Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 876: 878 Cozy

Episode 876

If the non-attack at that time was really taken by the Great Magister, Lin Tianyao might not be able to keep Tianming with the help of the Six Souls.

It has to be said that this series of strategies of the Grand Magister actually uses incomparable coherence. Every plan links one by one.

In fact, when Lin Tianyao chose to alienate from the Mohists, there are some reasons for this.

If Lin Tianyao did not appear at that time, Donghuang Taiyi would not choose to **** non-attacks in that direct way, or even hide the chip of Yan Dan.

Greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, he thought he won the non-attack, leaving Yan Dan as a chip for later use. Unexpectedly, this precisely contributed to their defeat.

Although Lin Tianyao knew the existence of the Six Soul Horror Curse, he could not easily get rid of it. In this regard, it is also because he wanted to give the Great Magister a deliberate opportunity to find a way to fight back.

The second point is that the Six Soul Horror Curse is beyond the scope of ordinary magic. As a banned curse of the Yin-Yang family, Lin Tianyao cannot easily crack this kind of curse.

If it is forcibly lifted, the result will be the same as the elimination of fetal poison on Mo Qilin's face.

Moreover, Tianming said that compared with Mo Qilin, he didn't have a little internal force and could easily get out of the way.

In that critical situation at that time, Lin Tianyao did not dare to take this risk easily.

If he is allowed to use his own power to help Tianming now, he still can't do it, because he will go to Songhai City and consume himself. It is absolutely not allowed to happen at this time.

But this time, there was a chance. Because Emperor Dongyi fell into Lin Tianyao's hands.

It would be appropriate for him to start to lift Tian Ming's spell mark.

If the mantra is not touched for a day, it will become a hidden danger in the future.

Halfway through, Lin Tianyao suddenly turned to the forbidden area, which made Mo Qilin and Duan Murong feel a little strange.

Duan Murong was most surprised. She had already thought about it. She was about to go back and massage Lin Tianyao. Why did he suddenly turn his temper?

No man can resist the beauty service, Duan Murong is very clear. She even began to wonder if Lin Tianyao was still keen on her. The previous teasing was just a forgiveness on the surface.

"No more thinking!" Lin Tianyao smiled at the two women as they passed by, "I suddenly remembered that there was one more important thing to do."

"Where are you going?"

Almost at the same time, Mo Qilin and Duan Murong asked in unison.

Lin Tianyao narrowed his eyes, Xie Xie smiled and said, "Go to the Mo's Forbidden Land!"

Hearing this, Duan Murong and Mo Qilin were both a little puzzled. Didn’t Lin Tianyao go to the forbidden land to get a non-attack?

Seeing that they didn't understand, Lin Tianyao was too lazy to explain, and when they got there, they naturally understood.

As he walked, he said, "Lin'er, you can let Xiao Gao take Dong Huang Taiyi to the gate of the forbidden ground, I will use it later."

Mo Qilin nodded and turned away. Before she left, she blinked at Duan Murong. Obviously, she thought Lin Tianyao intentionally broke her off, and then whispered something to Duan Murong.

Duan Murong didn't think so. She looked down at Lin Tianyao with a shy face on her face and looked down at Lin Tianyao as if waiting for the other party's opening speech.

Lin Tianyao knew what she was thinking about. He stepped forward and put his arms around Duan Murong's slender waist, pulling her closer.

He leaned up, pressed his face against Duan Murong's side, and then sighed softly next to her ear. He said softly, "Xiao Rong, it's not time for rest yet. I still have a lot of things to do, you Understand?"

Gentle breathing made Duan Murong's ears tickle for a while. Her ears suddenly turned red until she reached the neck.

The unrewarded virginity is really too sensitive. A little stimulation made her react so intensely.

Such intimate movements, so gentle breathing, Duan Murong was a little confused for a while. She could not even hear Lin Tianyao say anything, as if there was a little rabbit fluttering in her heart.


She agreed softly, and her body softened completely, falling into Lin Tianyao's arms.

No one was like jade in his arms. The soft body and the scent from his nose made him feel a little tempted.

If it wasn't for the **** magus who inserted a bar horizontally, just like the **** stick, it made the situation so tense, why should Lin Tianyao be so troubled now?

Duan Murong and Mo Qilin should have become meat in his bowl. But now the situation is forced, he has no time to take care of these.

Despite the commotion in his heart, Lin Tianyao had to endure it.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Tianyao gently pushed away the beauty in her arms, then turned around and left.

But the moment he moved, he found that Duan Murong gently moved over, and put his tender little hand into his wide palm.

Lin Tianyao glanced at her, and from her eyes, she saw a dependence, an irresistible coyness.

Often showing people with cold faces, Duan Murong has such a small woman's appearance, it is also rare.

From her hand, Lin Tianyao could feel the slight tremor.

Thinking carefully in his heart, Duan Murong had too much burden these days. No matter how strong she is in appearance and perseverance in her heart, she is always a daughter's house.

This time, the Mohists faced great difficulties, and she suffered enough.

"From now on, leave everything to me. Just stay behind me and wait for victory!"

After that, Lin Tianyao took her hand and walked towards the entrance of the forbidden area.

After the two arrived, Gao Jianli and Mo Qilin had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Lin Tianyao and Duan Murong's intimate movements, the two of them consciously looked away.

And beside them, among the skulls of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, in the deep eyes, a pair of ghost fire flashed and disappeared.

This guy, after being played by Lin Tianyao as a ball, seemed to leave a shadow in his heart, and he dare not face it now.
