Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 837: 839 fatal casualties

Episode 837

Lin Tianyao knew that Duan Murong deceived him by being instigated by Master Class and others.

Women's ears are soft, and naturally they can't stand the soft and hard bubbles. In addition, she was originally a Mo family, and she had no choice in front of the Mo family.

It's okay for Gainie not to mention this stubble. Now that this is said, Lin Tianyao's anger can't help but rise. He strengthened his mind even more, these people must pay the price!

"Lin Tianyao, what's wrong with you, did you give me the non-attack archer?"

At a time of stalemate with Gainie, a dull sound suddenly sounded in the city of the organ. The voice trembled with excitement. Lin Tianyao heard it instantly, and that was the voice of Emperor Taiyi.

In a hurry, he said again: "Lin Tianyao, in addition to non-offense, I also need Tianming, Yue'er and Shaoyu. If you don't hand them over, don't ever think about peace here!"

As his words spread, a series of screams came immediately after the gate of the organ city. Undoubtedly, these were the voices of the murder of Mo disciples.

Hearing these voices, Gaie Nie's complexion changed instantly, and he said quickly: "Lin Shaoxia, are you really like this? Donghuang Taiyi has already started to kill!"

Similar to Gaie's thoughts, Lin Tianyao's heart now sinks. He was worried that it was not the people who died in the Mo family. What he was worried about was the Emperor Donghuang!

After this guy saw Lin Tianyao's ability last time, he even dared to come here to challenge, then the matter was obvious, and the Great Magister must have come. Without that guy supporting the scene in the back, lending Donghuang Tai a few guts, he would not dare to be so presumptuous.

What made him even more heavy was that after the Emperor Taiyi got a non-attack, he would still have to know the three of them. This point made Lin Tianyao finally figure out the previous guess. This great magician is really related to his main mission!

From the beginning, there were all kinds of signs that the things the Great Magister needed were all related to Lin Tianyao's main mission. In other words, the conditions and props required for the main mission are being scrambled.

But, what exactly did he mean by doing this? Could it be that, as he said, he has already seen through Lin Tianyao's bottom line, and then the truss obstructed it?

Or, does he have these things for other purposes?

No matter what his purpose is, this series of practices has already touched Lin Tianyao's bottom line. The main task is his key. If something goes wrong here, the consequences will be disastrous.

Compared to this, the life and death of the Mo family is not so important, and it can even be ignored.

With strong enemies like the Great Magister to stop him from doing the main task, then other forces and people's hearts have become overwhelming.

"Go, follow me to the gate of the organ city!" Can’t continue to think about it. Since the Grand Magister is here, many questions can be clearly explained in person.

Lin Tianyao waved to Gaie immediately and the two ran straight out of the house.

Gu Nie saw that he had finally acted, and naturally he was very excited. Seeing the Mojiasheng charcoal in person, this is really unacceptable to him.

Halfway through, Lin Tianyao could clearly smell a pungent **** smell. When he came to the door, the scene in front of him seemed like the Shura purgatory.

There were corpses everywhere, the blood completely stained the ground, and the water below was also red, and even the waterfall could not be washed away for a while.

However, these dead are all low-level disciples of the Mo family, and several commanders and class masters are safe and sound.

But from their terrified eyes, it can be seen that they have realized what is called despair.

The Emperor Dongyi had the guidance of the Great Magister, how could they match them?

The scene of nearly crushing made them completely lose their fighting thoughts, standing one by one against the wall, seemingly waiting for the arrival of death.

"Lin Tianyao, are you finally willing to come forward? I'm really curious. Why are you letting these shrimps die?"

Dong Huang Taiyi still hides his body in the wide robe. The sound coming from under the mask is a little yin and yang, and it is more ridiculous.

Similarly, Master Class and others also saw the appearance of Lin Tianyao. Only this time, they did not take any action to seek help. Because they are very clear, Lin Tianyao does not necessarily help them out.

Previously, their excessive behavior had broken up with Lin Tianyao, and they did not even have any qualifications for Tian Tian's face.

Duan Murong was the saddest on the scene. Her face was completely covered with tears. She regretted not following Lin Tianyao's advice. Such an enemy, their Mo family can't stop it.

Non-attack for giants? This is simply a fantasy at night. When Emperor Dongyi came, he did not put forward any exchange conditions at all. What he brought was the killing in the face.

With a staring look at Lin Tianyao, Duan Murong couldn't say a word. All she could do was cry.

Lin Tianyao approached her, reached out to hug her in his arms, and patted her back gently: "It's okay, everything has passed. What about non-attack?"

Duan Murong seemed to be a frightened kitten, and now he was hugged by Lin Tianyao, as if he had found the only safe place, and his body shrank. After hearing the question, it was only a short remark: "I was taken by the East Emperor Taiyi."

Almost at the same time that Duan Murong said this, Lin Tianyao turned his eyes to Donghuang Taiyi. His tone was cold and he didn't feel the slightest emotion: "Give you two choices, either return the non-attack to me, or let the magister come out. Don't be astonishing in front of me like your miscellaneous fish!"

In a word, Dong Huang Taiyi's body shivered slightly. The head of the yin and yang family, the top master who raised his hand and defeated the Mo family, was described as a miscellaneous face by Lin Tianyao, and he was just hitting his face! ....