Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 739: 741 confrontation

Chapter 739: 741 Confrontation

Speaking of Bai Feng, Lin Tianyao's complexion suddenly became strange. He pointed at Durant Murong's tent and said, "I said Weizhuang, you can't just ask for someone, you can't do anything you want? This kid is still thinking about entering the house and robbing him at a critical time, it is morally corrupt! "

What he said was clearly deliberately teasing. Bai Feng entered the camp of Mu Rong, but he never had a bad idea.

But these are only known to a few of them, and others are unknown.

Therefore, he now says that Bai Feng's intentions are wrong. Even if Wei Zhuang has hundreds of mouths, there is no way to quibble. This charge was added to him.

Wei Zhuang's face became more dull when he was so ridiculed by the presence of so many people, even Gaine's face. He had a calm water-like face, and it was completely black for a while, just like the Heishui River in Journey to the West.

At this time, Duan Murong also came out of the tent. After taking care of Yue'er, she also took Bai Feng out.

Bai Feng was acupunctured by Lin Tianyao and patted Tian Ling Gai with his palm. Now he has lost his ability to act. It looks like the falling water dog. Where is the slightest first killer?

Carried out by Duan Murong and a woman, and watched by so many people, Bai Feng had a dead heart at this moment.

When he saw Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian, he wished he would immediately dig a hole to see him buried in it, never seeing the sun.

His proudest men are now thrown around as trash, which makes Wei Zhuang's face lose a big chunk. He lowered his head, and suddenly there was a killing intent around his body.

With such a strong killing intention, Wei Zhuang's vigorous internal force also erupted around him. His white hair, without the wind, automatically flew towards the back of the head.

"Let him go!"

The three words, like ice cones formed by the condensation of ice, squeezed out of Wei Zhuang's teeth. The sound was so cold that people of the Xiang family had goose bumps all over.

"Leave him?"

Lin Tianyao sneered: "You said let me just let it go, wouldn't I have no face?"

Wei Zhuang's head was not raised, and the tone was still cold: "In front of me, there is no room for you to bargain."

When he said this, his murderous intentions radiated out completely without any cover. The people touched by the intention of killing all developed a sense of fear from the bones.

This Wei Zhuang, the tone is really not small. But he also has arrogant capital. Although he hasn't done it yet, the murderous intention he exudes has completely defeated those with low strength from the depths of his heart.

Lin Tianyao took a deep breath and stared at him intently: "Let me release Baifeng, you can take out the antidote of snake venom and change it!"

With that said, he walked to Duan Murong's side and grabbed Bai Feng from her hand, shaking it in front of Weizhuang. In this way, it is as if the person holding the hand is not a person, but something.

"Antidote?" Wei Zhuang frowned, turning his eyes to Chi Lian.

Chi Lianjiao hummed: "Yes, I let Bai Feng secretly remove the snake venom. It's a pity that the poisoned is just a small doll, which did not achieve the desired effect."

Before, she was going to let Bai Feng poison everyone. It is a pity that the situation at that time was too complicated. In order not to attract the attention of others, he secretly achieved the effect of poisoning. He could only start towards Yue'er.

After hearing Chi Lian's explanation, Wei Zhuang's heart sank. She didn't even say this before.

When they came, they received news from Bai Feng. And if Bai Feng sends a message, it must be that his internal plan succeeded.

The prerequisite for a successful plan is definitely the success of poisoning.

This is why they were so surprised when they came here to see everyone intact.

To make matters worse, not only did Bai Feng's internal plan fail, but he also involved the two of them. All these calculations ended up in Lin Tianyao's trap.

Using Bai Feng's name in exchange for Yue'er's name seems to be very cost-effective in the eyes of Lin Tianyao and others. After all, his head is worthless and can even be removed.

But in the eyes of Wei Zhuang and others, it is more important to compare Bai Feng's life. After all, their original poisoning plan was to solve everyone. Not only did the plan fail, but a little girl was poisoned.

In this way, the poisoning plan has no effect at all, in other words, it has no meaning at all.

Lin Tianyao's request is already a win-win situation. With such a big advantage, Wei Zhuang has no reason not to agree.

They can save Yue'er here, and Wei Zhuang can return to one of their powerful men.

After this condition was put forward, Chi Lian was moved by it. Without hesitation, she directly reached into her chest and fumbled back and forth among the pair of plump things. The next moment, a fiery red bottle appeared in her hand.

"This is the antidote. If you let Bai Feng come, I will give it to you!"

Chi Lian shook the small bottle in his hand, and gave Lin Tianyao a wink.

The woman itself is very charming, and now the coquettish action is so swaggering to let the sergeants of the Xiang clan watch.

Seeing her being so decisive, Lin Tianyao did not believe it. Who knows if the antidote in her hand is true or not?

Thinking this in his heart, he yelled, "You give me the antidote first, I have to try it out!"

Chi Lian heard the words, gently licking her lips with a sweet tongue deep, her voice softly said: "Little handsome boy, you are not very reasonable in saying this. I will give you the antidote, if you don’t let others, I am not a loss Big?"

This chick, really thoughtful. But if she meant it, there was no chance of reaching a deal. One is afraid to let others go, and one is worried about the true or false antidote. Is there any way to solve this suspicion? ....