Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 586: 588 Beauty eating xylitol

Chapter 586: 588 Beauty Eating Xylitol

Lin Tianyao was amazed and couldn't help but think about it. If this girl can shrink meat, can it also expand? In this case, wouldn't it be possible to change the size of Mimi at will according to her own ideas?

Such thoughts made Lin Tianyao almost drool. Imagine that a girl can hover between D cup and G cup at any time, changing according to the different tastes of men. Such a woman, if married, is simply happy!

Emotional fluctuations often reveal flaws. Although ordinary people can't notice this, but in the master, this seems a bit fatal.

When Lin Tianyao was thinking wildly, the figure of the woman below did not notice for a moment, and suddenly disappeared. As if never seen before, disappeared out of thin air.

"Huh, what about people?" Lin Tianyao reached out and scratched his head. There was a gust of wind and a cloud of clouds, and if it wasn't, it wasn't it. Is it a female ghost?

In doubt, Lin Tianyao used his hands and feet together, and then jumped three times, five times and two away. Then on the window sill between the floors, he jumped a few breaths from the high building and landed smoothly on the ground.

Where he landed was exactly where the woman stopped.

I looked around and saw that there was indeed no figure. Looking at the empty alley, Lin Tianyao's head started to grow bigger. He watched from above for so long, even if the woman was faster than his flying Thor, and wanted to disappear from his sight in such a short time, it was impossible.

But no matter how it is explained, this thing is just like magic, and it happens completely out of line with common sense.

"Could it be that this woman is the earth-traveling grandson, or the island country's ninja, will she be able to escape the earth?"

Lin Tianyao laughed bitterly at himself, and he really couldn't find a reason to explain!

"Are you looking for me?"

In the sound of laughter, there was a slight joking. It was a nice female voice, the kind of gentleness, like the spring breeze in March. And the playfulness is like that naughty child, with a trace of cuteness.

However, Lin Tianyao cannot judge a person's character because of such a voice.

Superficial phenomena often confuse a person's true face. The reason he thinks so is because he has felt that a cold thing has appeared behind his neck.

The cold touch was only at one point. Based on the feeling, Lin Tianyao could know that it was an awl, or a silver needle-like object, which was directly on his back neck. The weapon is attached to the skin, even though Lin Tianyao can use the flying thunder **** to escape at the fastest speed, but he does not dare to act rashly without knowing the strength of this woman. .

After all, the reaction of the human body is so dull. The higher the opponent's strength, the faster the response. Act rashly, if something goes wrong, don't allow a deep wound on the back of your neck!

Lin Tianyao quickly thought about these things in his head, and then raised his hands, his voice was flat: "Beauty, don't misunderstand me. I'm just a rock climbing enthusiast. Just after I saw you appear, I I didn't care much. But you suddenly disappeared, and I felt strange. How could this big living person disappear out of thin air? With curiosity, I came down!"

"Is it really?"

The gentle voice had already appeared behind Lin Tianyao's ear, and the breath that he exhaled when speaking could also be felt clearly. There was a hint of sweetness in the scent with a slight direction.

Lin Tianyao swallowed and mumbled, "I said beautiful women, your family hasn't taught you, can't you eat sugar at night? Watch out for tooth decay!"

"Giggle..." The woman chuckled, as if she had heard any jokes. She blew her breath on Lin Tianyao's earlobe: "Then did your mother teach you that you can't play with fire at night, be careful about bedwetting What? I'm really curious. A guy like you is still a good baby!"

"Wow!" Lin Tianyao said with a sneer: "I just persuaded you, and you even insulted me, you can't be friends!"

"Be a friend? I am a killer, you are a prey, do you want to be a friend with me?" The woman's tone rose slightly, and the meaning of joking became more and more intense: "You don't want to please me, please me. It's useless. Who sent you, why did you follow me?"

"Oh, that's right! You eat xylitol, which tastes sweet, but is good for your teeth! Oops, I almost misunderstood. I didn't expect you to care about your teeth!"

Lin Tianyao made a haha, deliberately diverted the subject, and did not take the woman's question seriously.

The woman was stunned for a moment, she hadn't responded at first. I just wanted to ask Lin Tianyao why she knew she was eating xylitol. But in a blink of an eye, she discovered the problem, Lin Tianyao deliberately said the topic that interested her, so as to get rid of the difficult problem.

There was a slight anger in her heart, and then the silver needle in her hand pressed down gently, pressing Lin Tianyao's neck skin into a small pit. Then he said: "Don't talk about the subject, if you don't say anything, I will pierce your neck! Forgot to tell you, my needle is very poisonous!"

The woman's scheming is still a bit deep, not even so brainless. Lin Tianyao couldn't fool her, so she sighed: "I actually want to ask you, what did you find in the bar before? Just now the bar was murdered!"

"You know the dead too?" The woman was a little surprised, and then she seemed to understand something, and hurriedly asked: "Are you watching on the wall all the time! Did you see a man when he died in the bar?" Ran out?"

Lin Tianyao frowned slightly. Isn't the man the woman asked about him? When he came to the capital this time, no one knew it except the night raid. Since this woman came to him, he must know his identity.

However, Lin Tianyao did not know her. Where did she get the news?

Suspicious in his heart, Lin Tianyao asked: "What are you doing with that man, and what is your identity?"...