Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 755: 757 Star Soul

Chapter 755 Star Soul

After saying this, Lin Tianyao finally understood. The relationship between Da Siming and Wei Zhuang is not cooperation. But their purpose is the same, they are ordered to win the government to hunt down Gaie and others.

Of course, Lin Tianyao's sudden appearance turned their goal to him.

Lin Tianyao met in Can Yuegu at the beginning, not only defeated Da Siming, but also grabbed Young Siming. In this way, after the two of them failed, Da Siming must also tell Wei Tianzhuang of Lin Tianyao's strength.

In this way, everything can be explained clearly.

From Wei Zhuang's previous cautious trial of Lin Tianyao's strength, he did not hesitate to pay the price of his life in exchange for the king of the wolf and the organization. He is not arrogant, but unclear about Lin Tianyao's knowledge.

But no matter how to explain, Wei Zhuang lost after all. Since he lost, he has no excuses. Da Siming now ridiculed him, but it was just a quick talk.

Faced with such sarcasm, Wei Zhuang fell into silence. His life is still in Lin Tianyao's hands. What is the point of arguing?

On the contrary, if Da Siming dares to come over, she must have a life-saving grasp. In this way, standing with her may have the opportunity to escape.

After letting Wei Zhuang deflate, Da Siming seemed to feel quick. After all, her previous mission failed, but she was under a lot of pressure.

When she went to the Yin-Yang family to report the letter, although the Emperor Taiyi did not hold her accountable, she lost her commander's life. Such a big event has greatly threatened her status.

If you make mistakes again, you must face great punishment.

Now Wei Zhuang failed, but instead gave her an opportunity to explain. After all, how she said that Lin Tianyao is powerful. In the eyes of others, on the one hand, it is to escape guilt, on the other hand, it also grows the ambition of others and extinguishes her prestige.

Lin Tianyao didn't have time to listen to the two of them. You ridiculed me. He stretched out his hand to make a void, and Chi Xiao, who was inserted on the mountain wall, shuddered slightly, and turned into a golden awn and flew back into his hands.

He kept this posture, and Chi Xiao pointed at Da Si Ming as before: "I said Little Beauty, last time I took Shao Si Ming but confiscated you, do you feel wronged? If you take the initiative to give in now Me, I can consider it."

He made such a fuss, and Da Siming was not angry. Instead, he covered his lips and smiled lightly: "Little handsome boy, even if I am willing to dress you, I am afraid you can't stand it?"

"How do you know if you don't try it?" Lin Tianyao's tone rose, and the meaning of the play was more intense.

Da Siming sighed: "Well, if I met you earlier, maybe I really got rid of you. It's a pity that the slave family now belongs to the East Emperor. If you dare to covet my body, the Yin and Yang family People won't let you go. For your life, you should take it easy!"

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said, "I think of the Emperor Donghuang, I remembered it. Did you bring it to you last time?"

"Of course!" Da Siming replied without hesitation: "Master Donghuang also asked me to give you a word. When it's appropriate, he would like to invite you to go to Yin and Yang's home!"

Lin Tianyao said: "This is natural, I will go back home sooner or later. But now, I still have to solve the matter in front of me!"

With that said, Chi Ye had turned his direction in his hand and pointed at Wei Zhuang's heart.

Seeing Wei Zhuang, his pupils contracted for a while, and the most worried thing finally came. Lin Tianyao is still not going to let him go. Unable to resist, Wei Zhuang had to turn his attention to Dai Siming for help.

Seeing Wei Zhuang's help, Da Siming turned his head to the side and said: "Weizhuang, I can't protect myself now, but I have no time to control you!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Tianyao's Chi Xiao had already flown out.

This time, Chi Xiao didn't turn to other places anymore, just in a blink of an eye, Wei Zhuang was about to die on the spot!

Just at this critical juncture, Da Siming suddenly turned around, her hands up and down, showing the gesture of holding the moon in her arms.

And between her hands, it was Lin Tianyao's Chi Xiao.

This action made Wei Zhuang really shocked with cold sweat. This **** big commander, even joking with him at this juncture, don't you know that it will scare people?

Life and death are only momentary, and even Wei Zhuang cannot hide the fear of death.

"You really shot!"

Lin Tianyao's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a playful smile.

Behind Da Siming also felt cold. She thought she felt very clearly that Chi Xiao, who flew over from Lin Tianyao, didn't make much effort at all. Conversely, this hit will not kill him even if it hits Weizhuang.

To be precise, Lin Tianyao's attack is a temptation, not a killer!

Knowing this, Da Siming couldn't help it anymore, she exclaimed with a cry: "Master Star Soul, our trail has been seen, please come out!"


Under the scream of Da Siming, there was a crisp sneer from the top of the distant mountain, and a large robe suddenly floated down from above.

From a distance, there was a man hidden among the robes.

The man was thin and small, but it was just the size of a child.

And that sound is not like what an adult should have, that kind of crisp, clearly a child with undeveloped vocal cords.

The robe flew down very quickly, and suddenly stopped when it was about to land.

This situation made Lin Tianyao watch carefully. Because the object falls, it only slows down, it is impossible to stop suddenly.

If it is necessary to say that this is possible, then it can only be said that the space in that area is halted to cause such a result.

Under such an association, Lin Tianyao suddenly understood. This Yin Yang family, as he thought, really related to the magic circle.

Time is still, a move he only recently realized. And this person named Star Soul can actually make it out, and the connection between them must not be accidental.

After landing, a small white arm like a lotus root stretched out from the robe. The thickness of that arm is really the same as that of a 12- or 13-year-old child!...