Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 754: 756 Grand Commander

Episode 754

If it is said that Lin Tianyao just killed these three thousand iron riders, even if Wei Zhuang's heart was shattered, he could find a reason to understand it.

But is this really just a desperate battle? Lin Tianyao's body was not contaminated with even a trace of blood. Seeing him like that, he was as refreshed as he had just been in the bath, without the slightest fatigue.

Don't say it's killing 3,000 people, even if a farmer is harvesting 3,000 rice, then it's absolutely tiring to take a breath!

Now, Wei Zhuang can no longer think about it. Because it is meaningless to think about it again.

The facts lay before us. Lin Tianyao did not have any effort to slaughter the three thousand Tieqi. And the long knife in his hand pointed at no one else, but his Wei Zhuang.

With a spitting voice, Wei Zhuang said in a low voice: "Lin Tianyao, I lost in your hands today, although I am unwilling, but I can accept it. With your strength, killing me is easy! Those before me Conspiracy and scheming, it is really ridiculous to think of it now!"

During the speech, he sighed for a long time and looked up at the heavens: "It's a pity that I shouldn't have died here! I haven't divided the superiors between me and Shige. I'm really not reconciled!"

In Wei Zhuang's eyes, there was a kind of unwillingness and resentment. His reluctance was already spoken, but the kind of resentment was not directed against Gaie, but Lin Tianyao.

He Weizhuang led the quicksand organization to disrespect the heroes, and has never lost since taking over! But this time, he lost, and it was a mess. Even the backs that always have spares had to be taken out, but in the end they lost.

Qian donkey is poor, these four words are used to describe the current Wei Zhuang that is appropriate.

With all his efforts, he failed in the end. Such a result is a perfect ending for Wei Zhuang. At least, he lost and understood, but lost without remorse.

A little comfort was found in my heart, Wei Zhuang slowly closed his eyes, and the voice in his mouth lightly said: "Lin Tianyao, kill me. My Wei Zhuang is not a greedy person who is afraid of life and death, and can be placed in the hands of an expert like you, It is also a relief for me!"

Chi Lian and Hidden Bat on the side saw that the boss had given up resistance. Although he had the idea of ​​fighting hard, he finally gave up. Because even if they did that, it was just a cockroach that shook the tree and could not pose any threat in front of Lin Tianyao.

Seeing that the three had already been put to death, Lin Tianyao was no longer talking nonsense with them. He shrank back slightly, as if pulling a bow, and then rushed forward.

The Chixiao in his hand, like an arrow from a string, shot at Wei Zhuang's head with a piercing broken air.

Under the night, Chiye turned into a golden long rainbow, with a tremendous speed, so that the track it traversed became a golden light without interruption.


A loud explosion suddenly appeared behind Wei Zhuang. Immediately afterwards, a blood-red figure appeared on the mountain wall behind him.

And Chi Xiao, just beside the **** figure!

Such a loud noise caused Wei Zhuang to open his eyes uncontrollably. When Chi Xiao paddled beside them, how could they not feel the strong wind?

Lin Tianyao left his hand at the critical moment, which made them suddenly unable to understand.

But when they turned their heads and looked in the direction of Chi Xiaofei's passing, they finally understood the reason for all this.

The blood-red figure, they could not be more familiar, it is the fight of Siming!

Lin Tianyao discovered the trail, and Da Siming did not continue to hide. She twisted the water snake's waist, lifted her feet and lifted her lightly, and drifted to Weizhuang's side.

Just that blow, if Lin Tianyao really wanted to kill this woman, she could not hide it anyway. It's just that he didn't do it.

Because Da Siming appeared here at this time, this is not a coincidence. On the contrary, she must have a purpose.

If the woman is rashly killed, this secret will naturally not be obtained.

The first time Lin Tianyao met in the canyon was enough to explain everything. Da Siming is definitely not his opponent.

This woman knows she can't fight, but she has to show up at this time. What is she going to do?

Seeing her drifting to Wei Zhuang and others, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but sink in his heart. Is this guy still mingled with the Yin and Yang family?

But if this is really the case, then what did they mean to die before?

The combination of so many mysteries, even Lin Tianyao's brain, can't be turned away. If you want to understand everything in the first place, it is absolutely impossible.

So the problem now is to first look at the purpose of Da Siming here.

Thinking about these problems, Lin Tianyao's expression became a little low. His eyes narrowed slightly, watching Da Siming didn't speak, as if waiting for her to speak first.

Dai Siming seemed to understand this too, and she waved at Wei Zhuang and others: "You quicksand, isn't the killer group claiming to be the first one today? Why are you deflated now?"

When she said this at this time, the sarcasm in her speech was obvious. Wei Zhuang listened, his face red and white. The murderousness in his eyebrows gradually condensed, and the kind of sensation of coldness caused Chi Lian to shake his body.

But Da Siming didn't care at all. She sneered instead: "Weizhuang, do you think it can still be my opponent with a badly injured body?"

This statement is also in line with the facts. The three people in Weizhuang, except for the hidden bat, are all seriously wounded and cannot exert much combat power at all. Da Siming wants to deal with them, naturally there is no problem.

"What the **** are you doing here, are you just watching our jokes?"

Wei Zhuang took a deep breath, and after calming his emotions, he stared at Da Siming and asked.

Da Siming stretched his hand to touch the hair on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Your failure, you can only blame you for being too conceited. I told you long ago, don't underestimate Lin Tianyao!"...