Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 723: 725 The enemy will not move, I will not move

Chapter 723 Chapter 725 The enemy will not move, I will not move

Duan Murong's move was naturally clear to Lin Tianyao. This woman is not only so strong on the surface, but it is also very popular when she acts.

Tianming seemed to have heard what she said, and asked Gaie: "Uncle, are you talking about me? Who am I posing?"

Gane didn't know how to answer this question. He could only say in a vague way: "Tianming, this is an adult's business. Don't ask me for a while, you will know it by then."

For such an answer, nature is not what Tianming wants. Seeing that Gaie was not willing to answer, he grabbed and asked Lin Tianyao: "Brother, what the **** are you hiding from me, tell me, I am not a child anymore."

Although Tianming grew up in the Qin Emperor's palace, he has no previous memories. All this is naturally done by his mother Li Ji. Since his mother-in-law did not want him to know, Lin Tianyao told him now that it was not appropriate.

Thinking about it, Lin Tianyao turned around and said, "Tianming, Gai Jiansheng is right. There are some things you should not ask more. In short, I will naturally tell you!"

Duan Murong on the side saw the three of them talking to each other, and did not take care of her. She couldn't help but get angry: "Lin Shaoxia, what medicine is sold in your gourd? As far as I know, Gaiei fled with Tianming, but you are just Meet them halfway through. Halfway, what is your purpose?"

Women's minds are much more delicate than men's. At the beginning of the robbery, they never brought this problem to Jinghu Medical Estate before thinking about it.

When she asked this question, even Gaie and Shao Mingming turned their eyes. Tianming's eyes widened, leaving the previous questions aside and caring about the issue.

Before again, although Gaie and others had a lot of suspicions about Lin Tianyao's origins, he didn't say it and no one else could ask.

At this time, Duan Murong talked about this part, if Lin Tianyao continued to hide, there would not be much chance.

Facing the questioning eyes of everyone, Lin Tianyao sighed in a long sigh: "Since you are all so curious about my identity, then I look concealed."

With that said, he walked to Duan Murong's side, and when they stood side by side, he spoke slowly. The voice of this sentence is very small, only two of them can hear.

After Duan Murong heard his words, the whole body shuddered if he was struck by lightning. Then she resembled a wooden man, changed her body, and turned towards Lin Tianyao, saying: "You... what you said is true?"

"There is absolutely no hypocrisy, and I hope that Duanmu Girl will keep it secret for me." Lin Tianyao smiled slightly and bowed to her.

Duan Murong nodded seriously and solemnly said: "I hope you are telling the truth. If I find out that you are lying, I will kill you!"

"Miss Duanmu is assured that if I want to lie to you, can I escape?"

The headless conversation between the two of them made the others look at them for a while.

The content that Lin Tianyao secretly said just now made Duan Murong's attitude change so much, which is really curious.

With Lin Tianyao's assurance, Duan Murong directly put away the silver needle in his hand and turned and walked out of the house.

Seeing the thieves, he hurried to follow up and wanted to ask. But it came from Duan Murong's eyes.

After the two of them went out, Gaie asked, "Lin Shaoxia, what did you say?"

Lin Tianyao shrugged and said, "I didn't say anything, I just told her that the giant of the Mo family is my relative."

No one believes who he said to. The identity of the giant of the Mo family is extremely secret. Even the leaders of the Mo family may not have seen his true appearance. If Lin Tianyao is his relative, then Gaie dare to say that he is the father of Yingzheng.

After such a change, things returned to the original scene. Lin Tianyao was reluctant to say identity, they were futile in asking questions.

"Mr. Gai, we may be leaving again."

Looking at the clouds in the sky outside the window, Lin Tianyao suddenly said such a sentence.

Gaie frowned and asked, "Weizhuang came over?"

Tianming suddenly chimed in: "Brother, we have just settled in. Those big villains did not catch up so quickly?"

Lin Tianyao said: "Do you think I'm basking in the sun? When Bai Feng investigated last night, I found an important clue. Before he came, all the birds will fly away in advance. Presumably the one he sat down in A big white bird is no ordinary thing."

As early as in the previous conversation, Lin Tianyao looked out of the window from time to time. He is always watching the changes outside.

Just when Duan Murong came in, he saw the clue.

Right now it's March and April of Yangchun, and birds get up early in the morning. According to this time, it should be the most frequent time for birds to move.

But now, there are no bird calls at all around the hospital. On the contrary, even chickens and ducks are particularly quiet.

Animals are not the same as humans. When they encounter danger or encounter more powerful species, they will naturally feel fear.

The most common manifestation of this fear is running away, or keeping quiet and hiding in the nest.

After explaining this analysis to the three men, they suddenly realized.

Tianming's big eyes were full of worship. He is accustomed to mischief, and he often deals with livestock and birds. But for this reason, he heard it for the first time.

"Do you want to notify Duanmu girl of them?"

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Gaine was ready to go out to inform others.

Lin Tianyao reached out and interrupted him: "Don't worry, the enemy won't move, I won't move. I want to see, what the **** is Wei Zhuang doing."

Seeing him like this, Gainie was puzzled and said: "Lin Shaoxia, if we wait for Wei Zhuang to start, then I am afraid that we will be more difficult to go."

His worries are not without reason. After all, the speed of the Qin army and the killer cannot be compared. If the army arrives, they really can't leave. ....