Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 829: 831 Get

Chapter 829: 831 Acquisition

The attack method of the bronze giant was discovered, and Lin Tianyao is now much easier.

Before attacking this bronze giant, there is no problem in naturally winning, but it will take more effort.

But now, the half-cutting edge has attracted its goal. Lin Tianyao is equivalent to doing a raid in front of him, and he didn't respond.

What is hidden behind the gate of this square, I am afraid that only the ancestor of the Mo family knows.

Because the key to this core is hidden in the heart of the bronze giant. It has not been destroyed so far, and naturally no one has ever obtained the key.

No matter how the giants of the Mo family cleared the customs, this non-attack artifact has not yet been discovered. Therefore, even the Mohist giants do not know where the non-attack is.

All this is just a preliminary inference from Lin Tianyao. The purpose of his entry into the forbidden area this time is to find out on the one hand, and the second is to get a non-attack and complete a main line mission. And the last point is to reappear in front of the Mohists as a customs clearance.

Only his success can put pressure on the Mo family. What if the giant is lost, Lin Tianyao is now a new Mojia giant.

As for the identity of the Mo family, he wanted to join, and those people might be eager to wait.

Only when those who see the Mo family manage to obey and let them have nothing to say, this next plan can proceed smoothly.

Don't forget, the most important part of the main task is to overthrow Qin Shihuang's rule.

Now that the Qin Kingdom has been unified, the only rebellious forces that exist are the remaining loyal to the previous six kingdoms. The Mohists are one of them.

For the majority of civilians, no matter who's rule, as long as they can live in peace and contentment, they will naturally have nothing else to do.

But in the hearts of the ruling class, all they can obey is the obsession in their hearts.

One of the reasons why Lin Tianyao came to the Mohists is this. Get a non-attack, and then, based on the Mohists, gradually cater to other forces and fight against Yingzheng.

This time, he encountered an unprecedented opportunity, the secret of this bronze giant.

The gate of this square that has never been opened by others will eventually be opened in his hands. Hidden behind the gate, perhaps the key thing left by the Mozu ancestor.

Thinking, Lin Tianyao put away Suzunenghu, who appeared extremely small in front of the bronze giant, and instantly moved to his shoulder.

Without the shield of the bronze shoulder pads, the organ of the bronze giant's heart can be said to be unobstructed. Lin Tianyao stood there, and could see all the structures inside.

But right now, the big guy's movements are a bit violent, and he keeps chopping towards the broken blade on the ground, so that Lin Tianyao can't easily enter it.

"This big man, the attack power is not small, if you can get it out, it will be great to go to the battlefield."

Lin Tianyao suddenly came up with such an idea, but this bronze giant's attack and the ground switch were limited. Without the involvement of the ground organs, it will not have any ability to attack. It can be said that this is a close attack formation. Out of here, the bronze giant is useless.

It was just a level in the forbidden area that made such a behemoth, which made Lin Tianyao feel a bit regretful.

But this also fits the Mohist's ideas, not attacking!

Thinking of the non-attack, Lin Tianyao was also a little stunned. He has not found a non-attack until now. Seeing that the level is going to pass, the forbidden land has already been cleared by him, and no non-attack can be found. Isn't it a busy life?

Non-attack is definitely not behind the gate. After all, that artifact, after the elaborate transformation of the giants of the Mo family, must have been encountered by all giants.

Since it is not behind the gate, this is already the end of the forbidden area. So where is the non-attack?

With this question, Lin Tianyao began to fumble towards the bronze giant's heart. Looking for non-attacks is still a bit outdated. It is the key to get the key first.

However, the moment he touched the key, his pupil shrank suddenly.

The key looks like a flat, strangely shaped bronze plate. However, there are two words he has been searching for-non-attack!

"My God, are you kidding me? Non-offensive?"

The moment I got the key, Lin Tianyao was a little ignorant. The key that opened the door turned out to be non-attack.

The facts in front of him instantly overturned all his speculations.

The non-attacks that the Mo giants have improved over the past are hidden in the body of the bronze giant. And this giant has no trace of being destroyed at all. How did the giants get it?

Moreover, since they have received non-attacks, the door must have been opened. The hidden things behind it are the secrets that all giants already know.

Just when Lin Tianyao was holding a non-attack hair fluke, the bronze giant suddenly stopped and did not continue to cut the broken blade on the ground. The motion is still as if the organ was shut down.

The non-attack is just placed in the heart of the bronze giant, and there is no place where it is combined with its internal organs. When an object outside is pulled out, how can it stop?

Moreover, after the action stopped, its gear was still spinning rapidly, showing no signs of stopping.

"Oops, the key thing is here!"

Lin Tianyao thought about it, and instantly understood what it was. He hurriedly escaped and escaped from the body of the bronze giant.

Just the moment he escaped, the giant head of the bronze giant began to turn, and then looked over to him.

Such a targeted action clearly shows that it has once again seen the attack concentrated on Lin Tianyao.

"Card wipe..."

Suddenly a series of sounds came out from the body of the bronze giant.

At the next moment, his bronze armor actually fell off, just like the previously dropped shoulder pads! ....