Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 763: 765 Ready to die

763 Chapter 765

The Emperor Dong Yi was kneeling down on the ground by Lin Tianyao, and the usual blandness could no longer be maintained.

Today, hundreds of schools contend, and Yingzheng urges his Yin and Yang families very much. He is the head of the Yin-Yang family, and the identity and arrogance waiting for the world to be apprehended is now easily stepped on by others, how can he afford it?

The man once warned him not to fight Lin Tianyao. This time he came, he always tried to distance himself, and he had no other ideas. But that's it, he still can't hide, Lin Tianyao now let him kneel down, has trampled on his dignity.

Lin Tianyao grabbed Dong Huang Taiyi's right hand and suppressed him. This posture is the most common and most effective suppressing action. The hand is twisted, and naturally the body cannot turn.

However, there was a deviation in Donghuang Taiyi's body, and his body turned around in a posture completely opposite to his arm. If you change to an ordinary person, only one result of this action is that the arm is completely broken.

But Emperor Taiyi seemed to care nothing about it. While turning his body around, his right hand suddenly began to glow purple. His five fingers stretched out suddenly, covered with scales, as if it were above the nine days. The dragon's claws are average.

"Dragon catches your hand?" Lin Tianyao's mouth twitched coldly.

Donghuang Taiyi can completely abandon his left arm, or it can be broken by himself, which seems crazy, but Lin Tianyao, who is holding his left arm, is very clear that his arm is abnormal!

The right hand turned into a dragon claw, and the deep purple light above it contained a fierce internal force. This trick, even if Mizhuang used his full strength, I'm afraid it can't be resisted. But Lin Tianyao didn't care at all, because his so-called dragon claw was nothing more than a small reptile's claw.

The real dragon claw is not so weak. Moreover, Lin Tianyao is pregnant with the blood of Jinwu, and the strongest beast of the dragon race is only the green dragon. Compared with Jinwu, its blood lineage is several grades lower.

Seeing that the Dragon Claw of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had been grabbed towards the face, Lin Tianyao's right hand was also stretched out, his fingers instantly turned into gold, and his fingernails also grew crazy, becoming sharp.

At the same time, a golden golden flame was sprayed from his hand.


There was a muffled sound, one dragon and one golden dragon, and the two claws hit hard together, and then, there was a scream of utter tragedy.

Donghuang Taiyi's body flew out directly due to a huge impact. While flying out, his left hand also detached from his shoulder.

The left arm wrapped under the black sleeve, because Lin Tianyao's left hand was firmly grasped, he could not break free. Therefore, Emperor Dongyi had to discard it.

The dragon claw in his right hand was directly burned to fly ash because of the collision with Lin Tianyao and because of the hot golden black flame. With just one face-to-face confrontation, the Emperor Donghuang lost his hand and arm, and this result almost became a dull hammer, which beat **** the hearts of several others. .

Was the person in charge of the Yin-Yang family, the existence of the gods, so vulnerable in front of Lin Tianyao?

Donghuang Taiyi was shot and flew, and the broken arm naturally became rubbish. Lin Tianyao did not look at it, and was still on the ground.

But the moment the left arm was thrown out, the black sleeves suddenly began to dry out, and there was also a black gas oozing out, flying towards Donghuang Taiyi.

In just a blink of an eye, that broken arm turned into black gas completely, and only the black long sleeve left the one that fell to the ground.

Donghuang Taiyi got up from the ground far away. He took a deep breath and sucked the black gas formed by his left arm into the mask.

After the black qi was absorbed, Donghuangtai coughed for a while. Obviously, Lin Tianyao's claw caused him internal injuries.

He coughed and said in a hoarse voice: "Lin Tianyao, you are really cruel! If you change to someone else, I am afraid it is no longer possible to stand here and speak."

Losing in the hands of Lin Tianyao, the Emperor Dong Yi has lost his face in front of others, but he can still recover a little from the words.

At least, when others face Lin Tianyao, he has no strength to fight back at all, he can still fight hard, and then remain immortal.

Lin Tianyao put away Jin Wuyan, then gently flicked his right hand and left behind. He held his head high and his eyes flashed coldly: "Emperor Donghuang, I will give you one last chance. If you tell the secret now, I can let you go! If not, you will completely disappear in this world. , No bones!"

The last four words, Lin Tianyao even used internal force when he spoke. When the thick internal force erupted, an invisible wave of air formed, shaking the side of the mountains and shaking, countless rocks began to fall.

The coercion and the arrogant momentum, like an invisible sword, stabbed fiercely in everyone's heart, causing their bodies to step back a few steps uncomfortably, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

Such a strong crush is not only from the strength, but now their deep heart has also been occupied by fear. Now if they were allowed to choose, they would rather choose death than confront Lin Tianyao.

But is it so easy to die? Now their life and death are all in Lin Tianyao's hands, he is the judge and is in charge of everything.

Life is lifeless, death is deathless, even if it is already terrifying, but it still has to face it. Such torture, if someone with a slightly weaker heart, I am afraid it has collapsed.

However, Dong Huang Taiyi actually laughed at this time, his laughter was very cold, people could not help goose bumps, his teeth were tingling for a while.

Listening to him laugh, Lin Tianyao frowned involuntarily, he gently shook his head and said: "Well, since you do not want to say, then die!"

After talking, Lin Tianyao raised his hand, and Chi Xiao appeared on his right hand. ....