Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 746: 748 out of

Episode 746

"The corpse!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone moved towards Lin Tianyao. Except for Lin Tianyao, they don't think anyone else will be Wei Zhuang's opponent.

"Master Weizhuang!"

Chi Lian saw Wei Zhuang appear, and the emotion of joy almost swallowed her. She screamed, hoping to fly to him instantly.

Wei Zhuang wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand, and said in a hoarse voice: "Lin Tianyao, why didn't you kill me? Are you pitying me?"

Fang Cailin Tianyao flew him away with a palm, and then the fire cloud just dispelled the snake group, and did not kill him.

But the mercy of this man, in Wei Zhuang's opinion, is not pity, but an insult. Swordsmen can't die on the battlefield in a decent manner, and it is insulting to the eight generations of ancestors to steal a life.

Only one person present could understand Lin Tianyao's approach. That person was no one else but Duan Murong.

Lin Tianyao once told her, ‘kindness towards the enemy is also cruel! ’

To defeat Wei Zhuang, the strength demonstrated by Lin Tianyao is simply as easy as a palm. But he didn't play the killer, which means something far-reaching.

Lin Tianyao stared coldly at Wei Zhuang, he slowly said: "Wei Zhuang, don't think I don't kill you, it's just not the time now!"

"What do you mean?"

Wei Zhuang coughed and a burst of blood spewed from his mouth. He walked slowly and walked towards Lin Tianyao slowly.

He is now seriously injured, and his steps are somewhat vain. However, his body did not shake at all. Every step was stepped down with great force and his footsteps were very stable.

From this subtle movement, we can see how tough this man is. In other words, his temperament is cruel.

Only those who can be cruel to themselves can be more cruel to others. This sentence is the same. If a person is not self-disciplined to himself, his mentality is easily turbulent, especially to others.

Wei Zhuang no longer cares about others now. If he wants to escape, he can just leave. Since Lin Tianyao chose to let him survive, he would not have killed him.

But instead of doing so, he pressed hard step by step, trying to get answers from Lin Tianyao.

Seeing him coming, Lin Tianyao put Chi Lian down, stretched out his index finger and thumbed up and clasped her neck: "I tell you, I don’t kill Weizhuang because of you. If you get rid of Yueer’s snake poison, I can Consider letting you go!"

Previously, he personally took the antidote to break down its properties, and then asked Duan Murong to study the antidote. But other people's research can't always observe too subtle. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous. Moreover, with Chilian's temperament, how could she make the antidote so simple, just let anyone crack it?

Lin Tianyao was actually discovered only later. When he took the antidote, he only found the toxin wrapped around the antidote. However, when the antidote is slowly decomposed, its interior is even more poisonous.

At this point, he was also fighting Wei Zhuang when the antidote was officially broken down.

Therefore, he could not vacate to inform Duan Murong. So at the same time as the battle, he kept his back, instead of killing Wei Zhuang, he used this opportunity to threaten Chi Lian.

Obviously, this plan is now successful. Wei Zhuang was seriously injured, and Chi Lian himself was bitten by Huo Mei. Guyne could easily take down the fighting power of the two of them.

Chi Lian's current thinking is different from that of Wei Zhuang. She wants to live with Wei Zhuang instead of dying. Not many people know her identity today. What I experienced in the first place has become a secret.

It was after that incident that she lost everything, and the only thing left was Wei Zhuang. If possible, she is willing to stay with Wei Zhuang forever and stay away from worldly disputes.

Therefore, she cannot agree with Wei Zhuang's so-called battlefield. If Lin Tianyao let her go, she could spare everything.

When Lin Tianyao made this request, Chi Lian blurted out almost without hesitation: "I can tell you how to strip the toxin from the antidote. But you have to let us go!"

"no problem!"

Lin Tianyao said in a deep voice.

Duan Murong on the side listened to Lin Tianyao's words and frowned, "Mr. Lin, didn't you get the antidote? I have found a way to remove the toxin coat from the outside."

She is not a destructive doctor, so that the outer toxins of the antidote can be removed in such a short time.

But Lin Tianyao shook her head to her: "Duanmu girl, we just tried the drug in person. This antidote not only has a toxin coat on the outside, but also hides a highly toxic substance inside the antidote."

After hearing Lin Tianyao's explanation, Duan Murong's face suddenly turned pale. Normal people find the toxin coat on the outside of the antidote, and they must think that the antidote is on this level. As everyone knows, there are toxins hidden in the depths.

If Lin Tianyao did not test the drug by herself, then she might also find the toxin coat through the investigation. But who can think of this real antidote, wrapped in two layers of poison inside and outside?

If she had taken the antidote to Yue'er for a while, she would really be lost.

Thinking of this, Duan Murong almost fainted. If it weren’t Lin Tianyao, Yue'er would really die injustice this time.

After fearing, Duan Murong's injured silver needle appeared instantly. She pointed at Chilian and said: "You **** demon, quickly tell the way to crack the poison. Otherwise, I will kill you!" "

The doctors are kind, and Duan Murong can say such vicious words, which is also too emotionally stimulating.

But Chi Lian was not afraid, but instead giggled: "Why don't you see you as strong as you, a woman, when Master Caizhuang is coming? If you weren't Mr. Lin, you are now dead! A group of cowards."

What she said was quite common sense, and everyone around her heard it and couldn't help but bow her head. If it weren’t Lin Tianyao, they were really looting this time. ....