Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 734: 736 Insight

Chapter 734 Chapter 736

Huo Meishu is the top secretary of the Korean killer organization. Wei Zhuang and others are all from South Korea.

Among the four killers under Wei Zhuang's men, those who learn fire charm and can control snake venom, only the one who has not appeared so far, ranks second in Chi Lian.

After thinking for so long, Lin Tianyao finally found the key to the matter. Although I didn't know how Chilian gave the snake poison to Yue'er at that time. But all this is definitely in the eyes of Bai Feng.

Judging from the plan at the time, Bai Feng dragged his footsteps, and then Wei Zhuang took others to intercept Gaie and others.

However, when Lin Tianyao came back and forth, Wei Zhuang and they did not start. Therefore, Bai Feng would have been so stunned before.

However, the reason why this change can be achieved from the consternation to the relief is definitely that Bai Feng saw the small details of Wei Zhuang and others.

He used to think that Bai Feng had discovered Master Class, but later this idea was erased. It seems that the secret is now clear at a glance.

Speaking of fire charm, Duan Murong's face also turned pale. Such a secret technique, she has no way at all.

She hadn't said anything about the snake venom. However, it is so difficult to detoxify because of the interference of fire charm. Now it's hard to know the cause, but I can't get started.

Such mental torture caused Duan Murong to nearly collapse. Her body also lost support for a while, lying beside Yue'er's wooden couch.

She looked like this, which touched Lin Tianyao's heart. Although the woman is strong in appearance, she is still a woman after all, a woman with a weak heart.

He reached out and patted Duan Murong gently on the shoulder, comforting: "Miss Duanmu, you don't have to be too anxious, Yue'er will not be life-threatening for a while. If I expected it well, Chi Lian must be ready to start. I captured her and took the antidote."

Duan Murong didn't look back. She held her forehead with her hand, her eyes still locked on Yue'er's pale face. She murmured: "Mr. Lin, if you can save the next month, I will thank you for life."

Here, instead of calling the young hero, she called the son. It is obvious that she has regarded Lin Tianyao as a friend in her heart.

When a woman is called a son to a man, she puts her identity in the same position. Speak in a private capacity between men and women. This is much closer than titles like Shaoxia.

Listening to her being a son, Lin Tianyao was also warm. At least, Duan Murong no longer has the kind of mustard for him.

It was long enough to disturb, and Lin Tianyao did not continue to stay. He gently retreated from the tent.

Just after leaving the tent, Gainie was waiting for him when he had come to the side.

Seeing him popping up suddenly, Lin Tianyao froze for a moment: "Mr. Gai, I really didn't expect you to be a holy saint, even the hobby of listening to the root of the wall."

There is ridicule in these words. Mr. Gaieen, a cold noodle, usually doesn't see any smile at all. This also gave Lin Tianyao a fun heart.

Sure enough, after being teased by him, Gaine's face twitched for a while. He gently shook his head and said: "Lin Shaoxia, I just came over and didn't hear anything, you must have misunderstood."

"looking for me?"

Lin Tianyao was just ridiculing, he naturally knew that Gaie was not that kind of Xiaoxiao. So he also put away the joke and asked straight into the subject.

Gaie Nie held Yuan Hong in her arms and stood steadily: "We only saw that the sergeants of the Xiang clan did not drink alcohol when they were eating. I thought they had high commandments, but they were talking about you. Are you? Is something hiding from me?"

Hearing this, Lin Tianyao secretly extended his thumbs. Gainie is not a lost swordsman in the world. This cautious mind and subtle observation make it difficult for others to insult him.

After making a gesture, he explained: "In Bai Ri, when I captured Bai Feng, I noticed something was wrong. Only when I went in to observe Yue'er's condition, I found out that she was in a hot spell."

"Huo Meishu?" Gaie Nie whispered: "You said Chilian?"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said, "Yes, Huomei is the secret technique of the Korean killer organization. As of today, only those who are able to use this technique to perfect their skills are only Chilian."

"So what does this have to do with the sergeant drinking?"

Although Gainie was meticulous and clever, he still could not guess this point.

Seeing that he was so confused, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but laughed and said: "Gai Jiansheng, you are such a clever life. You are confused for a while. Chi Lian, besides fire magic, what else would she do?"

Gaine thought for a while and said, "You mean, viper?"

Lin Tianyao snapped his fingers and said, "Since Chi Lian is good at using snakes, what are snakes most afraid of?"

Explaining this, Gaine suddenly understood. His tight face eased instantly. The nerves, which had always been highly vigilant, also relaxed.

Blind to the Mojia government city, any place is dangerous. He did not dare to relax for a moment.

Although Lin Tianyao used his shocking strength to get rid of several obstacles before, the hip-hop appearance he showed made Gane think he was not careful enough. It is absolutely impossible to have strong strength and not be cautious enough.

But at this moment, he finally changed his mind about Lin Tianyao.

Although it doesn't seem to matter on the surface, I have seen through everything in my heart. This kind of thing can be treated with ordinary heart, and the clues can be clearly penetrated. This thought alone is rare in the world.

After getting the answer, Gainie was completely relieved this time. Tianming followed Lin Tianyao, there was absolutely no problem. Even if he is not there, there is no problem at all.

After escaping from Qin State, Gaie Nie kept thinking about Tianming's security issues all the time. With him taking the light, there is no way to settle down.

Even going to the Mo family is only a stopgap measure. Qin's ambition to dominate the world has become obvious. Even the Mojia government city cannot be independent for a long time. ....