Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 830: 832 Digimon

Chapter 830: 832 Digimon

Seeing the pieces of armor dropped from the bronze giant, Lin Tianyao was surprised. Is this guy a non-attack guardian? Now that the mission has failed, will he disintegrate himself?

This is very similar to some movie clips. Does this guy have to play self-exploitation?

Thinking a little bit in his heart, Lin Tianyao wouldn't think it would really do this. If this guy explodes, the forbidden ground is destroyed. How could the Mozu ancestor do such a stupid thing.

As the armor dropped, all that remained of the bronze giant was a bronze frame and those crazy gears.

Looking at the gears operating inside it, Lin Tianyao's brows followed. After this guy was taken away from the non-attack, he actively shifted his target and made such a strange move. This is definitely not a disintegration but...

Thinking about halfway, the situation in front of me suddenly began to change. Similar to what Lin Tianyao predicted, this big guy is going to show his power. In other words, it is now the real attack.

As the armor fell, the eyes of the bronze giant also fell, revealing a pair of sparkling rubies.

Those eyes stared at Lin Tianyao. It's like the camera eyes of an infrared sensor in a real-world robot.

Immediately afterwards, its body seemed to be under traction, shaking violently in place.

As it shook, the ground of the entire square began to vibrate.

Without the shielding of the armor, Lin Tianyao could see clearly that the power of the bronze giant's body was actually linked by two thick bronze chains under the ground.

In other words, its power comes from the power source hidden underground.

No wonder this big guy has to find an attack target according to the collapse of the ground. This is inseparable from the power source.

But after a while, Lin Tianyao felt something was wrong, and the bronze giant linking the underground chain even started to shrink. With the sound of a clattering chain pulling, the chain on the ground was pulled back completely by the bronze giant.

Immediately afterwards, the bronze maid parts that had been broken into pieces by Lin Tianyao on the ground began to tremble.

The bronze giant seemed to be transformed into a huge magnet, and they were involved in the past.

At the next moment, those parts were assembled freely in the air, and then pieced together into armor parts, which were inlaid on the bronze giant.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but whispered and exclaimed: "What is this all about, is the armor fit or the ultimate evolution?"

This scene is almost similar to the legendary Digimon. This is amazing. Not only is it a magic circle, but even ordinary people can play so many tricks. Does this copy still have a sense of simplicity?

I felt incredible in my heart, but something happened. When combined with the Bronze Maid, the armor of the Bronze Giant was significantly thinner, and it looked less bulky than before. More importantly, the weapon in its hand turned into a nine-section whip.

This whip is actually the individual servant connected together. And each servant can also act independently. It is equivalent to saying that the whip can pump people, and the organs and servants at each joint can also attack alone.

This Mozu ancestor is also too powerful, and such wonderful ideas can be come up with. This is simply high-tech!

Marvel at marvel, the bronze giant will not give Lin Tianyao a chance to continue to sigh. After it pulled the chain back into the body, the restraint of the power source seemed to have been resolved.

The operation of the individual gears in the body has formed a self-powered system, which can now be said to be an organ that can move freely.

What's more abnormal is that its ability to pursue its target has also been expanded. The pair of ruby ​​eyes, as if they really became the eyes of living creatures, are free to search for prey.

After the armor combination succeeded, the bronze giant attacked Lin Tianyao almost instantaneously. The nine-section whip whizzed in the air and smashed towards the top of his head.

This time, the attack speed of the bronze giant was several times higher than before. With its attack method and speed, I am afraid that it can be comparable to the threat of Gainie and Weizhuang.

Such a huge body, the strength of the wave, even the mountains can shake, ordinary people simply cannot eat this attack.

The bronze giant, who broke free from the shackles, seemed to turn into a wild beast, and attacked like crazy.

Now in its state, if it can join the battlefield, it must be a great help.

To destroy it, with Lin Tianyao's strength, it is still very easy. Suzuno was almost out of it and tore him directly.

But what Lin Tianyao wanted was not to destroy, or to say, before the bronze giant changed, he had the idea of ​​destroying.

But now it is different. The use value of this big guy is far beyond imagination.

The only way to stop this dead creature without thinking ability is to destroy its motivation. Only in this way can we subdue.

After all, it is a giant of institutions, as long as you have mastered the methods of manipulation, you still have a way to control them.

After using Fei Lei Shen to easily escape a blow, Lin Tianyao did not choose to land this time. He now thoroughly explores the strength of this bronze giant.

Lin Tianyao, who was floating in the air, was very small compared to the bronze giant. He lost his trace on the ground, making it more difficult to find.

After the Jiujia whip was pulled out of the ground, the bronze giant was obviously at a loss. After searching left and right, he found that he lost Lin Tianyao's trace, and then he froze for a while.

Lin Tianyao, who floated in the air, saw this situation, his hands on his chest, as if waiting for a good show.

After twitching for a while, the bronze giant suddenly turned his head.

His neck seemed to be a round shaft, his body didn't move, and his head turned directly. ....