Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 775: 777 Hidden Bat Comes Again

Episode 775

After Master Class came in, there was no polite words, directly said: "Lin Shaoxia, there is a big trouble, this time you have to come to help."

Lin Tianyao had long known that he would say so, pouring a glass of water on the table, and said, "What happened, so anxious?"

After briefly recounting the matter, Master Class grabbed his hand and said: "Lin Shaoxia, Xiao Gao is injured right now, and several leaders of the Mo family can't spare any effort, only beg you."

He said that Lin Tianyao did not want to go. Although coming to the Mohists is a mission, it cannot be reduced to their thugs. Did the Mo family encounter any difficulties casually? He didn't believe it anyway.

But if you think about it, maybe this is really the case. The big hammer is trapped, and the intruder must be of extraordinary strength. Xiao Gao was injured and Xue Nu was going to take care of it. It's okay to steal the bones of the thief, and the strength of the battle seems very clumsy.

In this way, the Mojia really don't have any masters yet.

However, Wei Zhuang and others had been run away before. Why did someone make trouble in a flash?

The people of Qin State, that is, the generals who marched to fight, it was okay to lead the army on the battlefield, and the kung fu became much worse.

However, this intruder could actually push the big hammer to the level of asking for help, and the martial arts were not ordinary. Masters do their best, is this person also a master of the world?

Bewildered, Lin Tianyao suddenly felt that he really had the need for a trip.

At the moment, he went out with the master class and went to the big hammer to rescue.

After entering the forest, the sun was shining brightly the moment before, but now it turned into deep darkness. The dense forest blocked almost all the light. The visibility in front of you is almost the same as moon night.

Master Class does not martial arts, after sending Lin Tianyao out, he will go back first. But this is also good. Lin Tianyao entered here alone without much burden, but instead he was relaxed.

Shortly after entering the forest, he smelled a **** smell from the air. Although the taste is very plain, it is very easy to catch.

Judging from this situation, the place where the fighting happened should not be far away. Moreover, after the other party killed people, they didn't even hide the traces. It is obvious that the fighting may continue.

The matter of saving people is naturally urgent. Lin Tianyao's direct luck flying the thunder god, like a wild civet cat, shuttled through the woods.

After just a few dozen breaths, he heard the sound of fighting and roaring.

The roar was mixed with a thick voice, and as soon as he heard it, he knew it was a big hammer. That guy's unique voice is still easy to hear. Looking towards the battlefield along the sound, the bodies of Mo disciples are already scattered around the big hammer. Except that he was still fighting alone, there was no one to live.

Those who are fighting him can only see the blurred shadow flashing back and forth. The way he fought was like an eagle on the day. Every time it fell, it left a deep scratch on the body of the big hammer.

Although sometimes it will be resisted by the big hammer, no matter whether it is hit or not, he only attacks once. After the attack, he quickly floated into the air, without any war, without dragging the mud.

Although in the eyes of the big hammer, this man is fast and tricky. But Lin Tianyao saw it clearly. In his eyes, this kind of speed can be described as dull.

That person is no one else, it is the hidden bat of Weizhuang's men!

This guy, when Lin Tianyao fought against the heroes, he was almost scared to hide behind him like a grandson. What is going on now, dare to come here alone?

Despite the doubts in his heart, it seemed that the Hammer couldn't support it. After all, the hidden bat attacked again and again, but he had no chance to fight back except to resist.

So, he will lose sooner or later. Even so, Lin Tianyao did not continue to wait and see. After all, if you want to know why Hidden Bats are here, grab it and ask it.

A remnant image flashed, Lin Tianyao's body had already appeared in the battlefield, the hidden bat busy with sneak attack, did not find such a change at all. Just as he fell, preparing to attack the big hammer, suddenly a flash of gold flashed in front of him.

Jinmang flashed, and a sharp blade appeared before him. Above this blade, the flame lingered, and the hot temperature erupted in it, causing the surrounding air to tremble.

How could the hidden bat not know this familiar blade? Wasn’t it the owner of the knife who defeated Wei Zhuang and Donghuang Taiyi?

Recalling the previous battle, the hidden bat's bitterness almost shattered. His heart was occupied by fear, and his body began to lose its original stability, attacking from top to bottom. After an error, he almost did not fall.

The strange appearance of the hidden bat happened to be found by the big hammer. It has been suppressed before, making this straight-headed man hold his stomach in anger. Finding opportunities now, almost without hesitation, his whole body of energy was concentrated on the hammer in his hand.


A muffled sound, like the sound of a wooden door being kicked vigorously, the hammer hit the hidden bat's heart.

Hidden bats planted from the air keep their heads and feet. When he was hit by a big hammer in midair, he had no focus at all, and there was no way to resist. This hammer was extremely strong.

If you want to tell what the scene is at this time, it is just like playing baseball. The hammer is like a baseball bat, hitting **** the hidden bat.


The blood, like a fountain in the square, spewed out from the mouth of the hidden bat. There were also clumps of bright red blood clots, which were smashed internal organs.

The muffled sound was accompanied by a "creaky" sound that made the scalp tingle. The ribs of the hidden bat were completely smashed at this moment. ....