Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 665: The sound of Horn 667

Chapter 665

After feeding Niu and taking the swelling medicine, everyone began to prepare for the night raid camp!

Of course, apart from Lin Tianyao and Najieta, other members of the night raid must hide their identities! Because when the vet escorts the two to the Imperial Capital, they will be the dead people of the imperial riot!

If the dead appear in any place in the imperial capital, and then be found! Then, with Osnet’s ambition, this plan is definitely to be revealed!

In the past few days when other people were preparing, Niu would basically entangle Lin Tianyao whenever he had the opportunity.

But what he said was nothing like antidote!

He asked in such a way that Lin Tianyao was about to collapse! What he fed to this guy was really an anti-tumor medicine!

Seeing that he would go to the imperial capital to execute the plan soon, if the wound on the face of this guy is too serious, it will definitely cause suspicion! After all, Niu, who has been hiding in the dark and attacking with flute, will not join the frontal battlefield.

Even if someone is deliberately seeking and then attacking, there should be someone else protecting! So Estes's two slaps are indeed too cruel!

With the anti-tumor medicine, you can reduce the swelling faster and keep Niu slightly injured! After all, he wasn’t injured at all, and that was justified!

But such kindness, in Niu's eyes, became a kind of heartfelt poison!

He always thought that Lin Tianyao did it on purpose, and he wanted to control him with chronic poison.

This statement is also what Estes previously believed. After all, in the imperial capital, this character will call. Once Niu reportedly Osnet their plans. When the time comes, the imperial army will be overwhelmed and it will be tricky for everyone!

Not to mention, in the hands of the minister, the supreme emperor with the royal family! That thing, even Lin Tianyao has never seen it.

This temporary copy, most of Lin Tianyao's strength has been sealed, so now he is not quite sure whether he can solve that Supreme Emperor!

Therefore, this plan is the key of the key! As long as it succeeds, you can solve the final task and overthrow the empire without any effort!

If the plan fails, you can only use the strong, then things will become very embarrassing!

In fact, this anti-tumor medicine is also a clever point of Lin Tianyao!

He won't use poisoning as a means of abuse. What he used was Niu's suspicion!

To deal with this kind of guy who is very deep in the city, the simpler the method, the more effective it is!

As expected, Niu now haunts him all the time.

On the surface, he was looking for an antidote. In fact, he was observing Lin Tianyao's complexion. All he wants is the duration of this poison, or a little other news!

However, Niu was disappointed again. Because Lin Tianyao doesn't show his voice at all now, in other words, his every move is completely unpretentious. No matter who, as long as there is a ghost in his heart, there is no way for him to completely cover up.

However, Lin Tianyao gave the anti-tumor medicine, so he was justified when he spoke, and there was nothing wrong with it!

All this in Niu's eyes made his heart almost sink to the bottom of his feet! There is only one idea in his mind now. This guy is pretending to be a thief.

In the words of the real world, Lin Tianyao's acting skills cannot be justified without going to Hollywood as an actor! The Oscar's little gold man is none other than him!

"Don't stop inking with me anymore. I gave it to you. It's really an anti-tumor medicine!" Lin Tianyao's questioning by Niu was just right, he said straightly, "If it's a chronic poison, the most The late attack time is about seven days! It is only three days now, and after four days, you will find that what I said is true or false!"

The words in Niu's ears became another meaning!

He said: "Yes, that's right! Lin Tianyao gave it, and it was a chronic poison. Seven days, I am afraid that Osnet's mission will have been performed seven or eight times!"

The result of this idea can also be imagined! If he sincerely helped Lin Tianyao to complete the task, then he can also get the antidote!

If not, Lin Tianyao's mission fails and he can't live!

"You are too sinister, Lin Tianyao, how come I met you!"

Niu stood up and scolded, but halfway through his words, he was stared back by Lin Tianyao's cold eyes!

"What's wrong, do you continue to scold?"

Lin Tianyao's tone is like frost! In his hand, there was a faint flame!

Seeing this, Niu did not dare to say anything. He was about to leave, but turned around and asked, "If I helped you solve Osnet, would you give me an antidote?"

"I gave you anti-tumor medicine, and I have no antidote. Do you believe it or not!" Lin Tianyao waved his hand: "Also, as long as you cooperate with the acting, if you dare to shoot Osnet privately, If I ruined my plan, believe me or not and kill you directly?"

This killing word made Niu's last hope shattered!

The idea in his mind is simple. Since Lin Tianyao did not admit to poisoning, he must be alert to him. He did have the idea of ​​destroying Osnet directly. But now Lin Tianyao said so, and made him ambiguous.

"Tianyao, we are all ready, when can we go?"

Niu wanted to continue to say something, and Chelsea came out of the house next to it. She came to Lin Tianyao, hugged his shoulder, a sweet face!

As long as the plan is successful, the rule of the empire will be over!

The task of the night raid is to assist the revolutionary army to overthrow the rule of the empire! As long as the empire is overthrown, after the establishment of a new country, there will be no other disputes!

Without war, it will return to peace!

Peaceful days are the days when she and Lin Tianyao live together!

Moreover, Lin Tianyao's plan has never failed. In the eyes of others, as long as he has a plan, then success is basically in the chest! ....