Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 583: About 585

Episode 583

The bar owner stood inconceivably. Her body was stiff and there was no movement at all.

In her heart, a hole appeared, a hole where she could see the scene behind her.

Her eyes, which had been horrified before, had gradually lost their light. The body that lost its heat slowly fell towards the back.

"The boss lady was killed!"

I don’t know which drunkard suddenly yelled, and then there was a mess in the bar. Everyone seemed to see the end of the world and began to flee. Even the drunkard who has become drunk and has heard someone dying, has beaten an agitated, muddy body, and does not know where the vitality comes from, and runs no more than soldiers of the army.

"Why did you kill her?"

Lin Tianyao's face was gloomy, and his tone became dull as he looked at the boss's dead body.

The woman kept the ice sword still on the ground, reached out and stroked the hair in front of her forehead, and her face did not matter: "She disturbed me to drink and made me very unhappy!"

Lin Tianyao turned his head and stared at the woman deadly: "Just because she was unhappy, so you killed her? In your eyes, your mood is good or bad, you can easily decide a person's life or death?"

"Yes, my mood can determine the life and death of others!"

The woman snorted softly, revealing an arrogant murderousness in the voice.

The moment of the murderous burst, Lin Tianyao's body began to become uncomfortable. He had been baptized with so much blood, the murderous thing could not be more familiar. The murderousness revealed by this woman could affect him! This shows that the person who died in this woman's hand is already a sea of ​​corpses!

This woman, so terrible, on the bright side, looked so gentle.

Such a murderous person will definitely not be a good person. Lin Tianyao is a killer, and everyone in the night attack is also a killer. The blood on their hands may not be much less than this woman. Speaking of bloodthirsty, maybe he doesn't have this qualification yet.

However, the people killed in the night raids are all the people who should be killed. And this woman seems to have no right or wrong concept for human life, it's all in her own preference!

It is also a chaperone, but in the most basic nature, it is quite different!

Not knowing where the strength came from, Lin Tianyao pulled his hand out of the woman's hand. He twisted his sore wrists and said coldly: "I just wanted to make a joke with you before, but I didn't expect to try out your true face, you made me feel uncomfortable!"

The woman looked at her empty hand and looked at Lin Tianyao's hand, and said with a tone of surprise: "Your strength seems not simple. You can get rid of my shackles! Since you have such abilities, Why do people chase after running?" What she said was naturally the owner of the bar.

Lin Tianyao took a deep breath and said: "A lot of things don't have to be solved with blood. I have no guilt with this lady boss, why should I kill her?"

After listening to Lin Tianyao's explanation, the woman suddenly reached out and took off her hat. The original cold and stunning face was revealed. Especially the light blue hair and eyebrows made people feel like a beauty coming out of the snow.

This beautiful face and high temperament made Lin Tianyao's breath a meal. Women's figure and face are often not proportional. With a good figure, your face may not be good. He didn't have much hope for the woman's face before.

But now, it seems that this is really a great beauty!

Being stared at by Lin Tianyao, the woman did not feel shy, but smiled slightly: "I have listened to these truths you have said countless times. Everyone who speaks to me like this has already died in my sword. Next! I don’t understand, I don’t want to understand!"

Lin Tianyao returned to reality from the woman's beauty. He leaned back slightly and clenched his fists quietly. The meaning of the woman's words seems to be to start with him!

Seeing Lin Tianyao taking precautionary actions, the woman blinked and said, "You don't have to be nervous, I won't hurt you. If I want to kill you, you're already dead! I'm interested in you, so I will Let you live to the present!"

"Interested in me?" Lin Tianyao pouted: "But I'm not interested in you. If you don't do it, then I will go!"

With that said, Lin Tianyao turned and left.

He wanted to gather some information in the bar, but the woman suddenly shot, completely disturbing the situation. Not only can't get the news now, even the only way Najieta is pointing is lost. In this way, to hook up Estes, he can only find a way by himself.

Seeing Lin Tianyao about to leave, the woman quickly reached out and grabbed his arm and said: "I won't let you go, you can't go anywhere. If there is a murder here, there will be a security team coming soon. If you don't want to make a big deal If it's quiet, just follow me!"

After talking, the woman, regardless of Lin Tianyao's willingness, took his arm and walked towards the back door of the bar.

Lin Tianyao didn't want to continue to provoke this woman, although he was also curious. But this time I came to the Imperial City, after all, I came here for Estes, and caused a lot of noisy things but trouble.

However, what the woman said now makes sense. Something went wrong here, and was caught by the defense team, that is, the yellow mud fell off his crotch, and he was convicted!

Out of the back door, after turning a few alleys, the woman took Lin Tianyao up a high staircase, and the two went towards the roof of a small building.

Blowing by the cool breeze outside, the smell of alcohol in the bar disappeared instantly. After taking a breath of fresh air, Lin Tianyao was in a good mood.

Looking at the high roof, Lin Tianyao's thoughts began to fly. There are WeChat about cannons in the real world. I don't know if this woman asked him to go to the roof to "moon appreciation"?

"What are you thinking?"

The woman looked back at Lin Tianyao, and among the slightly narrowed eyes, it seemed that a sharp arrow was shot, wanting to pierce Lin Tianyao's thoughts. ....