Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 894: 896 amazing

Episode 894

After getting the cheats of Xiaoyaozi's Sancai Formation, Lin Tianyao started to realize it. This level of practice is simply a piece of cake in his eyes.

Everything in the world, Yin and Yang. The Taoist mentality of Xiaoyaozi is actually the primitive force between heaven and earth. And this power is actually very similar to Lin Tianyao's internal force.

Lin Tianyao's internal force has been analyzed before, and it contains many kinds of elements, even the magic energy belongs to it. Various reasons actually have a lot to do with so many copies he has experienced.

The different copies of his passing, in which the setting of the world is different, the cultivation methods and methods are also different. So let his internal force mix these different energies.

Now we need to understand the three-talented formation method. In fact, the cultivation of internal force has been achieved. What we need to learn is just the method of spell-casting.

Things got settled, and Lin Tianyao didn't need to stay any longer. The next step is to hurry back to the Mo family to save Tianming, and then go to Yin and Yang's house to conquer the group.

Seeing that he was going to leave, Xiaoyao Zi could not help but want to ask: "Lin Shaoxia, where are you going?"

Lin Tianyao glanced at him and said, "Where can I go, of course, to the Mo's? I'm still rushing to save people!"

Xiaoyao Zi said with surprise: "It takes a few days to go from the Canyue Valley to the organ city, and it will take a few days to say less. It will inevitably be discovered by someone in the middle of the night."

He was so careful, and not without reason. After all, although the Qin army had withdrawn its large troops, it was necessary to detect the whistle. Moreover, in the mind of the Great Magister, he will definitely make people pay attention to it.

However, Lin Tianyao used the technique of flying Thunder God, even if the Great Magister came in person, he did not want to see a trace of it. Therefore, there is no need to worry about these.

He didn't answer Xiaoyaozi, didn't even say anything, and walked directly towards Yan Dan.

After eating a closed door soup, Xiaoyaozi didn't know what to do for a while. He turned his eyes to Yan Dan, and there was a deep color of inquiry in his expression, many of which were mixed with anxiety.

Yan Dan shrugged to him, then quietly pointed to Lin Tianyao, and then stopped talking.

Xiaoyaozi fell into wonder for a while, he could not understand what Yan Dan's gesture contained.

At this moment, he seemed to feel very light, as if he was caught by someone. Then, his body could not move, and he felt like he was stuck on the mountain wall before.

"this is……"

The same trick, Xiaoyaozi thought Lin Tianyao almost without any doubt. But before he could speak, he found that his eyes were dark, and then the scene changed rapidly, and his eyes were blurred.

From that occasional pause, he was able to see the mountains and the lake. From these iconic things, he felt a familiar feeling. Finally, when he saw Jinghu Medical Village, he was completely dumbfounded.

Xiaoyaozi couldn't understand what was going on. He could only feel that he was being caught, but he could not see Lin Tianyao and Yan Dan. But the flashing scene told him that he was moving now.

After an hour, Lin Tianyao returned to the entrance of the organ city. Looking at the stone wall engraved with the five big characters of "Mojia Organ City" in front of him, Xiaoyaozi was completely ashamed.

He suddenly had a feeling of wanting to dizzy in the past. If it wasn't for the clear perception of fighting Lin Tianyao before, he even thought he was dreaming.

"This... what the **** is going on, how can I appear in the organ city?" Xiao Yaozi looked at his hands inexplicably and asked in a low voice.

Yan Dan came over and patted his shoulder and said, "Brother Xiaoyaozi, please swallow your curiosity into your belly. When you get along with Lin Shaoxia for a while, these will be strange!"

Since returning to his old place, Lin Tianyao called Yan Dan: "You take Xiaoyaozi to the meeting hall, and call everyone else. By the way, I will cure Tianming and go to you."

After talking, Lin Tianyao's body disappeared at the entrance of the organ city.

"This, this is simply a miracle!" Xiao Yaozi looked at the position where Lin Tianyao had disappeared and murmured to himself.

Lin Tianyao appeared again, already at the door of Duan Murong's room. With her medical fairy taking care of Tianming, the boy's body should be able to recover quickly.

Pushing the door open, he saw Duan Murong at a glance. The other party is lying on the bed and taking a nap. Obviously, this time is indeed a bit tired.

Without waking her up, Lin Tianyao walked in lightly, then walked to the bed, took off his coat and covered Duan Murong's body, and then came forward to wake Tianming.

The little guy was hurt by the outbreak of the Six Soul Horror Curse, which is still a little weak. Was awakened by Lin Tianyao, who was about to speak, and the latter made a boo gesture in a hurry.

"Don't talk, let your sister Rong sleep for a while."

Having finished speaking, he picked up Tianming and walked towards the outside.

"Brother Lin, where are you going to take me so late?" Tianming's weak, pale face was puzzled, and he didn't know what Lin Tianyao wanted to do.

Lin Tianyao smiled at him slightly: "I have found a way to lift the Six Soul Horror Curse for you. If you get rid of this trouble, you can relax."

Tianming also heard of the outbreak of the curse seal. Before then, no one knew of the Six Soul Horrors in him.

Now that I have heard the news, the little guy still feels a little uneasy. But he is not afraid because Lin Tianyao is here. On the contrary, he is now confused with anger, who is the one who hurts him.

Almost subconsciously, what Tianming thinks of is Yingzheng. He was hunted down all the way, but it was all because of the high Qin King.

"Brother Lin, wait for you to cure me, I must kill the dog thief of Yingzheng. I have no injustice with him, he even hurt me like this." Tianming gritted his teeth and looked angry.

Lin Tianyao looked at his eyes and said seriously: "Relax, I will definitely give you this opportunity."

In fact, before saying this again, Lin Tianyao thought of another thing. ....