short, red-haired man exchanged glances, and they both saw concern in each other\'s eyes.

The green-skinned man who combed his pale hair into a soaring ponytail asked hesitantly, "Ronin, did we fall into the trap of the Burning Legion?"

The red-haired man smiled wryly and spread his hands. "Although I don\'t want to admit it, it should be almost the same. Brooks, be mentally prepared, this battle will definitely be very difficult."


The old man named Brooks showed a ferocious fighting intent on his face. He carried the oak battle ax flowing with the power of nature on his shoulder and said excitedly, "It\'s just what I want. Maybe today is the one I\'ve been looking for for a long time. moment of glory."

"No... I don\'t think this battle should be a decisive battle. You should save some strength."