Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 673: 675 Prototype

Episode 673

At the banquet, Osnett poked a barbecue on the plate with his fingers without any care, and sneered with a sneer in the corner of his mouth: "Esdes, I have nothing to say! Your own identity, here People basically know it!"

All the generals of the court, including the members of the garrison, had extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

Including the little emperor, there are also some fidgets!

Today is the sealed banquet of Esdes. At this critical time, Osnett put this thing on the table, and it is clearly torn down!

Including those literary ministers, I can't guess what medicine is sold in Osnet Hulu! At this time, tearing his face, it is simply the situation of death!

Right now, Bude is dead, and the commander-in-chief that the emperor can rely on has no one other than Esdes!

The people present were more or less in the heart. Osnet and Estes have always kept their distance! Although these two people have to rely on each other, they also want to suppress each other!

With their temperaments, no matter what, they at least do it in the background.

But this time, why didn't Osnet completely deal with Estes regardless of the situation?

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, the little emperor persuaded him: "Minister, this time it is the General Assembly of General Esdes. This is something that seems wrong with you?"

In his heart, Osnet is almost the same as his father. He can be the emperor, all thanks to Osnet!

But for now, Osnet is so disregarding the occasion to do such a thing, he can't understand it!

Osnet sneered: "Your Majesty, Estes can be a general. It is already very kind! If you let her be a general, this is impossible! In her capacity, absolutely No!"

"Why not?" The little emperor was a little embarrassed, and he said with a surprised tone: "Although the minister, General Estes, was of a low background, but made a contribution to the empire, she has such a qualification!"

Osnet heard the news and shook his head again and again: "Your Majesty, since you said that, I will show it up! Why can the Revolutionary Army have such great confidence to dare to do right with the empire? That is because they have united The aliens in the north!"

"I already know these! The lowly guys are just a bunch of people, and I don't even think about them! But what does this have to do with General Estes?"

The little emperor's question happened to ask Osnet's arms. He hummed: "General Estes, when he resisted the aliens in the north, because of his own hatred, indiscriminate killing of innocents, he did not accept their surrender at all! So the aliens hated her! If I did not guess wrong, the aliens Because I can’t see hope, in order to avoid the disaster of extinguishment, I can only push the chips to the revolutionary army!"

His statement completely pushed the reason for the union of the aliens and the revolutionary army to Estes!

According to what he said, the aliens are not targeting the empire, but Estes! "Osnet, do you believe me to kill you?"

Estes's face was somber, and there was a burst of coldness all around him! The atmosphere of the entire dinner was frozen.

When Osnet saw this, he suddenly moved, and stood in front of the little emperor. He shouted: "Come on, hurry up!"

As he yelled, he said to Estes: "You have to pay attention to your identity. Your Majesty is sitting here! I told the truth, you have nothing to do with me, assassinated me, I also recognized it! Just me You are not allowed to threaten your majesty!"

This action of him is clearly unpredictable!

Estes was angry because Osnet distorted the facts and deliberately imposed charges on her!

If talking about eloquence, she is not an opponent of Osnet at all!

Now at this rage, Osnet turned the spear to the little emperor! This bullying is a crime of decapitation, this trick is too cruel!

After all, the little emperor is still young, and he has lived a stable life in the palace without experiencing wind and rain.

The violent murderous intentions of Estes now made his petite body tremble.

With Osnet's added fuel and vinegar, his look at Estes began to change!

Hiding behind Osnet, the little emperor whispered: "Minister, what you said is true? I also feel that General Estes is a bit wrong. She seems to want to kill me!"

As soon as these words came out, all the courtiers stood up together. They knew that Osney's privileges were monstrous, and the idea of ​​the head of the wall made them stand on the side of the emperor at this moment.

Their eyes turned to Estes with hostility, and it seemed that she had been regarded as a traitor!

Seeing this, Esdes suddenly chuckled. Then, the murderous intention around her suddenly shrank, and then disappeared completely!

She sat down and picked up the red wine bottle on the table and poured it hard. Then he said: "Osnett, what you are worried about is not that after I became a general, does it pose a threat to you? Do you really think that you can cover the sky without me?"

Osnett frowned as he heard the news. The expression on his face also became surprised.

Based on his knowledge of Estes, the woman has a fierce personality. If there is any disagreement, we must do it! But this time, why suddenly became so calm?

The little emperor did not threaten to kill, and he also looked out and asked Esdes: "General Esdes, did you really say that to the minister?"

Facing the little emperor's question, Estes shook his head gently: "Your Majesty, it depends on what you think! If you think that the alien and revolutionary army united because of me, then I have nothing to say!"

There was a hesitant look on the little emperor's face. After all, it has been so many years! Regardless of whether it is because of Estes, at least she is in the north, and the aliens cannot step beyond the pit! Come back now and wipe out the poisonous tumor of the night attack again. This woman is a safe barrier! ....