Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 838: 840 forced you to show up

838 840 Force you to show up

Such naked contempt and insult made Donghuang Taiyi's heart almost explode.

The previous battle in the camp had made him suffocated. Although he was clear in his heart, Lin Tianyao's strength was not something he could match. But even so, such a face-slap still annoys him.

What about poor strength? When it comes to dignity and face, that is what you have to protect even when you are dead. This is the bottom line of being a person.

"Damn Lin Tianyao, I'm going to kill you!"

The Emperor Dong Huang gave a big roar, ignoring the strength gap, and suddenly rushed towards Lin Tianyao.

As he rushed over, his hands were clung to his chest, and the light blue internal force surged wildly, forming a vitality bomb in his arms.

This trick is formed by compressing internal force. The effect of the explosion is similar to a bomb. Only its power is greater, and it will not cause harm to the exhibitor itself.

If a bomb is smashed in this way, it is naturally a desperate means of losing both sides. However, this vitality bomb did not damage Donghuang Taiyi itself, so it became a very powerful close-up attack.

Seeing him so crazy, everyone around him gasped.

The vitality bomb in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi, the power contained in them, they can clearly feel it so far away. If such power erupts in close quarters, it will definitely cause incalculable consequences.

"Earthworm shakes the tree and can't help it!"

Lin Tianyao saw him so boldly rushed over desperately, his mouth even colder. After he whispered in a low voice, the next moment, his body had disappeared.

Flying Thunder God!

Almost at the same time that he disappeared, his body appeared in front of Donghuang Taiyi.

Such a sudden change gave Dong Huang Taiyi almost no time to consider. Seeing Lin Tianyao appear in front of him, his first subconscious action was to smash the vitality bomb out.

But at the moment when he was born, the change happened. His body seemed not to listen to his orders, and he could not move at all.

Immediately after that, Emperor Dongyi felt a tingling in his heart. The pain was so deep that he couldn't contain it.

Under severe pain, he made a scream. The sound was so loud that it shook the sky.

In the middle of his heart, Lin Tianyao's arm was already inserted firmly.

After the last battle with Emperor Donghuang, Lin Tianyao already understood the principle of this guy's body structure.

It is better to say that Emperor Taiyi is an individual, rather than a necromancer.

Because when Lin Tianyao cut off his arms, he turned into black gas and returned to his body, and then completed the regeneration. In this case, only Necromancer will have it.

The body of the Necromancer is to form a half-dead and half-lived free form by practicing death. Under this circumstance, his body will gradually be transformed into death.

As long as the lifelessness does not disappear, and then reunited, you can continue to condense your body.

This guy, because he was masked and covered his body with a big robe, was not willing to let people see his true face.

For dead energy, the nemesis born that day is naturally the most positive thing. Lin Tianyao is pregnant with golden blood, and that golden flame is the ultimate nemesis of death!

Just before Lin Tianyao put his hand into Donghuang Taiyi's heart, Jin Wuyan erupted with his palm.

Jin Wuyan burned in the body, how can this emperor Dongyi Tai bear it?

His body has become dead, and he has no sense of ordinary harm. If you want to hurt him, you must start with the soul. The burning of Jin Wuyan is the best weapon for the destruction of the soul.

"How about, do you feel very cool, very hi?"

Lin Tianyao urged Jin Wuyan to burn Taihuang Taiyi slowly, sneered, and said in a very kind tone.

And it was precisely this tone that made Dong Huang Taiyi see the threat of death. At this time, the more ordinary people are, the more dangerous they are.

Eastern Emperor Taiyi wanted to resist, but the kind of pain that his soul was burned by Jin Wuyan made him lose almost all his ability to act. You can't even give simple movement instructions to your body.

Being completely controlled by Lin Tianyao, Dong Huang was too desperate. Knowing that there was no way to escape, he shouted towards the sky: "Ah! Ancestor, save me!"

As his cry came out, the clear blue sky in the sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds. At the next moment, lightning began to appear in the sky, and in the thunder, the old voice of the old magister appeared again: "I told you not to get rid of it, you still have no self-knowledge, you can fight Lin Tianyao ?"

At the same time as the voice of the Great Magister, the body of Donghuang Taiyi was covered by a blue light. Just a blink of an eye, his body disappeared. Only Lin Tianyao keeps his hands forward, palms of gold Wuyan kept moving.

"Huh, the same trick, do you want to use it a second time in front of me?"

The magic circle sent by this instant is naturally unnoticeable in the eyes of others except the magician.

But Lin Tianyao is different. The demon emperor Yan Tianjue in his body is precisely the fusion of magical abilities.

Space conveys magic, and the remaining magic fluctuations are clear to him.

Although his perception ability is only 300 meters, these ranges are enough. Even if it is transmitted instantly, it is only a more exaggerated description.

Teleportation in space must also run at a very fast speed.

Lin Tianyao can naturally keep up with this speed. Coupled with the perception range of 300 meters, Emperor Taiyi wants to use space transmission to move away from the range of 300 meters. That takes enough time for Lin Tianyao to act.

While he was talking, he palmed hard forward. Suzuno almost appeared immediately.

Immediately afterwards, in the moment held by the big hand, there was a scream in the transparent air. ....