Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 794: 796 Duan Murong is fake

Chapter 794: 796 Duan Murong is fake

Many times, some words are spoken, which not only does not work, but attracts the smirk of others. Even so, such words have to be spoken.

This is what Lin Tianyao is experiencing now.

The male revenge is occupied in the central control room, which is simply the old turtle indented in the turtle shell. Lin Tianyao said this, even the threat could not be played.

Sure enough, after listening to his threatening words, there was an old and hoarse laughter behind the gate: "Ji Jie... It's all this time, you dare to speak up. Wait for whoever is around, Not necessarily!"

Lin Tianyao stood at the door and chuckled. He did not continue to speak, but stood quietly at the door and waited. Wait for Gao Jianli to turn off the power source of the machine.

After a while, Gaie ran with Tianming and others. Duan Murong also came with him.

It seems that the development of antidote is too painful, Duan Murong's face looks a little haggard, even a little listless.

Seeing her like this, Lin Tianyao couldn't help feeling distressed. He stepped forward and grabbed her white and tender but slightly rough little hand: "Xiao Rong, thank you very much!"

Duan Murong smiled softly: "It's nothing, it's all for the Mo School. What can I do if I suffer a little?"

"Is the antidote configured?"

"not yet……"

Duan Murong shook her head, her teeth gnawed her lower lip lightly, and she looked depressed. It was obvious that she felt a little guilty. After all, this antidote is related to the life and death of so many disciples of the Mo family, and she has failed.

Seeing her look like this, Lin Tianyao's tender eyes suddenly flashed a coldness. The next moment, he suddenly laughed.

Suddenly laughed, so that Gaine and Tianming looked at him.

"Brother, what's wrong with you, why did you suddenly start giggling?" Tian Ming held his head, staring at Lin Tianyao stunned for a moment.

Not only him, but several others were wondering for a while. Lin Tianyao didn't seem to be stimulated, why was he suddenly mad?

As everyone wondered, Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said, "I just thought it was ridiculous. I didn't expect that I kept guarding, and finally failed. Not only that, it was my negligence that would lead to today's situation! "

During the speech, Lin Tianyao held Duan Murong's right hand suddenly and stretched out. As he stretched out, his wrists seemed to turn into a serpentine snake crawling around, curling up along Duan Murong's arms.

Suddenly, there is no sign of it. This made Duan Murong's face suddenly become pale, she exclaimed: "Tianyao, what are you doing?"

Frightened, Duan Murong's body began to sway, and his two legs stomped on the ground, trying to break free. But no matter how hard she tried, Lin Tianyao's hand could not be thrown away.

Seeing the child on the side, she couldn't help screaming: "Release Sister Rong, Brother Lin, are you crazy? Didn't you have a private life with Sister Rong?

With that, she started waving her petite fists and slammed into Lin Tianyao's stomach. But before waiting for her to take steps, he was pulled by Gaine.

Unexpected circumstances have happened countless times on the way from the machine city. Gaieni knows this best. Lin Tianyao always makes sense no matter what he does. And he would never easily do it without having 100% certainty.

Even though Lin Tianyao suddenly started to Duan Murong, which almost made him confused on the spot, but his reason told himself that there must be a clue.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to control the Yue'er three people and not allow them to disturb Lin Tianyao.

Thinking, Gaieni winked at Tianming, then pulled Yue'er's arm violently and then stepped back, pulling away from Duan Murong.

"Tianyao, please let me go. My hand hurts when you grab it like this!"

Duan Murong's face flashed with pain, and his mouth kept yelling, a near-collapse appearance.

But no matter what she did, Lin Tianyao stood still. His hands were like a pair of iron pliers wrapped around a rope, and he clamped Duan Murong tightly, not giving her the chance to escape.

His eyes also narrowed slightly: "It's this time, do you still want to continue pretending to be in front of me?"

"Tianyao, what nonsense are you talking about, I don't understand?"

Duan Murong's struggling movement suddenly became smaller. She stared at Lin Tianyao with tears in her eyes.

If this scene is seen by others in the Mohist family, they will definitely come up with Lin Tianyao for tens of thousands of rounds without hesitation.

Because Duan Murong's expression at the moment, he really can't see any pretentious appearance. On the contrary, the kind of sadness and pain makes people feel sore.

However, Lin Tianyao standing in front of her knows best. In Duan Murong's eyes, there is only pain and sadness, but no love. It's totally unreasonable to have a lifelong person with yourself, but there is no element of love.

Moreover, although Duan Murong is a doctor, she is busy picking medicine, grinding and other rough work on weekdays, but she loves herself very much. The "Duan Mu Rong" in front of him is very rough on his hand, and even has calluses on his palm.

From this point alone, she was exposed. People with calluses in their palms, in addition to farmer workers, are killers. It is not the person who has been dealing with tools all day, and it is impossible for the palm of the hand to wear out calluses.

These are just the verifications that Lin Tianyao made for further confirmation. In fact, at the beginning, he had doubts about Duan Murong.

At the beginning, when Lin Tianyao extracted the components of the purple poison from the body, Duan Murong made a package ticket, and within two hours an antidote was prepared.

But from the afternoon to the present, nearly four hours have passed. For such a long time, the answer from "Duan Murong" in front of him turned out to be failure!

As a medical immortal, Duan Murong, how is it possible to slang? ....