Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 875: 877 Six Soul Terror Curse

875 877 Six Souls Terror Curse

Mo Qilin asked, Duan Murong's face suddenly turned into a big apple.

Lin Tianyao showed such a smile, it is clear that she has forgiven her. And when he used to be like this, the meaning in it was obvious.

Thinking of the words massage, you can't help Du Rong not feeling shy. This kind of intimate contact between men and women is no different from that of husband and wife.

Although the face is shy, Duan Murong's heart is still very beautiful. She is already Lin Tianyao's woman. The previous contradiction has been resolved, and the two have returned to good. A little bit of shyness is nothing.

Mo Qilin's gaze wandered back and forth between Lin Tianyao and Duan Murong's faces, and she finally understood. There must be some unspeakable privacy between the two.

Knowing in her heart, she didn't talk about it, just secretly chuckled aside.

Lin Tianyao saw this, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Mo Qilin with a smile: "Little girl, what are you snickering there? Do you feel curious, why is your sister Rong blushing?"

Mo Qilin heard this, and then he shook his head again and again, "No, I don't know, I'm not curious!"

This little girl's childish and weak explanation can be seen by anyone.

Seeing Lin Tianyao bullying Mo Qilin, Duan Murong hurriedly reached out and pulled her behind to hide. Then he stood tall on the high chest: "Tianyao, with me, I will not allow you to bully her."

Lin Tianyao almost stayed, and in a blink of an eye, the two little rivals who jealous of each other became sisters? Is this change too great?

After teasing with the two girls, Lin Tianyao's originally depressed nerves were relieved.

The Great Magister is now seriously injured by him. Even if he escaped with the puppet, he needs time to recover in a short time.

As long as the remaining forces of the Six Kingdoms, as long as Chu Xiongxin's grandson Xiongxin can respond and integrate other forces, at least he has a certain military strength.

On this basis, at present, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, according to historical records, they have not yet become a climate, even if found, it may not be a major event.

Moreover, with the current background of the copy world, Ying Zheng has not yet ushered in a period of weakness. The son's prestige for Fusu is quite high.

In history, the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang was also under the banner of Fusu.

This time, Lin Tianyao was no longer simply using his own strength to lead the uprising army against the regime. If he didn't have a certain understanding of history, he really didn't know how to go in the next step.

In fact, in the dialogue between Fang Cai, Yan Dan lied to Lin Tianyao, a big lie.

This lie is what he called unity. In fact, Lin Tianyao can clearly see that this union was indeed conceived by Yan Dan, but did not succeed afterwards.

If this is not successful, it is not that there is no chance at all, but because of certain conditions, they cannot join together.

The reason why Lin Tianyao discovered this point can be seen clearly from Yan Dan's situation. If they united, the Mo family encountered such a big dilemma, why did they not have many other forces, did not send one soldier and one soldier to help, and even let Yan Dan rush back alone.

This point, in fact, needless to say, most smart people are clear.

When Yan Dan said this at the time, Lin Tianyao did not wear it out. The specific reason was that both of them had concerns.

Right now after the war, this news can be said to have a vital role in appeasing people's hearts.

And Lin Tianyao issued the following order. The main purpose of his next trip to Songhai City was for him to be a lobbyist.

Today, there are hundreds of schools, among which the really powerful ones are Taoism, Confucianism, Yin-Yang and even Mo.

Among the four forces, the Yin Yang and Taoist masters are like clouds, while the Mo School is good at organ art, and the Confucian is better at power art.

Whether it is a soldier or a legalist, almost at the beginning, the essence of Confucianism is obtained.

In this place, Confucianism played the role of an enlightener.

Nowadays, the main force that wants to deal with the Yin-Yang family is Taoism. As long as they are brought to their own camp, all problems can be solved.

In this war, Lin Tianyao and the Magister Magus, their two anti-celestial existence, can not participate too much.

On the contrary, the two of them are in a state of containment.

Today, the two sides have been fighting privately, which has involved a number of dogfights.

This seems to be playing a control game. Both Lin Tianyao and the Magus are playing the role of players.

And today many forces are two pieces. Only by holding more pieces in their hands and manipulating them to play against each other, the winning side is the final winner.

This is the key to Lin Tianyao's decision to go to Songhai City. Confucianism is now in Songhai City, and Yingzheng East Tour also has to pass through this key place.

Although the Taoists lived in seclusion, they could not be alone in the impending chaos in the world.

Based on Lin Tianyao's understanding of Qin Shimingyue, the Taoist in charge of Xiaoyaozi has no affection for Qin. On the contrary, he is also on the side of the resistance.

But before going to Songhai City, Lin Tianyao has one more thing to do.

This problem has actually troubled him all the time. He was even thankful that the Great Magister had not thought about that before. If not, he grabbed the handle and Lin Tianyao would never win this battle so easily.

The key issue is dawn.

Tianming's six-soul terror curse, he has not erupted now, so no one else found.

But this point, Donghuang Taiyi is absolutely aware of it. As a mantra of Yin and Yang, he must have sensed it early in the morning.

It is a pity that this time they attacked the Mojia government city, and their plan ended in failure at the first step. This key hole card they didn't use. ....