Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 26: Maiev: MMP!

Today\'s ancient Kalimdor continent is still a whole, and Pandaria is located outside the southern border of the Night Empire, adjacent to the holy mountain of Zandazar, where the Zandalari trolls have lived for generations.

It\'s quite interesting to say that the territory of the Night Empire covers almost half of the ancient Kalimdor continent from east to west.

Even the frigid north took hold of the city of Shandarra, except for a large piece of territory to the south.

Of course, there is a reason for this. Under the leadership of Queen Azshara, the Night Empire fought a large-scale war with the trolls who once ruled the whole continent. In the end, the night elves who controlled the powerful arcane power won a big victory. end.

But Queen Azshara, who has always been strong, did not kill all the defeated trolls. She dismissed the level of civilization of the troll empire, thinking that this group of primitive monkeys could not pose a threat to the brilliant civilization of the Dark Night Empire.

After defeating the trolls by an overwhelming advantage, Azshara put on a high profile and forced the Zandalari tribe, the most noble among the troll tribes, to sue the night elves for peace.

Zandalari is the center of troll civilization. Although they were extremely angry at Azshara\'s contempt, the reality that the soldiers were approaching the city forced them to bow their heads.

In the end, under the begging gesture of Zandalari smashing teeth and swallowing blood, Azshara contemptuously agreed to their peace request, and left the Zandalar holy mountain that lived in the troll era to them as a charity. The two tribes have since delineated their respective boundaries.

Gudak, Zul\'Farrak, Zul\'Gurub, and the holy mountain of Zandalar, this is the territory left by the trolls, and the total area is less than one-third of their peak.

Due to the barrier of the holy mountains of Zandalar, Azshara did not explore further south to Pandaria.

Although the pandaren sent a special envoy to warn Azshara when she summoned the demons, the extremely confident queen did not take the pandaren\'s kind reminder seriously, and still insisted on walking on the road to death.

"Tauren and pandaren?"

Fandral said thoughtfully, "Leaving aside the pandaren, the tauren who have a close relationship with Cenarius should hope to ask them to help."

The ancestors of the Tauren, the Yaungol, appeared in the central wilderness thousands of years ago, and Lei Shen ruled the Mogu Empire at its peak.

Cenarius, the demigod of the forest, discovered this new race. During that period, he often stayed in the Yagol people\'s residence, and subtly spread his natural way to the Yagol people.

Tired of competing with the trolls for living space, the yaungol finally left the central wilderness unbearably, moved south to Pandaria, and were unfortunately enslaved by the mogu.

Until the various races headed by the Pandaren cooperate to overthrow the brutal rule of the Mogu, they have been shamefully lingering on as slaves.

The long period of enslavement caused the Buffalo to lose their original culture and history, and there were great differences of opinion among the free Buffalo tribes.

Some peace-loving and nature-loving buffalo hope to get back the glory and tradition of the past. They left the buffalo group in Pandaria and went north to find their roots. Finally, they were lucky enough to find Cenarius again and established a deep connection with this forest demigod. .

Today, this race that has been renamed the tauren lives under the high mountains in the central and eastern part of Kalimdor, adjacent to Valshara, and lives a peaceful and peaceful life.

"Although they have also received the influence of Cenarius, there is no one as stunning and brilliant as Malfurion Archdruid among the tauren. They only have a relatively primitive druid belief, and there is no official druid. Yi inheritance."

Fandral introduced to everyone present, "However, they accidentally developed a strange profession called shaman. Cenarius said that the way of shaman uses a strange power called elements."


Andrea was a little surprised, he didn\'t expect the tauren to have a shaman inheritance so early.

Jarod reached out his hand to stop the whispered discussions among the people present, "Fandral, are you sure you can persuade the tauren to send us support troops?"


Fandral scratched his head distressedly, "Although I really want to answer that you do, diplomacy is not my strong point, and I am now shouldering the heavy responsibility entrusted by my mentor, so I can\'t walk away casually."

"Theoretically speaking, the archdruid is the most suitable candidate, but right now he is focusing on rescuing the Whisperwind Priest who is trapped in the enemy\'s line, and Cenarius may not be able to leave."

Garrod frowned and continued to ask, "Where are the other high-ranking druids, Shaun? Koda? Renza?"

Fandral said with a wry smile, "They are all on the front line to assist the archdruids and demigods at the moment. The people in the middle army are all second-generation druids except me. I\'m afraid they don\'t have the money...huh? Wait! "

As Fandral looked at Andrea with piercing eyes, Garrod also had a flash of inspiration.


Andrea saw the shining eyes of the two, and the hairs all over his body suddenly stood on end. He had a bad feeling.

A friendly and friendly smile appeared on Garald\'s face, "Mr. Andrea, since you proposed this proposal, then you might as well go to Highmountain and try to ask the tauren to send reinforcements."

\'I knew it…\'

Scratching his head helplessly, Andrea said somewhat tangled, "It\'s fine, but I have to finish another job before I can go, and who should I send to the pandaren?"

"Another job?"

Garald asked puzzledly, "If it\'s convenient, can you tell us the content of the work? Although the current situation is fairly stable, it will certainly not be sustainable for a long time. We need to get the support of the new force as soon as possible."


Andrea glanced sideways at Maiev, UU Reading He didn\'t know whether he should tell Elune\'s entrustment, after all, this said that most of the high-level rebels would know about his Luna family identity.

Maiev closed her eyes and thought about it after receiving Andrea\'s questioning look.

"Andrea is right. He must first complete Elune\'s oracle, and the diplomatic work to visit Highmountain can only be postponed."

Maiev looked up at her younger brother Jarod. She was very pleased with the growth of this younger brother, but she still supported Andrea\'s opinion as far as the matter was concerned.

"If the situation is really serious, I suggest that someone else visit Highmountain."

Jarod knew her sister\'s temper, she was not a joker.

He and the top rebels in the tent looked at Andrea in surprise at the same time, "Oracle?"

"Is it Elune\'s oracle?"

Andrea shrugged and said, "Otherwise? There is only one true **** that the night elves believe in."

There was a flash of surprise in Jarod\'s eyes, and he glanced at Maiev quietly.

‘So that’s the case, no wonder Maiev proposed to let Andrea participate in the high-level meeting. \'

After thinking for a while, Jarod tentatively asked, "Can I ask the content of the oracle? If I can\'t reveal it, then fine."

Andrea nodded and said, "There\'s nothing I can\'t reveal. Elune hopes that I can help rescue Ms. Tyrande Whisperwind who is in trouble."

Glancing at Maiev with a complicated expression, Andrea hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to speak out.

"I don\'t know if the high priest Dijana, who is still in a coma, has mentioned before that the high priest of Whisper Wind is the next high priest appointed by the moon **** Elune, and at the same time, she is also Elune\'s family."

Maiev: "..."