Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 777: 779 invaders

777 779 Invader

When asked by Lin Tianyao, the big hammer said embarrassedly: "I don't know about this. In short, after I arrived, I didn't have time to investigate the situation. I fought with the hidden bat, and so many brothers died. ."

Speaking of the dead, the sledgehammer's original tough face could not help revealing sorrow. After all, these are brothers who have lived together for many years, and suddenly died, he is still uncomfortable.

Lin Tianyao also heard about the master class before the purple smoke, but the movement was too obvious. Moreover, the hidden bats directly act when they see people. If they say they are sneaking in, they will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

But since they didn't want to do anything, why didn't they choose to evacuate after the previous war, and instead ran over?

The more he thought about the chaos, Lin Tianyao couldn't figure out what the **** these guys were doing.

At that moment of convulsions, the big hammer suddenly clapped his hands, as if he suddenly remembered something: "Lin Shaoxia, I suddenly remembered it. What about the brother who went back to report?"

"The one who reported?"

Lin Tianyao frowned and thought for a moment. When he received the news, it was from Master Class, and he sent him over, and he was not with anyone else.

He said truthfully: "Master Class asked me to come, and I have never seen that brother."

After listening to it, Big Hammer looked puzzled and said, "That's even stranger. I asked the brother back to move the rescuers. How did he run to find the master class? I felt strange. Why didn't they come high? You came to help me."

When he said this, a light suddenly flashed in Lin Tianyao's mind, and he hurriedly asked, "The Mo family usually asks people to go back and report, who are they looking for?"

"Of course, find the brothers in the door. Our Mo family passed the news, all of them reported it layer by layer, and the peripheral investigation, it was impossible for the master class to take care of it!" The big hammer himself was also wondering, and kept using it. Hands touched his head, a look that he didn't understand.

Hearing what he said, Lin Tianyao's heart suddenly shuddered, and he vaguely guessed what he had guessed, and immediately beckoned to the big hammer: "Hurry up, come back to the Mo's house with me, we have calculated!"

After that, Lin Tianyao took the lead and dared to go towards the city of organs quickly. The big hammer behind him didn't know what was happening at all, and he could only ask, wondering: "Lin Shaoxia, why are you in such a hurry? Has something happened?"

Lin Tianyao looked cold, and said with a murderous intent: "Damn, someone has already mixed into the Mohist family. If I guessed it well, the brother you sent to preach was pretended."

Lin Tianyao can even affirm this idea now. Because it is obvious from the description of the Great Hammer, this brother who has been in the Mo family for so long cannot possibly make such a low-level mistake. And that guy seems to be very clear about their message to enter the organ city. Big hammers came out to investigate and found smoke in the morning. The battle between Gaini and Weizhuang and others happened at noon. The disciples who went out did not know this situation at all.

The guy so directly asked the master class, because the Mo masters now can't get rid of a few commanders, they simply can't come to support.

If you follow the rules of the Mohists and report them layer by layer, you will definitely not find Lin Tianyao at that time, but let other people rescue the sledgehammer. With Lin Tianyao here, they want to enter the organ city, which is completely impossible.

Therefore, to invade, Lin Tianyao must be separated. Master Class, as a senior leader, thought of Lin Tianyao for help as soon as possible. So, this guy took advantage of this and came up with a move.

According to this reasoning, the smoke that appeared before can be clearly explained.

Deliberately attracted attention, then let the hidden bat lie here, pretending to be him. Because of the deterrent force of Lin Tianyao in the previous war, no one would expect that Wei Zhuang and others would have the courage to come at this time.

In fact, this smoke was created by people who had sneaked into the depths of the Mo family. After attracting the attention of the disciples of the Mo family, let the hidden bat steal the beam and replace the column. The real intruder, who pretended to be a messenger, entered the institution.

In this way, once Lin Tianyao left, the intruder could take the opportunity to start inside the organ city.

This reasoning is so seamless that it doesn't even have any flaws. So after thinking about it, Lin Tianyao hurried back to the organ city with a big hammer.

However, when the two entered the organ city, everything that happened in front of them was far unexpected.

Because the order here is exactly the same as before he left, there is no sign of being invaded.

Seeing this scene, the big hammer immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He said to Lin Tianyao: "Lin Shaoxia, you are too nervous. Before that, Wei Zhuang and they had been scared by your master's martial arts. Where did they dare? Come here to make trouble?"

The big hammer relaxes, but Lin Tianyao cannot. Because Fangcai’s reasoning, there are no flaws at all. Although there is still no change in the organ city at the moment, this does not mean that there is no danger. The real danger is often in the depths.

He turned his head and said to the big hammer: "Iron Commander, the brother you sent back to communicate before, please trouble you to find it out, I want to talk face to face."

If Lin Tianyao said so to the big hammer before, he must think he was suspicious. Because in his mind, Lin Tianyao is an outsider, and the Mo disciple is a brother who stays together all the year round.

However, it is different now. The remarks made by Lin Tianyao after the rescue were obviously on the side of the Mo family, which convinced the hammer.

Without saying much, the big hammer responded with a cry and turned to find the Mo disciple.

And Lin Tianyao stood at the gate of the organ city and looked at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, his heart gradually sinking. He has now begun to affirm his speculation that the mysterious Great Magister may not be a good bird. ....