Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 828: 830 non-attack

Episode 828

Judging from the good condition of the stone maids and bronze giants here, they have not been damaged before.

But the key to the rear door was in the heart of the bronze giant. Through the selection of the Mozu giants in the past, how to open the door without a key?

The giants of the Mo family are not saying that they are proficient in organ skills. Several examples such as Gao Jianli are clear examples. They don't know how to perform tricks, and still hold high positions in the Mo family.

If the Mojia giant made a key through the keyhole itself, it would be absolutely impossible.

As a result, the square was suddenly covered with a mysterious veil. This way of passing may not only be the door.

However, this point is not so important for Lin Tianyao. Because someone else could not find the key from the bronze giant, he could.

So now, there is no need to waste time thinking about other channels. The most convenient way to save time is to get the key from the bronze giant and then open the door and leave.

It was just this moment that Lin Tian wanted to think about, and the bronze giant began to attack again. A shoulder guard fell off his body, and it seemed to have no effect on it. The huge bronze big knife in his hand cut again towards Lin Tianyao's head.

"If I don't do it yet, you really don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has!"

Too lazy to continue wasting time, Lin Tianyao had no choice to dodge this time. He stood directly on the spot, quietly waiting for the bronze sword to cut towards himself.

Just before Da Dao touched him, Lin Tian raised his right hand. He clenched his fingers into five fingers, grasping **** the blade of the sword.

The thickness of this bronze sword is really scary, and it is 15 centimeters. Lin Tianyao grabbed it with his hand, but also barely held it. From his perspective, this seems not to be a big knife, but a copper plate!

Seizing the big sword, Lin Tianyao no longer kept his hand. In his body, the demon Emperor Yantian decided to go crazy, and his internal force poured out. The thick internal force wrapped his entire arm in it.

This seems to be a mini-reproduction of Susuo Nenghu. What Lin Tianyao used was just a change of one arm.

At the next moment, he squeezed hard with his hand, and the huge bronze large knife seemed to instantly become a foam, which was directly broken by him.

The bronze sword is huge in shape, and the force it bears is also quite the same. A large piece was twisted from the middle, and the balance before and after was instantly broken. A crack began to appear in the middle of the blade. There are signs of breaking soon.

One blow was resisted, and the bronze giant's expressionless face could not see anger, but the right hand it raised again showed its anger. How can a human being as small as an ant have such a huge power?

Just as it was about to pull out the bronze sword and prepare for the second attack, the change finally took place. The bronze sword that was already on the verge of collapse, because of the force of the huge pull of the handle, I knew that the blade could not bear it.

After a sharp and crisp sound came out, the bronze sword was completely broken.

"Boom!" The broken front half of the blade fell directly to the ground, crushing the ground.

Although the bronze sword was broken, the bronze giant could not find this clue. After all, he is an organ man, without any thinking.

The mechanized movement made it hold the second half of the large knife and swung it down again.

Before it had done so, Lin Tianyao had seen through its movements, and when he used his hands to resist, wonderful things happened.

When the bronze giant's sword was cut, it clearly deviated from his position, and the direction of the hit was the half of the broken blade.

This scene made Lin Tianyao suddenly feel strange. This guy, is it something wrong? How do you think the half-truncated blade is not pleasing to the eye?

But the bronze giant seemed to be on the bar. He didn't control Lin Tianyao at all, but kept chopping off the broken blade on the ground with a half-knife.

When it was chopped up, it seemed to become a mad dog. It didn't take care of it at all, just mechanically doing the hacking action, and the speed was getting faster.

"My goodness, are the organs crazy sometimes? It's crazy to have a personality!"

Lin Tianyao was looking for the clues while watching. He hurt the organs now, but only the shoulder pads and weapons, which have no effect on the structure of its body.

If it is said that it lost its original control because it was destroyed, it is impossible.

Holding the mind of exploration, Lin Tianyao's eyes fell on the ground of the square. The broken half of the blade collapsed the entire ground.

This place made Lin Tianyao's eyes instantly gather in the past. Because the collapsed ground is completely different from the ordinary collapse.

If the force is crushed, the ground will definitely crack, or even be destroyed. But where the half of the blade was pressed, it was as if the finger was pressed on the piano key.

Conversely, this ground is actually a design similar to a dark grid. The crushed and collapsed place will only be like this when it is stressed.

Joining this point and then seeing the actions of the bronze giant, Lin Tianyao immediately understood the reason for all of this.

The attack method of the bronze giant must be related to this ground. When he came in before, he had not stepped into the center of the square, so the bronze giant did not respond at all.

When he began to step on this ground, causing the dark grid on the ground to collapse slightly, the bronze giant began to attack him.

This dead creature with no eyes and no thinking can track enemies and attack, and this is where the clue is.

Think of it this way, the way the previous Mohist giants cleared customs can be explained clearly.

They must have discovered the secret and then detoured to pass.

But even if Lin Tianyao found out now, he would not use this method. ....