Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 764: 766 Don't talk about destroying your door

Chapter 764: 766 Do Not Say To Kill You

While Chiye lifted it, a flame burst out of the blade. At the same time as the flame erupted, a heat wave swept the whole land.

The rapid rise in temperature caused the surrounding ground to start to crack, just like the scorching sun in the sky, and it suddenly fell to the ground.

After the flame came out, it spread along the blade and wrapped up the entire blade.

This move is very similar to the original Jinwu Flame Slash, but Lin Tianyao has been improved afterwards.

Jinwu Flame Slash, relying on Jin Wuyan's eruption, to achieve the effect of eruption, but it looks powerful, but its power has weakened.

Now condense Jin Wuyan and suppress all the power to a very small point with the help of Chixiao, this kind of power is even more powerful.

Looking back at this time, Chiye seems to be a short-range flamethrower. Although the flame is greatly compressed, the raging fire snake continues to spray.

In the jet of the fire snake, the rich, hot breath seemed to burn people from the inside out.

Eastern Emperor Taiyi is now wounded, there is no way to maintain the previous defensive shield, Star Soul and others are now completely exposed to the air. With their ability, Lin Tianyao couldn't stop this trick.

Although the moves are still in the making, the raging coercion is already overwhelming. The Chixiao in front of him was a small sun, with a hot breath, which made their breath mixed with burning, and made the nostrils feel scalded.

Seeing such a situation, Donghuang Taiyi's heart has completely mentioned his throat. He really didn't expect that the secret actually made Lin Tianyao nearly crazy. In a word, there was a contradiction, and the killer was hurt.

To Weizhuang before, Lin Tianyao has never used such a powerful strength, even playing with a cat play mouse. Such thoughts are not dangerous. Because the real strong man, he disdains to kill those who have poor strength.

In fact, Emperor Dong Tai can also vaguely guess Lin Tianyao's thoughts, so he only thought of letting Xinghun come and practice. But I didn't expect to be so self-defeating that he caused such a big trouble.

The man had told him not to provoke Lin Tianyao easily, as long as he did not tear his face, he would not be in danger.

Donghuangtai's trust in that person can be said to have reached a point of urge. So he also believed in these words. It is precisely because of this that he dared to let Star Soul and others participate in Wei Zhuang's plan so blatantly and test Lin Tianyao's strength.

However, the current situation seems to have exceeded his expectations. Lin Tianyao was angry, and this anger was like thunder punishment from the **** of thunder. There is no sympathy for the life in front of you.

Judging from the coercion that erupted at Chiye, as long as Lin Tianyao's knife was launched, no one was spared. That huge power, I am afraid that even the mountains in front of you can be easily leveled to the ground.

Survival and death are only between thoughts. If the East Emperor Tai Yi came out and left the Star Soul and others directly, such a thing would not happen. His idea was nothing more than to hold the man's words as a shield, arbitrarily tell a little news, and then hang Lin Tianyao's appetite.

But this sentence has become a bridge he paved towards destruction. The teleportation array was easily destroyed by Lin Tianyao, and now they want to go, and they can't go away.

Surviving hopelessly, Emperor Taiyi can only sigh for a long time, giving up all resistance. Because now, everything is in vain, and only death is waiting for him.

Regret, almost filled everyone's heart. They really regretted that they shouldn't be right with Lin Tianyao.

But they couldn't think of it anyway, and chasing a child of Tianming could actually involve such a behemoth.

These ideas are just generated between thoughts. Lin Tianyao's Jin Wu flame chopping, just a breathing time change has been gathered successfully. Such a move requires great speed and the speed of release.

During the battle, the enemy will not give him enough time to prepare for the move. Similarly, once the killing time is too long, the enemy can also avoid it in advance.

These problems were clearly considered by Lin Tianyao when he improved the flame of Jinwu.

After the Qi gathering was successful, Lin Tianyao gloomed and put Chiye sideways in front of him. He pointed at Donghuangtai with his left hand. It’s not important. When I finish what I am seeing, I will naturally go to the Yin Yang home to find out what happened."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Dong Huang Taiyi's heart shivered. He tried everything, and forgot about it. He is the master of the Yin-Yang family, and everything in the Yin-Yang family is everything for him.

For Shang Lin Tianyao, he can calmly die in order to keep secrets. But the Yin-Yang family can't, there are the clan people they handed down.

The people in front of them are basically top experts in today's world. Together, they did not pose a slight threat to Lin Tianyao. If Lin Tianyao is allowed to enter the Yin-Yang family, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Emperor Dongyi seemed to be poured down by a pot of cold water. The whole person started to feel cold.

"Lin Tianyao, don't do it, I said, I will tell you everything!"

After weighing the pros and cons, the Emperor Donghuang couldn't bear it again and again, he shouted out loud. Although this secret is extremely important, compared with the life and death of the Yin-Yang family, it is still clear to him which is more important.

Unfortunately, Lin Tianyao will not give him this opportunity. The secret is there, naturally waiting for him to discover. Even if Emperor Donghuang did not say it, it was only a matter of time.

He is angry now because of this guy's attitude. The previous arrogance and appetite made him unbearable.

"East Huang Taiyi, what did the old man say to you, have you forgotten? You didn't expect you to be such a soft bone!"...