Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 798: 800 no one can resist the temptation

Chapter 798 800 No one can resist the temptation

Speaking on this topic, then there will be an alternative feeling in Mo Qilin's mind. This feeling is that Lin Tianyao has absolute confidence.

This is also a psychological skill for negotiation. After so many copies of training, Lin Tianyao already has absolute skill in negotiation. Who hasn’t seen him?

Sure enough, when Lin Tianyao asked this topic, the expression of Mo Qilin, who had sneered and questioned, shrank instantly.

Instead, it is a kind of dignity, she is thinking, choosing whether to believe Lin Tianyao. After all, fetal poison is the heart disease that has haunted her for so many years. She aspires to be a normal person and continue to live.

However, Lin Tianyao is now her enemy. If you believe rashly and say badly, you will not necessarily be caught in any trap. Moreover, if she agrees now, it is that she has betrayed Wei Zhuang. In a world where faith is more important than life, there is more to bear than faith.

With multiple thoughts intertwined, Mo Qilin became hesitant for a while. She didn't know what to do now.

She was so hesitant that she caught Lin Tianyao's trap. If she agreed directly, Lin Tianyao would think she would count. It is too direct, but not worthy of his belief.

It is this kind of hesitation that can clearly be seen that Mo Qilin is considering his words, then the decisions she makes are often the real thoughts in her heart.

While ironing while hot, don't let go at this time. Lin Tianyao continued: "You should have heard of the previous battle. If I guessed well, you should have been there at the time, but it didn't appear. If that's the case, you think Wei Zhuang can be mine. Opponent?"

"In other words, aren't you worried about the four words of betrayal and righteousness? Wei Zhuang is now in the position of Qin State's minions, and it is Qin State that destroyed South Korea!"

These words can be described as a blockbuster, which completely exploded in Mo Qilin's mind. In an instant, the thoughts of struggling and wrestling in her head were directly exploded.

Betrayal of righteousness is only true when the betrayal survives. This approach is the same as rebelling against usurpation. In today's Qin Wang Yingzheng, is there still less infamy left over the six countries? But he is now in the world, even if someone is not in his heart, he dare not say it.

What if Mo Qilin betrayed Wei Zhuang? When Lin Tianyao wiped him out, these things will be hidden.

People are not their own, and they are destroyed. When Mo Qilin chose to follow Wei Zhuang, didn't Han Feizi die after his death?

If traced to the past, the quicksand organization is affiliated with South Korea. Now that South Korea was destroyed by Qin, Quicksand is helping Qin to attack the Mojia government city. Speaking of betraying faith, the real responsibility is to win the government.

Think of it this way, in today's chaotic world, the so-called Lutheranism is nothing but a sounding guise.

At this moment, Mo Qilin's heart was shaken. She really wanted to agree. However, there was an unspeakable congestion in her heart, which made her unable to say the words in her throat.

Lin Tianyao's voice finally rang again at this time.

"How about, if you agree, I can cure your fetal poison immediately!"

This voice is like the temptation to Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden viper Satan. That kind of unparalleled temptation, and that more miracle-promising commitment, made Mo Qilin almost lost his heart.

Immediately heal, what kind of arrogance, what kind of bold words? After so many years of fetal poison, the answer given by almost all the doctors is too long. The toxin penetrates into the flesh and cannot be removed.

Even if there is a way, such entrenched toxins may take a long time to be diluted and discharged to solve. Lin Tianyao said so, it was no different from the fantasy of night.

But Mo Qilin saw a kind of self-confidence in his eyes, a kind of self-confidence that was almost crazy. This kind of look can only be possessed by absolute certainty. When he followed Wei Zhuang, he had also seen this look. The final results, without exception, all ended in success.

Such associations, plus the previous battle. Lin Tianyao's shocking strength showed Mo Qilin's subconscious choice of belief. She knew that if she agreed now, she would be able to eradicate the heart disease that had plagued her for many years.

Thinking, she finally felt that her body was once again dominated. The next moment, she focused on her head and said: "Lin Tianyao, if you can cure me, I will follow you in this life, and vow to die without regret."

"it is good!"

Seeing her promise, Lin Tianyao's voice suddenly rose. The hand that had wrapped in Mo Qilin before then also loosened.

He moved his steps gently, leaned his body in front of Mo Qilin, and stared at the dark and ugly half of his face, a soft smile suddenly flashed at the corner of his mouth.

He slowly raised his right hand, trying to touch it. But Mo Qilin almost avoided it subconsciously. This place is where her trauma is, and she is easily touched. She has chosen to dodge in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, I just check the poisoning."

When face to face, the two faces are no more than one finger away. Lin Tianyao spoke softly, but they could hear each other's breathing. Even the exhaled breath with heat and humidity can be felt very clearly.

Looking at the handsome face of the man in front of him, Mo Qilin suddenly felt that his heart began to speed up. Her face also suddenly turned red, until she reached the neck and heel.

Lin Tianyao had previously caught it by hand in the privacy of her heart. Now it's such a close gaze, this action, why do you feel so similar to your lover?

As soon as this idea came up, Mo Qilin was immediately strangled by Mo Qilin. She really wants to slap herself fiercely now, when is this, and these messy ideas?

Just as she was cranky, a cold touch suddenly came to her face. ....