Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 737: 739 Kindness and Cruelty

Chapter 737: 739 Kindness and Cruelty

"Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, who is the butterfly and who is Zhuangzi?"

After Lin Tianyao's voice passed into the tent, his body also turned in later.

The moment Bai Feng heard the sound, she was scared. From the beginning, his complexion turned into horror, and the look in Lin Tianyao's eyes seemed to be a ghost. His body stepped back and forth, pointing at Lin Tianyao's hands shaking steadily.

"You... why are you here? How do you know that I escaped?"

Bai Feng's tone is full of incredible. If it wasn't for fear of causing more movement, he had already yelled out.

Lin Tian slowly walked into the tent, reached out and tapped Duan Murong twice, untied her acupuncture point, and then said, "Don't you mean, did I get caught in your trap? I'm here to break the rumor. If Miss Duanmu misunderstood me, then I would have no face to see!"

Listening to him still holding a joke at this time, Duan Murong almost scolded him for being unreasonable. But she was still very happy, at least Lin Tianyao was not what she thought.

If he is really being applauded by Bai Feng and others, then Yue'er must be in danger.

Duan Murong does not care about the life and death of herself or Lin Tianyao and others. She cares about Yue'er. The person who makes Yueer safe is her friend. On the contrary, even the best is an enemy.

Bai Feng's mood has been so complicated that in front of Lin Tianyao, he can't even do any resistance. He is not afraid of death, the key is that this mess is too big, because the news has been sent through the snake.

At this critical juncture, the little snake could not be recovered anyway. It was a native snake. After entering the earth, it could travel thousands of miles a day. Although it was only a short breathing time, the little snake might have gone out a few miles.

Suddenly, Bai Feng remembered that there was this signal flare in his arms. This is used by quicksand organizations to summon companions.

Right now he doesn't matter if he dies, but at least, it can prevent Wei Zhuang and others from rushing into the trap. Thinking of this, his hand quickly reached his arms.

At his speed, the firing of signal flares is also within the fingertips. Even if Lin Tianyao wants to stop it, it should not be so fast.

The reason why he fell into such a passive situation is that he issued a native snake. Now even if there is a big noise in the camp, it is absolutely useless. Because Wei Zhuang and others got the news of the native snake, he would only think that he had started in advance.

At the moment when Bai Feng was about to launch a flare, he was completely disappointed.

Because his hand can no longer move. Not just his hands, he couldn't move his entire body, as if there was something invisible that completely imprisoned him.

At the next moment, Lin Tianyao had come to him.

Gently reaching out, Bai Feng's signal flare has fallen into Lin Tianyao's hands.

"At this time, don't you admit defeat?" Lin Tianyao smiled and said: "What do you think I don't kill you for? Tell you the truth, I'm waiting, waiting for you to show your true face."

The last hope broke, and Bai Feng closed his eyes. He didn't say anything to refute, and he looked like he was waiting to die.

Bai Feng has lost its role, and Lin Tianyao is too lazy to continue to waste time on him.

He reached out and patted on Bai Feng's head. He fell directly to the ground, not moving at all.

Upon seeing this, Duan Murong said to Lin Tianyao in surprise: " killed him?"

"Otherwise? What do you keep him for?"


Duan Murong didn't know what to say, even though Bai Feng was an enemy, and tried to hurt Yue'er. But she was a doctor after all, and she was shocked when she saw the person killed.

What's more, Lin Tian's remote-handed killing was so decisive that it made her feelings of strangeness strange. Either way, the nuns are uncomfortable.

She thought so in her heart, and her face became unsightly. Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "Miss Duanmu, your heart is still so soft. But you must remember that kindness to the enemy is also cruel."

After saying this, Lin Tianyao turned and left the tent. If there are no mistakes, Wei Zhuang and others will come over soon.

Although the person left, the words were still wrapped in Duan Murong's ear.

What Lin Tianyao said is not unreasonable, but the truth is often contrary to human nature. This approach still caused Duan Murong to feel a little uncomfortable.

But at the next moment, the body of Bai Feng on the ground suddenly moved. This movement really surprised Duan Murong. This guy is not dead yet?

Lin Tianyao is gone now. If Bai Feng is alive, aren't she and Yue'er dangerous?

With a sway in her hand, the silver needle was already caught between her fingers. If Bai Feng suddenly broke out, she would not kill the killer without hesitation.

However, Bai Feng opened his eyes slowly at this time. He looked lonely and whispered: "Why, why don't you kill me. Do you want me to watch Master Weizhuang hit your trap and lose? In your hands? Lin Tianyao, you are too cruel!"

As soon as these words came out, Duan Murong's brows were screwed together.

Lin Tianyao did not kill, he did not kill. But not killing people, but making Bai Feng live better than death, this is simply a kind of torture, a cruel torture than killing.

At this moment, Duan Murong suddenly understood. The reason why Lin Tianyao did this was not what he thought, but to show her a reason.

This truth is exactly what he said before he left-kindness to the enemy is also cruel to him!

The original words of this sentence should be kind to the enemy and cruel to oneself. However, Lin Tianyao's deliberate tampering caused Duan Murong not to understand what it meant.

Now after listening to Bai Feng, she finally understood.

She gently lowered the silver needle in her hand and slowly sat on the wooden couch. Looking at the curtains at the door of the tent that were not completely covered, her heart seemed to fly away. Fly above the figure of Fang Cai. ....