Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 795: 7897 Seize Mo Qilin

795 7897 Seize Mo Qilin

It can be pointed out that this "Duan Mu Rong" is not a real person, but also the most important point.

She was busy preparing antidote, which was related to the lives of so many disciples of the Mo family. Even though she failed, she came here without any frustration. Except for tiredness, there was no other expression on his face.

This is precisely the deadliest. Even if she can't configure it, she will at least let people report the news. But she didn't. From the beginning, she was in the disappearing stage. Even Lin Tianyao ignored her sense of existence.

Previously, Master Ban had said that Mo Qilin disguised himself as Duan Murong.

Four hours is enough for Mo Qilin to finish all these things. Moreover, when she is doing these things, she must also find a role that can hide her identity and is not easily followed. This will not be easy to expose.

At the moment, the Mo family is in a mess. Except for Duan Murong, who is equipped with antidote, almost everyone is busy.

Therefore, Mo Qilin's motivation to start can be explained clearly.

After comprehensive consideration in many aspects, the authenticity of the "Duan Murong" in front of her no longer needs much consideration, she is fake!

After recounting these speculations in his mind, "Duan Murong" could not finally pretend.

The expression she had made on her face disappeared completely, but it was replaced by a cold. She sneered, "Sure enough, it is Lin Xia, whom Master Wei Zhuang also worships. Not only is he superior in strength, it is this kind of careful inference ability, but also rare in the world!"

Touted a sentence, the expression on her face became somewhat lowered and said: "Originally, I thought it was Master Wei Zhuang who felt that this task was too important and deliberately exaggerated your ability. Now it seems that I am too arrogant, I won’t be wronged if you lose it!”

The words went around for a long time, and the meaning of Mo Qilin was finally fully expressed at this time. But in her tone, there was still a regret, as if she felt that she had lost too early, and if it was not careless, she could hold it for a while.

But Lin Tianyao is too lazy to talk to her now. He squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Tell me, what is Duan Murong now, where is she!"

Anything Lin Tianyao encounters can be relieved. But his counter scale must never be easily touched. His woman, no one else can casually touch! Mo Qilin froze, looked at the relaxed expression on his face the moment before, and the wise Lin Tianyao flashed in his eyes, and he changed his appearance in a blink of an eye. Some are not used to it.

At the moment Lin Tianyao looked like the dark clouds over the summer sky. As soon as there was a flash of lightning, it would suddenly fall down in heavy rain.

Mo Qilin's hand was still clamped by Lin Tianyao, he could clearly feel the kind of murderous force in front of him. If he has a slight bit of disobedience, waiting for his end is extremely terrible.

Although she thought of resisting, she even delayed her time with Lin Tianyao. But at this moment, the thoughts in her mind could no longer control her body. On the contrary, her body began to be dominated by Lin Tianyao's murderous intention, completely out of her control.

Feeling the intimidating murderous intention inside, Mo Qilin bit his tongue fiercely, temporarily regaining his consciousness with pain, and then his voice shivered: "She, she is okay, now she is hiding in the closet."

The killer is not afraid of death, but threatened by death to a certain extent, no one can bear it.

Lin Tianyao does not have to doubt that Mo Qilin is now telling the truth. Since Duan Murong was okay, his killing intentions disappeared instantly, as if he had never appeared in this world.

Without the threat of killing intent, Mo Qilin suddenly felt as if he had suddenly disappeared from a crushed boulder, and he felt relaxed all over.

But in her heart, she was still in a state of extreme tension. From Lin Tianyao, he felt a kind of fear, a kind of fear he had never had before. Even in Wei Zhuang, he had never felt this way before.

But the next moment, she suddenly froze. Lin Tianyao's face is really just like the summer weather. On his face, there was the same kind of smile as before, in that soft, wise smile.

For a moment, the sound of strings touching seemed to be heard in the air. Mo Qilin felt as if something had been touched in his heart.

The man in front of him suddenly became very strange, unable to tell whether it was fear or fascination. This smile is simply the sunshine melting the ice and snow. The warm feeling makes people unable to stand in it, unable to extricate themselves.

As a killer, a cold-blooded killer with more than ten thousand years of ice, there have been so many changes in my heart in this short dozen of breathing things. In this case, even Mo Qilin couldn't explain it herself. She even began to wonder if she was dreaming.

Just when she was a little confused, Lin Tianyao spoke, curiously speaking in his tone: "You are so good at disguising, I suddenly want to see what your true face is."

Earlier I heard the introduction of Gai Nei. Since the appearance of Mo Qilin, no one has ever seen his true appearance. Even those who died in his hands saw disguise.

Because when he killed, he pretended to be an acquaintance of the deceased, so he was called a killer who never had to shoot himself. Such a person's true identity is really curious. ....