Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 736: 738 Zhuang Zhou Mengdie

Chapter 736: Zhuang Zhou Mengdie

Lin Tianyao posted a false message through the snake swarm. The content of this message is very simple, that is, other people in the camp are not alert.

In order to cooperate with this news, Lin Tianyao's words with the Xiang clan during the day were also time for implementation.

In the daytime, he not only let everyone prepare rice wine to deal with the snakes, but also told them another thing. That is the key point of Bai Feng.

Lin Tianyao captured Bai Feng, but not just a whim. On the contrary, he really started to kill at first. But at the last minute, he gave up.

The reason is that we considered before, Wei Zhuang learned their news, and there must be an excellent opportunity to discover the hidden feelings.

Bai Feng was captured, and Wei Zhuang would never let him die. After all, compared with the king of the wolf and the unparalleled organization, Bai Feng's role is much greater. Such talents cannot be re-acquired casually.

Moreover, the reason why Chi Lian and others did not directly do it, but used the technique of firstly fighting against Yue'er, is the reason.

While sending the news to the snake group, the Xiang clan should have been prepared. For Bai Feng's guards, it must have been relaxed to the extreme.

With Bai Feng's self-conceited psychology, this opportunity is absolutely impossible if he doesn't run away.

But at this time, Bai Feng will never do such a simple thing. He was captured and still free. How could he not make a move?

Inside and outside, this is what Bai Feng can think of without reminding now.

Moreover, when Lin Tianyao told the Xiang clan, Bai Feng was still trying to eavesdrop. At that time, Lin Tianyao deliberately released only one sentence, that is to tell everyone not to drink.

Listening to the words in Bai Feng's ears, it naturally turned his men to watch over him.

At supper, the Xiang clan argued that they should not drink, and even this matter was noticed by Gainie, and he came to ask him. It is obvious that this play was so successful that even everyone deceived it.

Unsurprisingly, at night, as time approached, the Xiang clan finally made a move. While the sergeants were asleep, Bai Feng secretly untied the rope that tied him.

With his skill, Mo said it was a rope. Even the steel chains are hard to beat him.

After Bai Feng got rid of the shackles, Qinggong had already been transported and quietly drifted to the side of the camp.

Those sergeants of the Xiang clan, he did not kill. After all, there is a slight movement in the murder at this time, it is all about trouble.

And the direction he floated away was not elsewhere, it was Yue Er and Duan Murong's tent.

This guy really went towards Yue'er. There is Gaine waiting there at Tianming, and he has absolutely no chance of success. So the goal can only be turned to Duan Murong, who is a little weaker.

Lin Tianyao looked clearly on the tree, but he didn't rush out to startle the snake. Because of the internally controlled snakes, they should have reported to Chilian now. If he guessed right, Wei Zhuang and others should be located not far from this place, just outside the safe distance.

Lin Tianyao's mood is also excellent in planning to get the perfect facts in his heart. It's just that Duan Murong will be more or less wronged next.

Before Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian came here, Lin Tianyao could not show up what Bai Feng did. Acting, it is necessary to perform a full set.

At the same time, Bai Feng had touched Duan Murong's tent. Duan Murong just fell asleep beside Yue'er's wooden couch. She realized that the movement hadn't had time to react, and she had been acupunctured.

Seeing that Bai Feng appeared, she could only widen her eyes and couldn't make any sound.

After Bai Feng took control of Duan Murong, he reached out and explored towards Yue'er.

But in an instant, he withdrew his hand again, because there was an extremely tiny organ on the wooden couch. If it wasn't for him to observe the details, he definitely had to win.

"I can't see it. The Mo Shu has already achieved this level of skill. When sleeping, he never lowered his guard."

Bai Feng spit out a word lightly, but didn't say much. This organ, he could not crack it at all in a short time.

But if Duan Murong was taken away, such a large living person, it was a little difficult not to make a move.

With such a thought in his mind, Bai Feng reached into his arms and pulled out a small bamboo tube.

After opening, a **** red snake emerged from it.

After the little snake appeared, he stretched his snake's temperament, and then slipped down on the ground, and fell into the soil and disappeared.

After doing this, Bai Feng showed a smile on his face, and he said to Duan Murong: "Beautiful medical fairy, you can't think of it, the poison of Yue'er girl is mine!"

Duan Murong was acupunctured, his eyes widened, but no sound could be heard. She can only be angry, but there is no alternative.

Bai Feng continued: "Actually our goal is Gaie. That's right. But you have forgotten another point. The Mo's are also in the eyes of Qin State. When we come here, the main goal is you. Gaie is just a gimmick!"

After talking, Bai Feng turned and stood at the door of the tent. He let out a long sigh of relief: "Master Wei Zhuang really expected something like a god, he knew Lin Tianyao wouldn't kill me. Incomparable. Now I just wait for the message to pass, and then everything will be fine!"

From these words of Bai Feng, Duan Murong finally figured out the whole story. That little snake is not just about poisoning Yue'er. The messenger who still delivers the message!

And all these opportunities for implementation are Lin Tianyao!

If it were not Lin Tianyao who brought Bai Feng in, then they could leave safely.

As always, Duan Murong hated Lin Tianyao in his heart. That guy also made such a confident look. As everyone knows, he has completely fallen into the trap of others!

"It's smart to be mistaken!"

Just as Bai Feng was smug, a sound suddenly came from the door. ....