Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 740: 742 Taking the medicine as a test

Episode 740

The two reasons are superimposed, and the transaction between the two parties has also fallen into anxiety for a while.

When everyone was thinking hard about the solution, Lin Tianyao suddenly broke the silence.

"So, you can give me an antidote first, how about I try it myself?"

As soon as these words came out, Chi Lian suddenly froze for a moment, and she chuckled lightly: "Little handsome boy, I really admire your courage. Are you afraid that I will be poisoned inside?"

What she said was not what other people thought?

Tianming and Shaoyu approached Lin Tianyao almost at the same time and said to him: "Brother, you can't be stupid. At this critical time, if you were poisoned by that bad woman, wouldn't it be worse?"

Duan Murong pursed his mouth, rubbing his hands around the corner of his clothes. For a while, she gnawed her lower lip with her silver teeth: "Mr. Lin, thank you for doing this for Yue'er. But if you are poisoned at this time, then our situation is really dangerous!"

She was able to say this, obviously after an extremely fierce ideological struggle. This woman has a heart tied to Yue'er. Now that she knows how to save Yueer'er, she can still keep her refusal sensibly. This kind of thinking is generally impossible for men.

Lin Tianyao smiled at her and said, "Miss Duanmu, if you say this, I'm poisoned. Why don't you just be a magician? I have to rely on you to save me from poisoning!"

Patting lightly on the heads of Tianming and Shaoyu, Lin Tian stepped forward and waved to Chi Lian: "Less nonsense, get it!"

Seeing Chi Lian, the laughter became more intense. The giggling sound was as sweet and crisp as the wind chimes in front of the midnight door. But her face was full of smiles, and there was a gloomy look.

The ruthlessness disappeared almost instantly, making it hard to detect.

Despite this, her hand was not slow, and she flicked it gently, and a fiery red pill shot directly towards Lin Tianyao's palm.

Lin Tianyao grabbed the pill and caught it. Then, without waiting for others to stop, he swallowed directly.

After swallowing the pill, Lin Tianyao smacked his mouth and said to Chi Chi: "Beauty's ability to poison is good, the refining of this antidote is more subtle, and the taste is really endless!"

After listening to Lin Tianyao's ambiguous praise, Chi Lian reached out and gently concealed his red lips: "The son really laughed. How can Chi Lian be able to stand up like this?"

After a polite sentence, Lin Tianyao threw Bai Feng to the ground in front of him: "I have already released it, let me give you the antidote!"

This action made everyone stunned. Even Chi Lian couldn't help but widened his eyes and said with a surprised tone: "But the son is ready?"

You should know that taking pills for a short period of time is not enough to exert the medicine's effect. Lin Tianyao even let people wait for the drug effect to appear, which is too hasty. Everyone was about to ask, Lin Tianyao stretched out his hand and pressed the void to signal that they should not be excited. Then his eyes were fixed on Chi Liandao: "I have a shortcoming, and I trust the women blindly. Chi Lian girl is so beautiful, must I not be dishonest?"

Chi Lian listened and giggled: "That's nature. I think the son is so calm and naturally treats each other sincerely."

After she finished talking, she threw the fiery red antidote bottle over. Lin Tianyao also stretched his foot at the same time and kicked Bai Feng towards the Weizhuang side.

While getting the antidote, Duan Murong greeted her, and she said nervously: "Mr. Lin, how are you feeling now? How can you believe that Chi Lianzi's Hu Meizi, she's hidden under the belly, you too Sloppy!"

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and put the antidote on her hand: "This antidote should be true, but a poison was added to the outside. You are a doctor and you should know how to crack the outside poison."

Duan Murong took the antidote and was surprised with a look: "Mr. Lin, how did you know?"

Lin Tianyao grinned reluctantly: "I eat it myself, how can I not know? My physique is a little special, once the medicine is imported, it will be absorbed instantly!"

By the time he spoke, Lin Tianyao's face had become extremely pale, and his forehead had begun to ooze sweat beads the size of soybeans. Look like this, it should be a sign of poisoning.

With Lin Tianyao's strength, Chi Lian gave him all the poison, and he could easily resolve it.

Toxins enter the body, which is transmitted through blood vessels. But Lin Tianyao is pregnant with the golden bloodstream, and the golden black flame contained in it can burn anything. Those toxins circulate through the blood, so Jin Wuyan can refining them into fly ash.

The reason why he chose not to control these toxins for the time being is to create an illusion, an illusion that he has been poisoned.

In such a transaction, Bai Feng was put back, and Lin Tianyao was poisoned. This is a big profit for Wei Zhuang and others.

Right now, apart from Gainie, only Lin Tianyao is a tricky character.

Bai Feng's poisoning was actually directed towards Lin Tianyao. But the plan failed.

Now through this transaction, Lin Tianyao was poisoned, which completely failed the previous plan and made a perfect remedy.

Seeing Lin Tianyao in such a weak state, Duan Murong's heart was like a string, and was gently tossed at this moment.

This turbulence was like a rock stirring a thousand waves, letting the kind of emotion hidden in the depths of her heart completely break free.

This man is willing to pay the cost of living for a little girl who never knew him. Few people in the world can do this kind of friendship.

Before thinking about it, Duan Murong had so many misunderstandings about Lin Tianyao, and even swearing at each other, even the killer came into being.

But he smiled, and didn't pay any attention to it. At such a critical moment, I can take such a big risk for Yue Er. If this friendship is friendship, it is simply unreasonable.

Looking back carefully, Lin Tianyao did have some teasing words on Duan Murong at some time. If he thinks so, will his intention be? ....