Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 722: 724 Sword Crossbow

Chapter 722: 724

No one saw him, so hear his voice first. This way of playing is really domineering.

Hearing Duan Murong's voice, Lin Tianyao became curious. Listening to the voice, the woman's tone is slightly hoarse, which is different from the girl's tenderness, although crisp, but with a mature atmosphere.

"Sister Yu, this is definitely a Sister Yu!"

Lin Tianyao growled in his heart, he read countless girls. You can hear it directly from the sound.

Sure enough, when Duan Murong's face appeared at the door, Gaini, who had always been cold, couldn't help but move.

It was an exquisite face, melon seeds face, a feeling of Xiaojiabiyu. What is striking is her eyes, her pupils are purple instead of black. She wore a purple silk scarf on her head, the color of her pupils. The black three thousand green silks were bound behind his head.

There are several types of beauties. They are charming at once, second is gentle and graceful, and third is strong and domineering.

Duan Murong belongs to the second kind, but it reveals the third kind of taste faintly. Such a woman is rare in the world.

After she appeared, she glanced at everyone and instantly discovered the injured child of the Xiang family. She frowned: "Who are the leaders, how did they get hurt?"

Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang looked at each other and turned their eyes to Lin Tianyao. Obviously, they had chosen surrender before, so the lead position was naturally thrown to Lin Tianyao.

Lin Tianyao did not dodge this situation. He stepped forward and said to Duan Murong: "Miss Duanmu, they belong to the Xiang clan. In the afternoon, they were injured and the village was destroyed. I hope the girl can help us."

Duan Murong nodded, indicating that he understood. But in a flash, she raised her tone: "You said they, aren't you together?"

Lin Tianyao pointed at Gaie, Tianming and Shao Mingming said: "Yes, a few of us have also escaped. Our identity will be explained to you later."

Seeing Lin Tianyao concealing something, Duan Murong waved his hand and said: "Since the son does not disclose it, then I can't take it in. I Jinghu Medical Farm, I never help the unknown people!"

At this time, the robbery suddenly flashed over. He glanced at Yueer carefully, for fear that she would attack with a broom. Then he said to Duan Murong: "Girl Rong, I know their identity, but it is not convenient to talk about now. But you can rest assured, not an outsider!"

In this place, thieves did not say bad guys, but outsiders. This statement caused Duan Murong's brow to beat a little.

She glanced at Lin Tianyao again and then said: "Well, since that is the case, you come with me."

After entering the yard, Duan Murong asked the robbers to take Lin Tianyao to the guest room, and then proceeded to rescue the Xiang clan.

After coming to the guest room, the robbery took a long sigh of relief: "You guys, I really don't know how good or bad it is for you!"

Hearing what he said, Lin Tianyao asked: "What do you mean by robbing the leader?"

Robbery shrugged and pointed to Gaie Nie: "If you let Duanmu girl know the identity of this guy, you must lose your temper. There are three things you can't do in Jinghu Medical Village, can you hear?"

Lin Tianyao didn't really know. However, Gaie said, "The Qin people will not save, the surname Gai will not save, and those who fight fiercely will not save."

After listening to Gaie's explanation, Lin Tianyao realized the hidden meaning in the robbery. The affection he pointed at was Gaine.


Everyone rested in the guest room for one night. Early the next morning, they were stolen and woke up.

At breakfast, they did not have a good Xiang clan together. Instead, they are arranged separately in the guest room. Not long after, Duan Murong also entered the room.

Her complexion is not very good, it seems that she was overworked last night to treat the Xiang clan.

Moreover, when she came in, there was a touch of coldness on her face. Behind her, the robbery seems to be doing the wrong thing, the child, playing with both hands for a long time without knowing where to put it.

You don't need to guess, knowing that the robbery must have told Duan Murong the identity of everyone.

"Is this the child you are talking about?"

After Duan Murong walked into the house, his eyes had been fixed on Tianming's body, and the tone of speech was not as good as yesterday.

Lin Tianyao stood up and said to her: "Duanmu girl, I don't care about any misunderstandings. But at least, this kid was rescued by the sword saint."

Duan Murong snorted: "Don't you look too old-fashioned by hitting a stick for candy?"

As soon as she said this, Gaie Ni grabbed Yuan Hong's hand and couldn't help but clenched tightly. On the back of her hand, the green tendons burst out.

It was this sentence that made Lin Tianyao's view on Duan Murong greatly improved. This woman, Xiaojia Jasper on the surface, but this temperament is too domineering.

With a sneer, Lin Tianyao walked to the window, looked at the white clouds in the sky, and threw her back to her: "Our purpose this time is to send this child to the hands of the Mojia. As for the rest, I don't want to argue with you , I don’t want to cover the sword."

"Are you going to the Mojia?"

Duan Murong shot a purple awn in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and said, "We can't determine the identity of this child yet. And, who knows that you are not playing hard work?"

With that, she reached out and pointed to Gaie Nie: "As everyone knows, you saved Yingzheng's life. Do you think you can get a kid and want to get into Mohist?"

She said so, even the face of the robbery changed. He hadn't really considered this before.

For a time, the atmosphere in the house became tense. At this time, there is something wrong with that, it is all about bleeding.

Lin Tianyao suddenly laughed in a low voice, he shook his head and sighed: "In a troubled world, some scruples in my heart are naturally good. But too many ideas, often confuse black and white. Since you don't want to help, then I will go find myself ."

"Do you think that, with the ability of several of you, can you find the location of the organ city? Moreover, even if you know the place, you can never get in!" Duan Murong's face was calm, and the silver needle in his hand had quietly appeared in the cracks of his fingers. ....