Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 670: 672 the curtain opened

Episode 670

After leaving Osnet, Niu had almost no hesitation and rushed towards the prison!

The wise man of Osnet thought about it, and eventually lost it! The mistakes he made were almost the same as Estes.

Although he always guards against his opponents, no matter how he guards, he still has to choose to believe when he needs to use it after all!

Niu this time, it is almost the anti-thief who got the imperial edict. He is now blatant and can come to prison, but his position has turned to Lin Tianyao!

With Osnet's order, Niu came to the prison with almost no hindrance. When they saw Lin Tianyao and Najieta, they were both a little dazed!

How come this guy came over at this time? Didn’t he know that this would reveal the plan?

Thinking in his heart, Rao Shi Lin Tianyao was also a little excited. He had such a big thought, but he couldn't fail because of this guy! Although he pressed down the big stack on Niu, he could not fail because of him!

"Why are you here?"

Although Lin Tianyao has produced an extremely unknown hunch, he still has a glimmer of hope, or a kind of confidence. He felt that the arrival of Niu was not that simple!

Facing Lin Tianyao's question, Niu was silent for a while, and whispered: "Don't be excited first, I didn't betray you! On the contrary, as you thought, I gained the trust of Osnet! And, He also told me the plan!"

"what's the plan?"

Almost at the same time, Lin Tianyao and Najieta shouted at Niu together!

At this moment, nothing can be more exciting than the plan was successfully executed!

Niu reached out and secretly pressed a few times in the air, then secretly looked around. This is a thief-like look, but there is no slight funny, because at this critical moment, caution is necessary!

Seeing that no one was eavesdropping outside the cell, Niu took out the poison given to him by Osnet in his arms: "This was given to me by Osnet, and he sent me to prison to poison you! However, this also just gave me the opportunity to justify it!"

Niu almost couldn't help laughing while speaking.

Rao is Lin Tianyao, can't help but have some fun! This Osnet, suspicious all day long, did not expect to eventually lose in his own hands!

Knowing that Niu did not reveal his identity, Lin Tianyao assuredly asked: "Then I will ask you, when is Osnette going to do it now? When will Esdes's banquet be held?"

Niu lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid this news is not good! General Estes's handle was caught by Osnet! If he announced it at the dinner, the general would probably be in disrepair. The empire is ashamed!"

With that said, Niu’s teeth were all bitten together: "There is even worse news, Osnet seems to possess some secret weapon, he can even deal with Estes without using His Majesty’s Supreme Tool General!"


Lin Tianyao's brow furrowed with Niu's words. Unexpectedly, the dead fat pig of Osnett still has this hand!

He and Najta glanced at each other, and at the same time saw the same signal from each other's eyes!

"It's not too late, let's act!"

Lin Tianyao's hand moved, almost at the same time, the chain of the handcuffed in that hand suddenly turned red, just like the iron stone that the blacksmith was grilling on the charcoal fire!

At the next moment, the chain melted into a hot metal and fell to the ground!

The chain was removed, Lin Tianyao stretched out his hand, and Chi Xiao appeared in his hand.

"Ding Dong!"

With a crisp sound, the chain on Najta's hand was cut with a knife!

And at this moment, in a corner of the prison, a pair of eyes are staring at here, clearly seen!

That person was no one else, it was the captain who sent Lin Tianyao in!

The captain saw Lin Tianyao and Najieta damaged the chain, scared his eyes, and almost fainted!

Sure enough, he didn't guess wrong. These two guys can really be held in any place without prison!

And, that Niu, who was obviously sent by Minister Osnet, why release the night raid?

Almost at the same time, the captain of the team had an unknown hunch. He even felt that this revolutionary army and night raids were all related to Osnet!

Otherwise, why did he send Niu to release Lin Tianyao and Najieta?

The squad leader felt worse and worse, and Osnet and General Estes had always been at odds.

Moreover, since General Estes returned from the northern battlefield, night raids have become more frequent.

Even General Bude is dead!

"Are the night raids and the Revolutionary Army all under the command of Minister Osnet? General Estes returned and threatened the status of the minister. Is he going to break the boat now?"

The captain's body began to tremble, and there was already saliva in the corner of his mouth, which was a sign of excessive shock. If this continues, the captain's bile might be scared out!

As he stepped back and wanted to leave the prison, he had already thought about going to the palace to report!

Minister Osnet conspired and led the rebel army!

If this news is implemented, his status is not just a captain! He helped Estes, and he is also a military commander, he can definitely be promoted!

"Why, let that guy go?"

Najieta frowned, and their next actions must be kept secret. Once leaked in advance, the consequences would be disastrous!

Lin Tianyao gently waved his hand and sneered: "Niu didn't come to kill us, but instead came to report. What do you think the captain would think? Niu came with Osnet's warrant!"

"Are you thinking...impossible, will this work?"

Najieta seems to have guessed Lin Tianyao's intention, and couldn't help but widen her eyes! ....