Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 774: 776 hands on

Episode 774

At this moment, while the people in the city are still complaining about their own private grievances, the external crisis is coming quietly.

Weizhuang was standing there on a high mountain outside the organ city, staring at the cloud below.

Next to him, there was an old man with a bun on his head. There was no hair at all around the back of his head, and he looked extremely funny.

Compared to his hairstyle, his face was extremely cold and abominable. Eagle nose, pointed monkey gills, plus a pair of triangular eyes. The flash of resentment in his eyes was like a snake.

Wei Zhuang stared intently at the bottom, his lips wriggled softly: "The public lost the hatred, this Mojia government city, how sure are you to break it?"

The male loses Qiu with a grin, and the male duck's general voice makes a hoarse voice: "To break through this organ city, my family loses less than 40%. But with the help of Master Weizhuang, you have seven to make."

"Oh?" There was no change in Wei Zhuang's expression on his face, but from his tone, he seemed satisfied with the answer.

Gong Shuu Qiu stooped and walked slowly beside him: "Master Weizhuang, should your man act now?"

Wei Zhuang frowned, slowly raising his head and said: "Lin Er's side, what she has to do depends on her ability to adapt. I never perform tasks on him."

Hearing Wei Zhuang say that name, Gong Qiu immediately widened his eyes and said: "Master Wei Zhuang, you said Lin'er, could it be..."

"Yes, Lin Tianyao, did he really think he could defeat me completely? I have done things, and it has become a habit to stay behind."

The corner of Wei Zhuang's mouth quietly crossed a trace of arc. When he was fighting, he had quietly buried his eyes into the Xiang family. This trick was seamless and no one even discovered it.

Lin Er in his mouth is Mo Qilin, the most mysterious killer of quicksand. This person is good at camouflage, and can be seamless, almost no one can find the clues.

With this person as an internal responder, it is no wonder that Wei Zhuang is so fearless and confident that he can break through the Mojia government city.

Of course, this Neiyingzhuang didn't tell Donghuang Taiyi. What he said is that he has the power of public revenge.

He did so with obvious selfishness. Although the mysterious Great Magister knew him earlier, he was also a ruthless character. Seeking benefits under this kind of manpower is no different from tiger seeking skin. In this case, whoever can accomplish his task first will naturally be rewarded the most.

At one point, Donghuang Taiyi also turned to Wei Zhuang and used it as a chess piece.

Just as the two looked down, the clouds and mist under their feet suddenly began to appear a little purple. That purple is from the center of a mountain range. The purple fog, like the smoke from the people in that village, rose slowly and merged into the sea of ​​clouds.

Seeing this purple smoke, Wei Zhuang took a long sigh of relief, and his face began to relax.

Seeing his expression relaxed, Gong Qiu also became interested in the purple smoke. You don't need to guess that kind of thing to know that it's artificial.

He asked in a low voice: "Master Weizhuang, is this purple smoke a signal from yours?"

Wei Zhuang whispered: "It's Liner's hands. Once the purple smoke appears, people on the Mo's side will definitely notice it too. It's not too late. Let's do it now!"

I was still waiting before, but I thought Cao Cao and Cao Cao had arrived. Mo Qilin had already started.

At the moment, Wei Zhuang and Gong Gong did not hesitate to lose their hatred, and hurriedly entered a state of preparation.

At the same time, within the Mojia government city.

The contradiction between Gao Jianli and Gaieni was just revealed, and Master Class had not sighed a sigh of relief before someone hurried over.

The Mo disciple rushed over with a panicked face and said, "Master Class, the big thing is not good."

"What is so panic, what does it look like!"

Master Class is now having a headache about Gao Jianli, his temper determines his attitude, and this Mo disciple is also hitting the nail.

However, before he had time to make up for the crime, he hurriedly said: "Master Master, the disciples outside Cai Cai suddenly saw purple smoke rising in the mountain stream. When they felt strange, they went to the big hammer to lead. The result, the result..."

"Purple smoke?" After thinking for a moment, Master Class suddenly felt bad. The Mo family is hidden in the mountains, and the disciples in the gate will never do such an exposure. The only possibility for this situation can only be done by intruders.

Wei Zhuang and others have been repulsed by Lin Tianyao, and they could not have the courage to attack again so soon. Besides, the terrain here is dangerous, and ordinary people have no ability to invade here.

With such a thought, Master Class suddenly "chucked" in his heart, and his tone appeared a little nervous: "How is the result?"

The disciple swallowed and tried to cover up his panic, calming his breath: "As a result, the leader of the Hammer just entered the forest and was ambushed. He made me hurry to come back and rescue the soldiers. That intruder is not easy!"

Hearing this, Master Ban would have wished to slap him to death. Why is there such a thing as the move of rescuers?

The strength of the big hammer is clearly known to the Mo family. He is a famous strong man. No matter how strong the martial arts are, it is not easy to resist when meeting Juli. After all, it's possible to die.

For someone who can trap him, strength is definitely not simple.

Without thinking too much, Master Class hurried towards Lin Tianyao's residence. Gao Jian is injured right after returning from his mission. Xue Nu will naturally take care of.

Although the Mohists are as strong as the cloud, there are few real masters. Therefore, Lin Tianyao and others have naturally become the first choice.

Lin Tianyao had just returned to his residence, and before he had time to drink, the door was pushed open by Master Class.

Looking at his panicked look, Lin Tianyao knew that something must have happened. ....