Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 745: 747 scam

745 Chapter 747

Chi Lian's situation has long been expected by Lin Tianyao. If you let him beat a woman, it is really difficult to start.

But this woman didn't give her a color, she could really turn the sky. The farmer and the snake are examples. Snake-like temperament does not know what is good.

So to subdue her, not only can not shoot, but also hurt her, this is a good opportunity.

If a woman is not reserved, then she can be regarded as a woman owned by a man. Although Chilian is passive now, it is similar to this meaning.

Lin Tianyao took her body in her arms and gently supported her little buttocks, carrying her directly on the shoulder.

From this point of view, the scene is slightly funny. Right hand carrying Chi Xiao was carried on his right shoulder, and left and right carried Chi Lian on his left shoulder. Such a symmetrical beauty has a different taste.

Although Chi Lian was repulsed, but his body was a little weak, and his consciousness had not yet been disrupted.

Lin Tianyao carried it on his shoulders with such a movement, her face suddenly turned blushing. Although she showed her charms, but she really moved, her little girl's thoughts came out unconsciously.

"You let me go!"

Chi Lian's voice was weak, but his temper was not weakened. She screamed as she reached out and thumped on Lin Tianyao's back.

But she didn't have much strength anymore. This kind of thumping is just like tickling.

Everyone on the side saw this scene, and some people could not help but even started to snicker.

Who could have imagined that the female demon head was like a viper at the previous moment, and in a blink of an eye, it became a little girl under duress?

Chi Lian struggled non-stop, Lin Tianyao couldn't figure out how to let her calm down, she simply lost it, and took Chi Xiao back into the space. The left hand he vacated slapped **** her little buttocks. .

But he did this covertly. After all, so many people are watching here and found by others, then it can be fixed.

Now in the context of this era, it is light and thin for men to carry women. If you still beat your ass, it would be a sensation in public and you will be scolded.

Lin Tianyao slapped, and Chi Lian suddenly froze. But she is now dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, unable to tell the bitterness. If she yells out loud and is heard by others, she will no longer see her face.

But if she didn't say it, Lin Tianyao continued to sneak in and frivolous her, what should I do?

Not right or left, which makes Chi Lian ambiguous for a while. But her gaze remained in the distance, where Wei Zhuang dropped.

How sensitive is Lin Tianyao's perception ability? He felt the strange appearance of Chi Lian, so he opened his mouth and asked, "What's wrong, little beauty? Are you still worried about Wei Zhuang?"

"Damn, what's wrong with Master Weizhuang?"

Chi Lian's voice was already crying. After the snakes were swallowed by the fire cloud, there was no bones. She easily thought of it and knew that Weizhuang had turned into fly ash.

But the obsession in her heart told her that if she could not see what she saw, she could not believe this fact anyway.

Although she tried her best to keep her thoughts, Lin Tianyao's next sentence completely destroyed her fantasy.

Only Lin Tianyao's tone said indifferently: "You don't have to think about it, if Wei Zhuang can still have corpses, even if I pity you, I will let you go and see, but I can't do it!"

The meaning of his words is already obvious. Wei Zhuang is dead, and his bones are gone.

After he said this, two lines of tears were drawn in the corners of Chi Lian's eyes. Her face has been completely covered by simple sadness.

She wanted to cry out loud, but there was no sound here, and she could no longer make a sound. All emotional bursts can only be vented through the teardrops in those corners of the eyes.

Seeing her so sad, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but be happy. This woman, regardless of her scheming, sometimes had a very simple mind, and she could fool it with just a little cleverness.

He sighed deeply and deliberately, "What are you crying about? I'm almost dying, not as sad as you?"

In this way, Chi Lian couldn't help but stunned. With a crying voice in her voice, she asked in a choked voice: "You killed Master Weizhuang, and you weren't even injured. Why did you die?"

Lin Tianyao smiled bitterly: "You forgot, the antidote you gave me was poisonous!"

When he heard him say that, Chi Lian suddenly laughed, and there was misery in her laughter, but that kind of smile came from the heart.

She laughed loudly, and said, "It's a god, you killed Master Wei Zhuang, and you're so meek, I thought no one could cure you. I didn't expect you to die in my hands!"

Speaking of Lin Tianyao's death under her poison, Chi Lian felt a little eager, and she began to speed up, saying: "It's really injustice and debts, and we have lost, and we lost, you didn't ask for a discount. I’m not wronged before I die!"

"It seems that you really want me to die!"

Lin Tianyao smiled bitterly again and again, this little beauty, I am afraid he has hated him in his bones.

While the two were talking, there was a sudden cough on the ground in the distance.

This cough came out and immediately attracted everyone's eyes.

On the flat ground, a black figure with curly hair stood there.

Through the moonlight, some faint features can be seen vaguely. That person is not Wei Zhuang, or who?

At first sight, it was Wei Zhuang, and everyone unconsciously took a defensive posture, looking like an enemy.

Being able to pass Lin Tianyao's heavy palm, coupled with Huoyun's baking, can still survive. Wei Zhuang's strength has made them feel terrified! ....