Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 582: 584 Killing without blinking

Chapter 582: 584 Killing without blinking

The woman was pulled by Lin Tianyao's arm. On the cold face, an unpleasant look flashed, a pair of light blue eyebrows, slightly converging towards the middle, forming two arcs.

Lin Tianyao just wanted to pull the woman's arm, then use her body to block the front, and run directly from the back door.

Who would have thought that this woman even extended her other hand and pressed it on Lin Tianyao's hand.

With this pull, Lin Tianyao's body was rushed, and he was unable to move forward with his arm. Two legs hit a neutral gear on the ground, almost sitting on the ground without slipping.

He looked at the woman with surprise: "Beauty, what are you doing. This way, holding me at once, my arm was almost pulled off by you!"

The woman frowned, her thin lips, flashing a trace of beautiful arcs: "I was here to drink, you just take me as a shield, it is too beautiful to think?"

During the talk, the lady boss had rushed over. She picked up a glass on the table next to it and smashed it towards Lin Tianyao.


Suddenly, the sour voice of the teeth rang from midair, and the wine glass in the boss's hand began to freeze. This icing is not a layer of ice covering the glass. But the wine glass itself turned into ice cubes.

Not long after that, the wine glass was frozen into an ice sculpture. The ice did not stop there, but followed the handle of the wine glass and began to spread towards the boss's hand.

The boss lady saw that her eyes were bigger than the bull's eyes. Apart from the horror, she screamed and released her finger directly. The quilt fell directly from her hand and fell to the ground.


A sound like glass shattering came through. The wooden wine glass has become countless pieces, and the pieces are crystal clear, like pieces of sapphire.

This sudden appearance was not only the boss lady, but the drunkards watching around them also stood up quietly. They didn't know what happened, but it was definitely Lin Tianyao and the woman who made the quilt into ice!

The drunks have begun to move quietly, moving their bodies towards the bar entrance. As long as you are not a fool, you can see that something big is going to happen here. This ability to turn a wooden wine glass into ice is definitely not what mortals do.

The proprietress stared blankly at the debris on the ground, her lips trembling, and she said, "Who, who did it? Is it you?"

She reached out to Lin Tianyao, and her voice became trembling due to excessive fear.

Lin Tianyao also looked at the debris on the ground somewhat puzzledly. He never shot. Because he is still confused, and he hasn't figured out the situation, he can't rush out. After all, this bar was brought to him by Najta. Although Najta did not explain the mystery, he was very clear that this place must have important clues.

Lin Tianyao did not answer the boss, he squinted and looked around. From the faces of those drunkards, he saw extremely serious expressions. If someone were to blame it, the behavior of doing guilty conscience can never be completely concealed.

Since it is not a person or a person, it is...

At this moment, Lin Tianyao did not hesitate to look at the woman beside him. When he saw the faint sneer on the corner of the woman's mouth, everything was clear.

This kind of means, even as the emperor's enemies attacked everyone at night, never had. Even Lin Tianyao couldn't do it himself. Because most of his skills are sealed!

Being grasped by the woman, Lin Tianyao tried hard to break free. He had just used the opportunity to let the woman do a shield. After all, the bar owner would not act foolishly for others and others. It's just that he hit the iron plate this time, and the shield that was pulled out by mistake and accident was still a ruthless character!

It seemed to be aware that Lin Tianyao was working hard, and the woman's hand holding him became tighter.

The cold touch from his hand made Lin Tianyao couldn't help but irritate. The woman's hand was a bit cold. It seems there is no body temperature. If it weren't for that hand that was soft to touch and not as stiff as a dead man, he must have thought that this woman was a zombie!

The woman glanced at Lin Tianyao and asked softly, "Spicy, what's that?"

Lin Tianyao couldn't help but froze for a long time, which is only in the real world. He was quick-talking, casually talking, but he was unexpectedly dropped by the woman!

He explained: "This hot and spicy food is a kind of snack in my hometown. It tastes pretty good. It is usually eaten when you invite beautiful women!"

"Oh?" The woman's tone rose, and she seemed a little surprised: "I'm wearing a hat, blocking the light, you can't see your face clearly, are you sure I am a beauty?"

Listening to her asking this question, Lin Tianyao began to give birth to a black line. The men's names are handsome guys, and the women's shouting beauties. These are honorable titles. Why are these girls still more authentic? Is it really silly or fake silly?

Thinking about it in my heart, Lin Tianyao wouldn't say that. He made a haha ​​and said: "I see your body is jumping and the dress is sexy, even if you don't look at your face, it is definitely a beauty!"

The woman listened and shook her body slightly. She clamped Lin Tianyao's wrist with one hand, preventing him from moving. The other hand grabbed directly into the air.

In the middle of the sky, small particles of light blue suddenly appeared. The small particles gathered more and more, and finally condensed together, becoming a sword handle.

Then, at the end of the hilt, the blade began to appear. Not long after, a long sword condensed into an ice cube appeared in her hands.

She raised the long sword in her hand and said to Lin Tianyao: "I am very interested in you, so you offend me, I will not pursue it for now! But this woman..."

With a violent movement in her hand, her arm formed a residual image in the air.

In the eyes of outsiders, her hands seemed to have not moved. It's just that the tip of the ice sword has spewed blood! ....