Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 895: 897 release

Episode 895

Most of the Mo family know the identity of Tianming. Even, many people in the outside world are well aware that he is Jing Ke's son.

But the world only knew this, but did not think of his mother.

Tianming's mother is named Li Ji, the most beautiful woman. However, Yingzheng was courageous and took her away from Jing Ke and took it back to the Xianyang Qin Palace.

Perhaps, when Jing Ke stabbed King Qin, the pain that his beloved person was taken away may also account for a large part.

When Li Ji was recruited into the palace of Qin, Li Ji was pregnant with the dawn. And this little guy was chased and killed, now more than ten years old. Before this, what he experienced in the Qin palace, no one knows.

Even, Tianming didn't know about it.

A twelve-year-old child cannot remember anything, even if he is forgetful. During his life in the Qin Palace, it was only possible that his memory was forcibly erased.

And this is what Lin Tianyao thinks about. There are six souls of terror curse on Tianming, could this be the person who erased his memory at the beginning, and did it intentionally?

Almost in an instant, Lin Tianyao thought of the Great Magister. That guy erased the memory of Tianming, and also cast the Six Soul Horror Curse. What is his purpose?

If it were before this, Lin Tianyao thought that the other party meant to be in the light of day. But now, this question has to be rethought.

If it weren't for the Magister's hands and feet, Tianming could not be chased down by King Qin.

Perhaps many people think that Jing Ke stabbed King Qin, and King Qin angered Li Ji and her son. However, Li Ji has been in the palace for more than ten years. Will King Qin persecute her mother and son because of this?

This view is obviously unreasonable. So, the only possibility is that this is just a big lie!

The Great Magister used Jing Ke as a pretext to pierce King Qin, and then set off against Tianming's mother and son. Even, he controlled Tianming's escape with one hand.

This idea has thrived in Lin Tianyao's mind. Combined with the previous speculation, he could no longer contain it.

He came to this copy, and the place where he came was when Tianming escaped from the palace of Qin. If the Great Magister had expected his arrival, and then planned this conspiracy in advance, it was entirely possible.

Yan Dan said before that he sent Jing Ke to pierce King Qin, and did not mean to kill the other party. This point just proved Lin Tianyao's speculation.

Jing Ke was only intimidating, but he did not kill King Qin. He could endure his wife's hatred. In this way, King Qin is not in danger of life, why is he so angry, even dealing with Li Ji mother and son?

In the mind of Yingzheng, he is definitely not a fool. Ability to annex the Six Kingdoms, his intelligence is absolutely rare in the world. He will never fail to see Jing Ke's intentions. Even if he may be scared at that time, he will definitely consider it afterwards.

If this guess is confirmed, Lin Tianyao's situation will become even worse.

The evidence for this reasoning is now in Tianming. Lifting the Six Soul Horror Curse is likely to restore his memory. After that event, everything that the Great Magister had done before can be clearly known.

With such a thought, Lin Tianyao found another problem. If the Great Magister personally cast Six Soul Horror on Tian Ming to seal Tian Ming’s memory, instead of trying to control this little guy as a hostage, would his plan also change direction differently?

In other words, did he also regard Tianming's memory as an ambush and lead Lin Tianyao into the next trap?

After a wave of waves, Lin Tianyao's forehead began to show sweat beads. The plan of the Great Magister is true and false, and it is really difficult for him to distinguish clearly for a while.

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will be a tiger. Since you have done so many conspiracies and tricks, then I'll just count them!"

Lin Tianyao secretly decided. Since the Great Magister likes to play dumb puzzles with him, then he will just have a hard confrontation with the other party and go down the plan. How big a wave can he make?

Immediately, Lin Tianyao took Tianming to a hilltop outside the organ city. After letting Tianming sit on the ground, he started to work.

He has golden blood vessels in his body, and positive exercises dominate. If it is adjusted by itself, it takes a lot of internal force. Now it was dark outside, and the moonlight was negative, just to neutralize it.

According to the trend of the Sancai array method, Lin Tianyao exploded the internal force in his body, and then sketched a small array.

After wrapping Tianming in it, he began to run the internal force according to Taoism's mentality, and began to explore the past toward Tianming's body.

The curse of the Six Soul Horror Curse is on Tianming's neck. The moment when the curse seal broke out, it directly occupied his brain.

Fortunately, the power of the spell mark was suppressed intact before, and all the energy was hidden in the spell mark.

Lin Tianyao compressed the sketched array so that it was about the size of Tianming Neck Mountain's mantra, he suddenly reached out and pressed the array into Tianming's neck.

After the array entered Tianming's body, he directly wrapped the spell mark of the Six Soul Horrors.

This behavior directly inspired the curse again, and the powerful magic energy in it suddenly burst out, and began to stretch along the blood vessels of the dawn.

But with the package of the array, it seems to form a seal of a range, no matter how the energy in the spell is exploded, it cannot be broken through.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but sneered: "It's just a little bit of energy, and it can still be so noisy. Magister, you still have to work hard!"

After saying this, Lin Tianyao's hand went off instantly and slapped on Tianming's neck. As he photographed in the palm of his hand, the curse of the Six Soul Horror Curse instantly shattered, and then turned into a black magic energy.

The magical energy was wrapped in it by the array, as if it were an earthworm covered by a glass basin, no matter how troublesome it was. ....