Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 666: 668 failed news

Episode 666

In the afternoon of that day, with Estes as the leader, the members of the hunters began to march towards the empire in a mighty way!

And the news spread to the imperial capital as early as possible. The night raid organization was defeated, among which the leaders Najieta and Lin Tianyao were captured alive, and all other members were killed in battle!

In contrast to the times, among the members of the hunter, except for the death of Mr. Fashion and Dajdala, Vali was seriously injured, and the others were slightly injured!

This kind of record is completely understandable compared to the entire organization that destroyed the night raid! Even said that it is almost negligible!

When the news spread out overwhelmingly, all the officials in the imperial capital were relieved.

After all, the disappearance of night raids also means that their bitter days are coming to an end! Imagine that you have to beware of being assassinated when you go out all day, and your spirit is highly concentrated all day. Who can bear the kind of frightened days?

Compared with the relaxation of the imperial officials, the heart of the revolutionary army is a diametrically opposed grief and unwillingness!

Even though the identity of the night raid is known only to the top of the revolutionary army. But it is because they know that they understand the great role of the night raid!

In a blink of an eye, the night raid has been destroyed! Nowadays, there is no killer organization that can rival the night raid! More importantly, how to deal with the hunter organization that destroyed the night attack?

The whole situation is changing rapidly. The next moment, I am afraid that the roles of hunters and prey will be called! The gargoyle will become a sharp edge for hunting revolutionary officers!

According to Lin Tianyao's plan, he did not notify anyone of this news! Including the revolutionary army.

Because the information network of that guy in Osnet is almost overwhelming! Once this news is leaked out, the consequences are disastrous!

It is also for this reason that on the road from Estes to the Imperial Capital, almost both sides of the road were covered with corpses. These corpses are none other than the official revolutionary soldiers!

Their purpose is only one, that is to rescue Najieta and Lin Tianyao!

Looking at the revolutionary soldiers who kept falling under the members of the kangaroo, Rao was Lin Tianyao's tenacious character, and he couldn't help but frown.

These guys all die in vain! Accurately speaking, it is for the sake of secrecy that we will lose our lives!

But these are all necessary! Acting is to perform a full set. Without these people, Lin Tianyao and others did not have any episodes along the way, and some people will inevitably doubt it!

In battle, there must be bloodshed sacrifice! It's just that the place where they died is different, but this place is still a battlefield, an underground battlefield!

Estes showed no signs of hands-on. She just walked ahead in a horse and looked straight ahead.

Looking at her like this, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but admire. This woman, cold, was like a piece of ice for thousands of years, unmoved by foreign objects! While Lin Tianyao and others were walking on the road contaminated with blood, Osnet’s palace was full of wine and flesh!

Ever since Niufang came over to deliver the news, Osnet's mood has changed dramatically.

His purpose was finally achieved! However, he still feels that he is inadequate!

Because the night raid was destroyed, but Estes was still alive!

Although he is obsessed with the beauty of Estes, he also has self-knowledge. This woman is not something he can control!

If it was before, he still had a glimmer of hope. But now, the night attack is in her hands, and the foundation of this woman has been laid. This woman is no longer able to play between applause!

It is exactly this way that Osnet will come up with the previous poison plan! As long as Esdez played against the night attack, let Niu kill her!

However, Niu did not complete this task!

If Estes took Najetta and Lin Tianyao back to the Imperial Capital this time, no matter who dissuaded him, the fact that Estes was rewarded could not be changed!

As Osnet said earlier, as long as Esders led the hunter to victory, the position of the imperial general and the general commander was her position!

Then the situation of the empire will return to the previous situation!

At the time Esdes remained neutral, Bude and Osnet were afraid of each other!

Now Bude is dead, and the latecomers of Estes are in the top. After she came to power, she may be even scarier than Bude!

Because Bude is absolutely not involved in political affairs! Because he is old fashioned. But Estes is different. This woman is smart!

Thinking of this, Osnet waved his hand and withdrew the banquet. He sat in a chair and took the barbecue in front of him and took a bite!

Afterwards, he took up the jug again, as if drinking half of the boiled water, Gu Long, Gu Long filled up.

After drinking, he slammed the gold jug on the ground and yelled at Niu with anger: "Damn waste, don't you brag to me that your bewitching flute sounds so powerful, how can even Esdes Can't even die?"

Niu was so insulted by him, and he felt angry in his heart! Previously he attacked the camp at night, but he was so insulted! This **** Osnet is simply with countless faces!

When he was persuaded to join before, he said good things! Now there is a chaos in the task, even if it doesn't matter, it is a curse to him, this **** guy!

But Niu didn’t dare to reveal it too obviously! After all, Lin Tianyao's task for him was to always pay attention to Osnet's movements, and if there was something wrong, report it at any time!

After Osnet scolded, he panted continuously. His nose, like half of a bullfight, made a hula hula sound!

After a long time, when Niu didn’t speak, he continued: "Okay, I can’t blame you completely this time! It’s a good thing to kill the night raid! If Esdes died, the night raid still exists. It is the most pessimistic! At least now, the crisis of the empire has been lifted, and we are just fighting with Estes!"...