Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 797: 799 fetal poison

Chapter 797: 799 Fetal Poison

Seemingly feeling indignant, Mo Qilin suddenly turned his head and looked at Gaie Nie: "What's wrong, Da Jianjian, are you curious about my face too, so intently?"

Guyne is almost innocent to the extreme, he is in the state of bystanders from beginning to end. Now lying inexplicably, the gun froze for a while.

Fortunately, the three little guys in Tianming were covered with his eyes with his hands, and did not see Mo Qilin's terrifying faces. If not, they must have nightmares.

No matter who it is, with such a face, certainly not willing to show people easily. After all, when someone sees such an ugly side, the inferiority complex in the heart will expand infinitely.

Although Mo Qilin is now a frightening killer, who can know the sadness behind this? Such an ugly face will inevitably be bullied and insulted on that road of growth.

Regardless of her excitement at the moment, Lin Tianyao's eyes fixed on the half-face of her face that was as dark as the scales of a snake.

After echoing in his mind for a long time, he suddenly remembered. He has seen such a disease!

If there are blue spots on the face and the top of the head, it will be caused by going out the day after tomorrow. There are only two possible causes of innate. One is birthmarks and the other is fetal poison!

Looking at Mo Qilin's face is not a phenomenon of birthmarks at all. The tiny lumps above him are all tumors.

For diseases like fetal poison, Duan Murong, a medical immortal, should have a cure.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyao's mind quietly emerged. He coughed, attracted Mo Qilin's attention from Gaie, and then said, "Mo girl, the one on your face, but fetal poison?"

Speaking of fetal poison, while Mo Qilin turned around, the resentment on that face was suddenly replaced by an inexplicable sorrow. She gritted her teeth and said, "What about fetal poison, what does this have to do with you? I have been poisoned before Oath, no matter who has seen my face, he will die under my dagger!"

In fact, there is a hidden part in her words. That is, someone who has not seen her face can live for the next moment.

This is a rule set by Mo Qilin as a killer. Every time she kills, she reveals her face when she gives her target a fatal blow.

But this time at the Mo family, she did not kill. Because in disguise, there is not so much time to execute these. Therefore, Master Class and Duan Murong also considered a loophole, survived.

She now speaks these face to face, and it is clear that she is endless. If Lin Tianyao does not kill her, then she will always look for opportunities to avenge her in the future. But how can Lin Tianyao be concerned about this threat of weakness? He was standing here to let Mo Qilin get started, and her success rate was zero. There is no way to make up for the absolute gap in strength.

Listening to her personal admission of fetal poison, Lin Tianyao revealed what she was thinking: "Mo girl, if I know that someone may cure your fetal poison. If you are willing to cooperate with us!"

"Cooperation?" Mo Qilin was a little stunned, and then he laughed and said: "Lin Tianyao, you are not killing me, this is the idea! Then I advise you to die this heart. Let me guess Guess, is that the person you mentioned, Duan Murong?"

Lin Tianyao didn't expect Mo Qilin to be so smart, and even guessed his idea. But if you think about it carefully, you are calm. Today's famous magician is well known.

Mo Qilin suffered from this kind of ailment. With her current skills, how could she not try her best to seek medical treatment?

Moreover, since she said Duan Murong's name was cured, the helpless and frustrated expression can be seen, she should have already asked. But the final answer must be negative.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyao's brow suddenly raised. If Mo Qilin asked about Duan Murong, did she reveal her face and ask Duan Murong? If so, has Duan Murong really seen her face?

Immediately, Lin Tianyao's eyes narrowed, and in his eyes, there was a hint of killing intently. He said in a cold voice: "Mo Qilin, where is Duan Murong right now, did you do anything to her?"

It was such a change again that Mo Qilin seemed to have adapted to it. She did not have the previous fear this time, but spoke fluently: "Lin Tianyao, the killer also has the morality of capital. Even if I perform tasks for Master Wei Zhuang, I never kill the doctor. Even Duan Murong let me again Disappointed!"

After finally figuring out Duan Murong's security situation, Lin Tianyao was finally relieved. At this moment, he suddenly felt that this Mo Qilin was not too cold-blooded, at least in the master of life and death, there is a certain sense.

After he thought about it for a moment, his tone changed suddenly, and he swayed in the air with his index finger: "Congratulations, you guessed wrong just now. What I want to say is that the person who can cure your fetal poison is me."


Mo Qilin's tone of voice has risen several levels. How to listen to that voice is a feeling of being too nonsense.

But Lin Tianyao gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, it's me. I haven't been a Langzhong for many years, and I can't forget what I have learned!"

"This is impossible!" Mo Qilin shook his head again and again: "The doctor at that time had no way to treat my fetal poison. Even if you are strong, you are nothing but a soldier. What can you do to cure me?"

Lin Tianyao did not continue to argue with him on this issue, but instead diverted the topic: "Let’s ignore these first. If I cure you, would you like to cooperate with me?"

He said that, the taste was completely different. To continue arguing about whether this ability is available is to fall into an endless quarrel, and it will also make him into a passive situation, because he has to be convinced by Mo Qilin.

But after turning the subject away, the initiative still returned to his hands. Because Mo Qilin still wanted Lin Tianyao to tell the truth. ....