Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 871: 873 Mojia Giant

871 Chapter 873

After that, Lin Tianyao threw it away and threw the head of Donghuang Taiyi directly.

After the head hit the wall, it bounced back and fell back again. Lin Tianyao jumped slightly, took it in his hand, and threw it out again.

So back and forth, there is no intention of stopping. Lin Tianyao seems to be addicted to playing, and never tire of it.

The head was thrown around like this, and Donghuang Taiyi's scolding never stopped. He screamed: "Lin Tianyao, you stop me, I will kill you!"

No matter how he rebelled against the remarks, Lin Tianyao didn't care at all.

Finally, in another collision, there was a "creak" sound in the head of Donghuang Taiyi. Although the sound was very slight, everyone could hear it clearly.

All the Mo disciples were dumbfounded. What is Lin Tianyao doing? It's okay to play with the dead head. What kind of vulgar fun is this? What's even more bizarre is that this dead man can still talk, and he's really seen a ghost in the daytime, or so many people are watching!

"Don't lose it anymore, my head is cracked!"

Emperor Dongyi knew that it would be completely impossible to continue to use a fierce tone. He is now the fish on the cutting board, and only Lin Tianyao's slaughter is allowed.

He finally begged for mercy. Lin Tianyao reached out and grabbed his head and asked softly, "What's wrong, you also know what it means to be afraid? The head is smashed and your soul is nowhere to be contained?"

Necromancers are all dead, but they must have an original part of the body to hold the soul. Every necromancer has a different choice, some are hands and feet, some are ribs.

Donghuang Taiyi's current head is his only place to stay. If the skull shatters, his soul will lose its dependence and eventually dissipate in the air.

Lin Tianyao saw the fatal weakness, and the Emperor Taiyi finally softened. He begged for mercy: "Lin Daxia, you let me go. I'm just a chess piece of the ancestor. Just let me go, let me Anything can be done!"

Lin Tianyao snorted with disdain: "Just like you, and want to follow me? You are my servant, that is an insult to me!"

After throwing it away, throwing the head of Emperor Dongyi on the ground, Lin Tianyao stepped on it and said: "If you know, you will speed up, and let the Mojia giant come out. Otherwise, if I step on it, you will wait. Die!"

The Emperor Dongyi screamed: "Lord Lin, I have a skull now. Where else can I hide the Mojia giant? Don't embarrass me, I really don't know!"


Lin Tianya's feet suddenly stepped on, and the voice of creaking came from Donghuang Taiyi's skull.

This sound made people feel a creepy feeling, which can be heard from the sound alone, and the skull is definitely covered with cracks. If you try so hard, the skull of Donghuang Taiyi will be completely broken!

"Don't step on it, I'll do it, can't I do it?"

Faced with the threat of death, Emperor Dongyi finally compromised. He screamed again and again, fearing that Lin Tianyao would step out of his foot and crush him.

Hearing the promise, Lin Tianyao moved his foot away and said, "Isn't it going to be done if I cooperate so early? It's all for this part, and I want to bargain with me."

Donghuang Taiyi voiced aggrievedly: "Da Lin, I just want to find a life chance. If I hand over the Mojia giant, can you kill me?"

"Do you think you still have bargaining capital?" Lin Tianyao snorted and kicked his head out with his foot raised.

Before playing basketball, this time playing football!

In this copy world, Lin Tianyao found an entertainment method similar to the real world.

He is still really reluctant to kill the Emperor Tai Yi. It's okay to get his head down to play football, this is a good choice.

Knowing that there is no capital for any negotiations, the Emperor Tai Yi seems to have also accepted his fate. He is now obedient to Lin Tianyao, the other party is in a good mood, and may forgive him.

Suddenly, the head of Emperor Donghuang flew away. Something that seemed to be out of control was instantly controlled.

After the head floated, the black robe in the prison car suddenly moved, flew out of it, and merged with his head.

The body became complete again, and the Emperor Dong reached out his hands one by one, and suddenly a light blue magic circle appeared beside him.

Seeing this situation, many Mo disciples stood up. Obviously, they thought Donghuang Taiyi was going to fight back.

At this time, Lin Tianyao waved to them: "Don't move, if you want the Mojia giant to come back, just give me the truth!"

Lin Tianyao said so, everyone instantly felt at ease. How can he still use the head of Donghuang Taiyi as a kick?

After the appearance of the light blue magic circle, the Emperor Dongyi produced a handprint. At the next moment, a figure appeared slowly in the magic circle.


The Emperor Donghuang sipped, and the figure in the magic circle suddenly solidified. As people appear, the magic circle disappears.

"Giant, this is his old man!"

As soon as this person appeared, all Mo disciples boiled.

The giant of the Mo family wore black cloth and a hat on his head, as if he were a neatly dressed fisherman.

He looked a bit dazedly around, and then listened to the call of the Mo disciples, then he realized where he was now.

"Am I... dreaming or dead?"

The Mojia giant whispered in wonder.

Master Class and others wept with joy, and could not care about anything else. They rushed over and surrounded the giant in the middle and said: "Giant, you can be considered to be back. We all thought we would never see your old man again.

Everyone's lip service made the Mojia giant finally react. He asked in a hurry: "What's the matter, am I not caught by the Yin Yang family, how can it appear in the Mo family?"

While speaking, the giant of the Mo family suddenly saw Lin Tianyao outside the crowd.

At this moment, he finally understood. ....