Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 733: 735 Fire Skill

#733 735 fire charm

Right now, Bai Feng has been caught. Wei Zhuang's soldiers showed no signs of catching up, and Yue'er was poisoned again.

All kinds of reasons were entangled, and everyone decided to rest in place.

In fact, they have this idea, mainly relying on Lin Tianyao. Not to mention the earth-shattering impact of the two birds colliding, it was only he who captured Bai Feng, no one can do it today.

This kind of strength against the sky, even if Wei Zhuang is close to him? Lin Tianyao also picked him up casually.

When everyone was resting, Lin Tianyao came alone to Duan Murong's tent.

When Duan Murong saw him coming in, he was angry because he was worried about becoming a haggard face. She didn't have a good air: "Do you understand the rules? This is the tent of the daughter's house. How can you come in casually as a big man?"

Now with this copy background, feudal thinking is particularly strong. Wherever a single woman lives, it is no different from a boudoir. Lin Tianyao came in hastily, indeed a bit presumptuous. In addition, Duan Murong is also biased against him.

With that said, Duan Murong stood up and wanted to push Lin Tianyao out. She doesn't have any affection for the man in front of her now. On the contrary, she already hates it. He can laugh when poisoned by Yueer, which is simply abominable.

Seeing her being so strong, Lin Tianyao stood motionless. Duan Murong wanted to push him, but his hand was stunned in the air.

Since this chick had to use the boudoir's excuse, then Lin Tianyao used his personal way and ruled his own person, and came to a man and a woman to accept unaccompanied.

Unable to touch, Lin Tianyao did not leave, this can be called Duan Murong embarrassed for a long time. Helpless, she could only get angry and said: "Why don't you leave? Believe it or not, I told someone to come over to drive you away?"

Lin Tianyao shrugged and said, "Your name is chanting! Even if you call your throat, no one will come to help you. You are a doctor, I am going to see a doctor, it is justified. Besides, who would think that I came to conspiracy against you Who believes?"

Lin Tianyao said so, and there was no fear. With his strength, who wants to deal with it? Still need to be so sneaky?

This time, Duan Murong's body shivered nonstop. But no matter how angry she was, there was no way to deal with Lin Tianyao.

She is now dumb eating Coptis chinensis, unable to tell the bitterness.

Seeing her so angry, Lin Tianyao didn’t want to continue to tease her, and went straight to the topic and said: "Duanmu girl, you have misunderstood or prejudice to me, I don't care. I have never cared what others think about me. ."

Speaking of which, he said sharply: "But, if you want Yue'er to get better, then listen to me. If I guess right, this snake venom cannot be solved by your ability."

The first half sentence was directly ignored by Duan Murong. But the second half of the sentence was deeply rooted. She really has no way to solve the snake venom in the Yue'er Institute. On the contrary, this snake venom is very strange and completely different from ordinary toxins.

Now Lin Tianyao said there was a way to treat her. She seemed to have seen a life-saving straw. Where else do you think?

"If you have a way, why don't you save the moon now?"

Duan Murong's complexion became much better. After all, Lin Tianyao had a way to save Yue'er, and her attitude could not continue to be bad.

Seeing her so anxious, Lin Tianyao shook his head and said: "I have no cure for this antidote. But I don't have it, no one else without a watch."

Saying that there was no antidote, Duan Murong immediately felt that Lin Tianyao was teasing her. Just about to get angry, but heard the second half of the sentence. She frowned and asked, "What do you mean, is there any magic doctor under the sky?"

She obviously misunderstood Lin Tianyao's meaning. Her own medical skills are extraordinary. Yue'er's poison, even she is helpless, can there be other hermit masters under the world?

"No, when it comes to medical treatment, you can walk alone in the world. I said that this antidote is in the hands of the poisoned person!"


Duan Murong's eyes widened, and she flickered to the door of the tent to pick up the curtain and looked around.

After discovering that no one was eavesdropping around, he returned to inside and said to Lin Tianyao: "No wonder you are the mysterious **** during the day, it turned out that the murderer was found. Who is that man, is it a traitor between us?"

Moon child poisoning, if it is poisoned by outsiders, the chance is really too small. After all, the two of them stayed together all day long, and it was impossible for them to be poisoned alone if they were poisoned. Moreover, when she discovered that Yue'er was poisoned, she already began to wonder if there was an inner ghost.

Speaking of the spy, Lin Tianyao couldn't help laughing: "Miss Duanmu, if there is a spy, why should he start with Yueer? Right now their goal is that Tian Ming and me and Gaine are the three."

After being denied the suspicion, Duan Murong was even more puzzled: "Don't sell it, who is the poison?"

"The reason I came here, as you said!"

Lin Tianyao took a deep breath, regardless of Duan Murong's difficulties, and walked directly towards the wooden slump where Yue'er was lying.

When I came to the window and looked, Yue'er's lovely little face had become very pale. Cold sweat continued on her forehead.

Duan Murong was so distressed to see her like this. She took out the wet towel from the copper basin on the side and began to wipe it for Yueer.


Lin Tianyao reached out to block Duan Murong's movements, then he extended his hand, gently pressed Yue'er's eyes, opened her eyelids, and the scene in front of them suddenly made the two look at each other.

I saw that Yue'er's dark pupil had completely changed to fiery red. Among them, there is a very tiny red thread swimming back and forth.

"this is……"

Seeing this scene, Duan Murong began to think about it. After a long time, she opened her mouth suddenly and exclaimed in a low voice: "It's Huo Meishu!"

After hearing her say these three words, Lin Tianyao nodded repeatedly: "It really is the same as what I guessed in daytime. Under this world, the only person who can control the snake venom and can be so seamless is only the woman!" ....