Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 587: 589 Chelsea

Chapter 587: 589 Chelsea

"Don't ask so much nonsense, if you tell me where the man has gone, I will let you go. If not, I will kill you now!"

The woman didn't want to talk to Lin Tianyao at all. She had gradually lost her calmness and seemed anxious.

Lin Tianyao said: "I can tell you, but you have to tell me, what is your relationship with that man. Otherwise, if you kill me, I won't say it!"

This stubbornness made the woman a bit more difficult. Although she has some means, she seems to be unprofessional in torturing other people. Every time she says something, she has no idea.

Now Lin Tianyao took her around, but instead made her halo.

Seeing her not speaking, Lin Tianyao also murmured in her heart. If the chick was anxiously corrupted, she suddenly pierced the needle without asking, which was not a good thing.

Simply, he said first: "So, you ask the man if he wants to harm him or want to help him. Just tell me this, then it will work!"

Without any hesitation, after listening to Lin Tianyao's inquiry, the woman replied, "Of course to help him!"

"Oh hey, feelings have been a long time, this chick is still his own?"

Lin Tianyao secretly rejoiced in his heart that this kind of thoughtless answer was basically unconsidered. Without consideration, all the words are long-known words.

In fact, Lin Tianyao was a little skeptical when the woman was looking at the door of the bar. If the woman was an enemy, then she didn't need such scruples to defend the army.

Suddenly, Lin Tianyao laughed out loud, and while laughing, he said: "Beauty, can you let me turn around?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the woman’s voice became hurried, and she was wary: "Why, I tell you, don’t think about what I look like, you just promised me to tell the whereabouts of the man. If you ink again, I will kill you!"

"Aren't you good at disguising, I looked at your face, you won't re-make up?" Lin Tianyao smiled bitterly: "Actually, I am the person you are looking for!"


Almost at the same time, the needle in the woman's hand left Lin Tianyao's back neck instantly, and then she reached out and grabbed Lin Tianyao's shoulder as if the helmsman was turning the rudder. He turned over directly.

Lin Tianyao's feet seemed to be a bearing. After a 180-degree rotation, he directly met the woman.

"Really you!"

The woman exclaimed and reached over her mouth to cover her mouth. After being surprised for a while, she suddenly became annoyed. She reached out and patted Lin Tianyao's chest: "You **** guy, did you deliberately play me? I know I came to you, why did you make the atmosphere so nervous?"

Lin Tianyao was stunned for a moment, and he didn't have a good air: "Beauty, did you not figure out the situation? How do I know that you are here to come to me? I just thought you were here to catch me!"

In this way, the woman seemed embarrassed. She reached out to adjust the position of the earmuffs on her head, and then stretched her hand towards Lin Tianyao, grinning on her face: "My name is Chelsea, and it is an intelligence searcher of the Revolutionary Army in the Imperial Capital."

Lin Tianyao curled his lips, reached out and shook her hand and said, "Lin Tianyao, night raid member!"

"I know!" Chelsea spit out his tongue mischievously, and then took the lollipop in his hand. "I don't know how Najetta told you. That bar is our secret contact point. You This daredevil, when you come, kill the boss lady, do you know, because of your fault, we lost an important contact point!"

Chelsea's complexion struck with a pretentious look, but she still betrayed her with smiling eyes. This attitude, on the contrary, looks even more adorable.

Lin Tianyao sticks his tongue out and licks his dry lips and says, "I'm a little bit greedy to see you eat lollipops. Saying that things happened so suddenly, I didn't expect it to be like this!"

Immediately, Lin Tianyao told Chelsea about the encounter with Alice. Of course, he concealed the matter of going on the rooftop chat with Alice later.

After listening to Chelsea, the cute little brow frowned and said: "In the Imperial City, I have never seen the woman you said. But from your description, the woman's strength is very strong. Such important news, I’m going to send it back to the headquarters!

With that said, Chelsea is about to turn around and leave. She was still talking to herself, as if forgetting Lin Tianyao was still standing in front of her.

Lin Tianyao saw this, and quickly grabbed her arm and said: "I said big beauty, in the end you have no heart, you have not told me, you come to my purpose!"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Chelsea reached out and patted his forehead, put the lollipop in his mouth, and pulled out a brand name from his arms: "I got it for you!"

Lin Tianyao took a look, that thing is his business card. Below the business card, there is also a small line: "List of participants in the contest."

Chelsea explained: "This is the business card of the contestants who participated in the Esdes Bibu meeting. We signed up for you!"

With a smile on her face, she seemed to be surprised by Lin Tian’s remote sensing. “I didn’t expect that there is someone like you who is not afraid of death. That Esdes is a typical tigress, even if it is I am afraid that no one in the empire will dare to marry her! Besides, you are still on the side of the Revolutionary Army, you are just looking for death! But, I really admire you, if you can really marry Esdes, I definitely recognize you as the eldest brother!"

"Cut, this little thing, as for admiring me this way?"

Lin Tianyao sorted out his clothes and restored himself to the gentleman's appearance.

But he had another idea in his mind. Chelsea wants to recognize him as his eldest brother, which is simply an international joke. It is acceptable to recognize him as a husband!

Chelsea glanced at Lin Tianyao, and the lollipop rolled up in that little mouth. She murmured: "I don't see it. You really qualify as a little white face. It looks so handsome! I'm optimistic about you!" "...