Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 672: 674 **** for tat

Episode 672

Lin Tianyao made a throat and said seriously to the people in front of him: "Everyone, I need your help next, so I will not hide it! We did not lose this night's attack. On the contrary, the hunter has been defeated by us , Estes surrendered with us!"

As soon as this word was spoken, it seemed to be a blockbuster, which fell heavily on the ears of the people, and they blew their outer focus!

Some even made Lin Tianyao cast his sympathetic look. In their eyes, this guy must be unbearable, and now his brain is starting to go wrong!

Seeing that they did not believe it, Lin Tianyao sighed: "Everyone can choose not to believe it now, but after a while, the night raid will raid the emperor capital again! And there will also be civil strife over the palace! At that time, it was also a The signal, everyone rushed out of the prison with me, wiped out all the guards around, robbed them of their weapons, and marched towards the palace!"

Lin Tianyao's face is serious, and the plan also says something so that these revolutionary soldiers have to believe it!

They vaguely began to doubt, Lin Tianyao said, in the end is true!

Moreover, Najieta was also arrested. This is the key point of their suspicion! Even if the night raid is annihilated, Najetta, as the leader of the revolutionary army, she will definitely not escape!

Thinking, everyone turned their attention to Najetta, as if waiting for her reply!

The anger on Najta's face did not dissipate, but she must ask these people for help right now, so she can only nod and say: "Yes, all this is our plan! Let the vets drag the palace and falsify the night attack. News! Then took the opportunity to raid and cause confusion! Me and Tianyao came over to rescue you, and from the imperial capital, a army was born out of thin air!"

Najieta is a boss-level character without a loss. In speaking of this, she has a sense of style! And the domineering in that tone makes others have to want to believe her!

After she finished speaking, the revolutionary soldiers couldn't bear it anymore and started cheering loudly.

When a person's hopes were shattered, they suddenly realized that those were all dreams. This kind of scene change cannot be expressed in words!

Similarly, this effect is a hundred times stronger than stimulants. These people are now afraid that the blood on the bottom of the feet will start to boil!


At this moment, in the sky, there was a sudden explosion! Immediately afterwards, the surrounding ground began to shake!

Lin Tianyao was delighted when he heard the voice. It seems that the plan is very successful, and the red pupil has already begun to act!

At the same time as he heard the voice, Najieta shouted: "You, the other members of the night raid have already started to act, and we must also hurry!"

"Okay, listen to the general!"

The revolutionary soldiers, including the other prisoners, also echoed loudly.

They were all dying people, and there was no desire to struggle! This is like a person falling into the abyss and unable to escape! Now, with a life-saving straw, they have to catch it anyway!

Lin Tianyao rushed out first, struck out with one foot, and kicked the half-meter thick iron gate of the prison directly!

The loud bang made the searchlights on the city wall shine towards this side! Moreover, those guarding soldiers began to urge the crossbow shears, and the crossbow arrows of the baby’s arm thickness suddenly formed a burst of arrow rain in the sky!

Last time Lin Tianyao came here, there was no arrow crossbow, this time probably because he and Najieta were here, and then temporarily added weapons!

However, these arrows rain, Lin Tianyao will be in his eyes?

He rose up into the air, and Chi Ye suddenly was wrapped in flames in his hand, and instantly became a flame blade of more than 20 meters!

He flipped his fingers, and Chixiao quickly spun on top of his head, forming a circular barrier made of flames!

The arrows of rain touched this flame barrier and were instantly burned to ashes.

After a rain of arrows, without waiting for the guard soldiers to refill, Lin Tianyao's body had flashed and fell directly on the fence!

At the next moment, a fiery red light flashed over the walls between them.

Every time the fire flashes, there will be bursts of screams!

When Najieta saw Lin Tian moving his hand, he also acted. She stretched out a piece of rope directly with the steel arm in her hand, grabbed directly at the city wall, and then pulled herself up and flew up.

These guard soldiers have no fighting power! In the eyes of Lin Tianyao and Najieta, there is no difference from the ants!

After only a tea time, there is no more mouth on the wall!

The entire prison, guarding soldiers, a total of 500 people, no one was missing, all killed!

Rao Shi Lin Tianyao dodges with the help of Fei Lei Shen, his body is still soaked with blood!

After destroying these guard soldiers, Lin Tianyao loudly yelled below and shouted, "Everyone, hurry up and get the equipment! Next, it's your time to shoot!"

There was such a big movement in the prison, and the guard soldiers in other positions also rushed towards here!

However, as they rushed over, there was also a roar of roar at the south gate of the imperial capital. That looks like a team of people rushed over!

Obviously, Chi Tong also brought some revolutionary troops!

Lin Tianyao and Najie Tower stood on the city wall, raised their heads gently, and looked at the imperial palace hidden in the distance in the distance. The final battle is finally here!

At the same time, inside the palace, the original banquet of Esdes has also become tense.

Originally this was a joyous dinner, but now because of the appearance of Osnett, it has become a crossfire!

Estes was so blue, she was standing at the table, the red wine in the wine glass in her hand had been frozen into bright red ice!

"Osnett, do you dare to repeat what you said earlier?"

Estes's tone was cold, and even the exhaled air turned into ice chips! Among her pair of eyes, there was a little blue light! ....