Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 669: 671 Royal Palace Rebellion

Chapter 669: 671 Royal Palace Rebellion

Osnet seems to have found a new way, or rather, an opportunity!

If this opportunity can be seized! Then Esdez will also lose its reputation from within the empire!

But the success or failure is again and again, if this plan is not successful, then next, his relationship with Estes will be completely broken!

Estes, this woman, is not the kind of brave and incapable Bude can compare! The Bud guy doesn't know how to play tricks. He is too rigid. Many things, he does not participate!

But Estes was different. She acted on her own will. Fortunately, this woman is not the emperor, otherwise, this empire may be even more miserable than it is now!

In the evening, a banquet is about to take place. At that time, the emperor will personally seal Esdes and make him an imperial general!

If at that time, announce the original hole card. Will definitely give this woman a fatal blow!

Thinking of this, Osnet couldn't help but feel very proud of his original foresight! This empire can only be ruled by a man with his strategy!

If his wisdom cannot be fully utilized, I am sorry that God has given him this mind!

Niu stayed next to Osnet, he had goose bumps all over him, and there was a chill in his heart!

This guy said that the old fox has wronged him! He is simply a fox demon, a human who is even more excessive than a goblin!

When he heard the story of Esdes from Osnet, his heart almost burst!

At this moment, he knew what a miserable woman Estes was! The reason why she is so cold, so hated for people of different races, even staying at the border all the year round, this is the reason!

The more I think about it, the more guilty I feel in Niu's heart!

At the moment when he came to the capital, he even wanted to fight back! He is a must-have person!

The poison that Lin Tianyao gave him was a key to his inner struggle! If it wasn't for the poison, let him weigh it again and again, and he wouldn't wait until now to struggle!

It is also this opportunity that he can now see the true face of Osnet!

Niu regretted a little. He regretted not because he betrayed Estes, but because he had turned to the hungry wolf of Osnet!

Everyone has ambitions, even if he can't find out, deep in his heart, the seeds of ambition are always growing! No one can listen to others for a lifetime and send them under the fence!

Niu also wanted to find an opportunity to find a chance to turn over, but he now feels a little lucky!

With his ability, he is not an opponent of Osnet at all! If at the time the camp was attacked at night, he really controlled Lin Tianyao and killed Esdes with a bewitching flute! Then he is probably lying in the mud now!

If Osnett was so easily subdued by others, how could he live to the present?

However, can Osnet only subdue Estes by virtue of this?

With doubts, Niu asked: "Minister, with my knowledge of General Estes, you can't seem to solve any essential problems by virtue of the past, right? If the general loses her status, remember to hate you, Then assassinate you?"

This question, asked from Niu's mouth, seems more loyal!

Because he is now considering Osnet’s personal safety!

Sure enough, after Osnet listened to his question, haha ​​grew up, he squeezed the barbecue in his hand and said: "Do you think that I am really afraid of her? Not even His Majesty's Supreme Emperor, I She can be subdued! As long as she is defeated and then subdued by me... that chick's body is really fascinating!"

Speaking of the back, Osnet's face appeared a very sullen expression. He still doesn't die for Estes!

It was precisely his answer that made Niu find an important key point!

The implication of his previous question was actually to find out what other cards Osnette still has. This card is the card against Estes!

Although he still hasn't figured out what his hole card is, he has got the answer, Osnet has a way to deal with Estes!

"I have one more thing for you to do!

Just as Niu was about to get up and retreat, Osnet suddenly stopped him!

"Minister, is there anything else?" Niu asked respectfully!

"Najieta and Lin Tianyao in the prison, these two are a hard stubble! You don't have to go to Estes again now, you come here, she must already know! To prevent unnecessary trouble, You better disappear tonight!"

Niu widened her eyes and begged in a low voice: "Minister, I am loyal to you, why do you want to kill me?"

Faced with his terrified look, Osnet laughed wildly: "You think I'm wrong! I let you disappear, I want you to hide temporarily! The best way is to go to the prison!" Estes had no eyeliner there! By the way, Lin Tianyao and Najieta were killed for me!"

Hearing this, Niu was relieved. It turned out that Osneta asked him to do things.

"Since that is the case, I will go first!"

Niu doesn't want to stay here for a moment now, the more he knows, the less safe he is! Osnet is suspicious by nature. In his mind, no one can be trusted!

Osnet took out a small box from his arms and handed it to Niu said: "Bring this, the poison inside, not to mention the emperor's envoy, that is, a huge danger, you can also poison without effort. dead!"

This kind of poison was bought by Osnett. He originally used it to deal with Estes!

Niu took the poison and was in a lot of money! If this poison can be used elsewhere, it may have unexpected effects! ....