Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 27: Andrea's suggestion

The high priest Dijana is a gentle and loving person. She has a high prestige in the Elune Sisterhood because of her almost equal concern for everyone. However, her biggest shortcoming is that she is too indecisive, resulting in a lack of determination.

Although Maiev had long known about Tyrande, a rising star who had risen rapidly, before the hesitant Dijana took the initiative to tell the truth, the straight-tempered Maiev didn\'t think in that direction at all.

Including Maiev herself, most members of the Sisters of Elune agreed that she would be the next High Priest. However, Andrea\'s sudden news at this time made Maiev, who has always been resolute, inevitably appear. A momentary brain blank.

After going through the initial sluggishness, Maiev, who has a stronger personality, subconsciously developed strong dissatisfaction and resistance, but at the same time, she could also feel a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of her heart.

High Priest Dijana has been cultivating Maiev\'s quality in all aspects for many years. Except for her personality, which cannot be easily changed, Maiev already has all the qualifications to inherit the High Priest.

If the information revealed by Andrea is true, it means that what she has been studying so hard for so many years is meaningless. This kind of psychological gap will naturally make Maiev feel unconvinced.

"Is Elune hand-picked? Hehe..."

Maiev\'s personal emotional management in her youth was not bad. Although her mood was very complicated at this time, she took a few deep breaths and adjusted, and she quickly let herself recover from the previous shock.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Maiev signaled Andrea to continue, "Let\'s talk about this topic in private, let\'s get down to business first."

Andrea knew that Maiev must be feeling uncomfortable, so he followed Maiev\'s words and changed the topic again.

"Closer to the subject, it is impossible for me to disobey the oracle issued by the moon god. Before setting off for Highmountain, I must first find a way to rescue Ms. Tyrande."

Garrod, Fandral and the others nodded in agreement, "Since it was personally entrusted by the Moon Goddess, there is nothing I can do about it, it\'s just..."

Jarod rubbed his frowning brows, "Considering the continuous reinforcements from the Burning Legion, the Rebels really need support urgently."

"The only connection between the tauren and us is through the demigod Cenarius. It is most appropriate to arrange for the top leaders of the Druid sect to go. Others go... I am afraid that we will not be able to achieve our goal."

The Buffalo split due to disagreements can be roughly divided into three tribes. The tribe that moved to central Kalimdor and changed its name to the Tauren is the most peace-loving branch of the Buffalo.

The other group is also unwilling to participate in the disputes on the mainland. They chose the extremely cold storm cliffs in the north as their new homeland and changed their name to the Yak people from then on.

The last group is the most warlike tribe among the Yagol people. They still inherit the ancient name of the Yagol people and continue to live in Pandaria.

Due to frequent disputes with peaceful tribes such as Pandaren and Jinyu due to disagreement of ideas, the Yaungol finally left the Vale of Eternal Blossoms area at the core of Pandaria, and traveled westward to live on the Mantis Plateau outside Serpent\'s Spine.

Whenever the mantid of Pandaria invade the Serpent\'s Spine, the yaungol are the first to fight them, but that\'s exactly what the warlike yaungol want.

Andrea put his chin in his hand and thought for a while, "Well, the tauren at the foot of Mount Highmountain can be put aside for a while, and we will send another envoy to bypass Zin-Azshari and the holy mountain of Zandalar, and head to Pandaria in the south. , ask the local pandaren for help."

"Although the pandaren are also a peace-loving race, in the face of this world-class crisis, I believe they should be willing to help."

The only problem is that Andrea isn\'t sure what state Pandaria is in today.

If he remembers correctly, Pandaria at this point in time should be under the rule of Shaohao, the last pandaren emperor.

Shaohao\'s most famous feat is that he took the form of the mist, which enveloped the whole of Pandaria.

When the Great Sundering happened, the continent protected by the mist remained intact, but because of the cover of the mist, Pandaria was cut off from all contact with the outside world.

The only thing Andrea can remember is that Shaohao\'s incarnation of Mist was before the ancient Kalimdor split started, but he can\'t pinpoint the exact moment.

‘Although we can get through the difficulties smoothly according to the original historical development, if there is a chance, we should try our best to gamble and try to cause more damage to the Burning Legion. \'

Although the demons of the Burning Legion can be resurrected in the Twisting Nether after death, according to the law of energy conservation, it is impossible to resurrect these demons without consumption.

First of all, time is a resource that cannot be ignored. If it can cause more severe damage to the Burning Legion than the War of the Ancients in history, it will take longer for them to revive.

And this will buy more time for the surviving creatures in Azeroth to cultivate and thrive, and perhaps to some extent, it can also suppress the scale of the Sarty Rebellion that will inevitably follow.

Although the pandaren look naive, their fighting power is not weak at all.

Pandaria\'s unique monk profession not only helped the Pandaren coalition get rid of the enslavement of the Mogu, but also faced the invasion of the Zandalari trolls. When the Pandaren were at a disadvantage, they accidentally discovered a new partner to reverse the situation in one fell swoop.

That is the highly intelligent creature that has been friends with the Pandaren for generations—the Cloud Serpent.

Not to mention that Pandaria has four powerful demigods known as the Four Heavenly Gods. If they are allowed to join the battle against the Burning Legion, many demigods will encircle them. Andrea thinks that they may even have a chance to kill the Burning Legion. Archimonde, Commander-in-Chief of the Vanguard Army.

\'One-on-one demigods really can\'t beat you, but as long as you can persuade demigods to launch a joint attack, I don\'t believe you, Archimonde, can turn the world over. \'


The leader of the magic swordsmen, Wota Moonscar, nodded thoughtfully, "When you said that, I remembered, UU Reading In the past, there were indeed pandaren from Pandaria who went to the territory of the Dark Night Empire... wandering in the clouds ? At least that\'s what they said."

"Those Pandaren who visited Suramar and called themselves Lorewalkers had good fighting power and a humble attitude. The local people had a good impression of them, but they didn\'t stay in Suramar for too long. Let’s go on a cloud tour again.”

Andrea nodded and said, "The monk is a brand-new profession created by an amazingly talented pandaren under the inspiration of the four gods... that is, the four demigods. It is also the most mainstream combatant in Pandaria."

"If we can invite the four demigods from Pandaria to assist us, our confidence in defeating the Burning Legion will be much higher."

A surprised expression appeared on Garald\'s face. After all, he was a civilian officer relying on his innate military talent, and his knowledge reserve could not be compared with that of nobles who had received elite education since childhood.

"Four demigods? Andrea, are you sure?"


Andrea turned to look at Fandral, "Fandral, you should have heard about Cenarius, right?"


Fandral stroked his furry chin and added, "As I remember, they seem to be named White Tiger Xuen, Qinglong Yulong, Red Crane Chijing, and Black Bull Niuzao."

"However, Cenarius mentioned another point. The Four Heavenly Gods were severely wounded in the battle with a powerful mogu emperor named Thor. I don\'t know if they have recovered after many years."

Garald stood up from his seat and said decisively, "That\'s it. Before asking for the support of the tauren, let\'s send a special envoy to Pandaria, hoping to get the support of the four demigods and pandaren. "