Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 870: 872 want to play basketball

Chapter 870: 872 Want to Play Basketball

Lin Tianyao now speaks with a gesture that will never be rebellious. These Mo disciples, he has no time to play psychological communication with them.

Either surrender or die! This is the last order! The Great Magister has already begun to act, and the situation is urgent.

Master Class and others glanced at each other, then nodded at the same time. They once again bowed to the big ceremony and shouted to Lin Tianyao: "I will wait for you to return, Master Lin, you will order it!"

What Lin Tianyao heard was the unified resignation of everyone. But he still saw a little helplessness in the eyes of Master Class and others.

This helplessness was not because they were forced by Lin Tianyao's strength and had to obey, but because they still had concerns or knots in their hearts.

So worried, even if they didn't say it, Lin Tianyao was very clear. Their knot is the giant of the Mo family!

Lin Tianyao had promised them before that he would bring the Mo family giant back, but it was a pity. With his skill in strategizing, such a guarantee can never go wrong, at least, Mo disciples think so.

And now, he really has his words. The giants of the Mo family did not find them. Instead, they led the Mo family with a commanding attitude. They will inevitably have some wild guesses in their hearts. Perhaps it was Lin Tianyao who deliberately killed the Mohist giant and replaced it.

If Lin Tianyao really passed the test of the forbidden land and returned completely, he still really has such a qualification. With Duan Murong, his identity is also the son-in-law of the Mo family

But, he got out after getting the non-attack. The relationship with Duan Murong is now in a state of anxiety, such a series, unclear, unknown.

If you want to completely conquer these people, it is absolutely impossible for them to have a knot in their hearts. Lin Tianyao will naturally not let them have such worries, resulting in unnatural behavior in the future.

As for whether the giant of the Mo family lives or dies, wherever he is, he actually has a long eye.

At the time Wei Zhuang failed, the Emperor Dong fled as soon as he caught the giant Mo. In less than a day, he brought the Grand Magister back to the scene.

The approach from the first emperor of the Eastern Emperor, and the style of the great magister, all show their attitude. The main purpose is to negotiate.

Since the negotiations, they will inevitably carry chips. When Donghuang Taiyi negotiated with the Mo family, it must have been holding this in mind. It's a pity that Lin Tianyao was not there at the time, so he started directly.

This is also for convenience, on the other hand, it is to save the chips.

Without Lin Tianyao's backing, Donghuang Taiyi is enough to crush all the Mohists. Moreover, a giant might be able to swap out non-attacks, but the Grand Magister needs three Tianming.

Therefore, the only bargaining chip of the Mojia giant might be to exchange the Tianming three after Lin Tianyao appeared.

It is a pity that after Lin Tianyao appeared at that time, he directly robbed the non-attack, and even nearly killed the Emperor Tai Huang. The situation suddenly became rampant, and the negotiations naturally lost their due necessity. So, the Mojia giant is now definitely in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi!

However, after the battle between Lin Tianyao and the Great Magister, the Emperor Donghuang basically didn't care about it. So he doesn't know where that guy is hiding now.

But one thing is certain, he was hit to such a degree that it is absolutely impossible for him to escape, and now people must be still in the organ city.

Thinking, Lin Tianyao shouted to them: "Have anyone seen Donghuang Taiyi?"

"Da Lin, Emperor Dongyi is **** by us!"

Gao Jianli raised his head and responded to Lin Tianyao, then made a wink at the Mo disciple behind him.

The few disciples realized, got up and ran out. It didn't take long for him to push a prison car back, and it was Donghuang Taiyi who was bound by the shackles.

It seems that Lin Tianyao was hurt to the soul by that blow, and now the Emperor Taiyi is in a state of weakness. It's as if a tree has lost its roots and has no nutrients.

Unexpectedly, these Mo disciples still had some brains and knew to catch people. This also saves Lin Tianyao's effort to catch people.

Nodding with satisfaction, Lin Tianyao pointed to Emperor Dong Huang: "You still have scruples about me now, but nothing more than worrying that I will take over the Mohist giant. But I have told you long ago that my Lin Tian Yao will never say anything!"

After finishing this sentence, Lin Tianyao directly took off the thunder god's art, and his body appeared beside the prison car in an instant.

Then he reached into the prison car and held up the chin of Emperor Donghuang. "The Great Magister has been ran away by me. Do you still want to persevere? If you know you, quickly hand over the Mojia giant, don't let me do it!"

The Emperor Donghuang looked at Lin Tianyao's eyes with a sacred look, and sneered, "The ancestor and his old man just have plans for the next step. Do you think he will really lose to you? Stop dreaming!"

"Stubbornness does not work!" Lin Tianyao snorted and grabbed Donghuang Taiyi's head directly, as if grabbing a basketball, grabbing his head.

Then, in a burst of exclamation, he twitched it violently, and directly screwed down the head of Donghuang Taiyi.

Such a beheading alive, so that some timid Mo disciples could not help but turned their heads. Obviously, in their imagination, this is a **** scene.

But this was not the case. After Lin Tianyao unscrewed Dong Huang Taiyi's head, his robe instantly lost its support, as if the ball was deflated and scattered on the ground.

"Damn Lin Tianyao, what else do you want!"

Dong Huang Taiyi's head was pinched in the hand by Lin Tianyao, his eyes flashed with spooky fire, and there was still a curse in his mouth.

The necromancer, except for the soul, has become dead. And their soul is kept in the head. To be precise, the Emperor Taiyi is now, the only body is this skull wrapped in black cloth!

Still throwing his head in the hand like a ball, Lin Tianyao said: "Actually nothing, just want to play basketball!"...