Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 568: 570 will count

Chapter 568 Chapter 570

Speaking of torture, Lin Tianyao couldn't help thinking of the scene he saw in the warehouse. The death laws of Shayou and Iyeas belong to the type of being abused. The tragic scene made his heart irritated with anger.

"Red pupil, I found an important problem!" Lin Tianyao said in a deep voice.

Chi Tong stared at his eyes and asked, "What's the problem?"

Lin Tianyao pointed to the mercenary who had been scared: "Although I don’t know what happened to Brand on their side, as expected, their strength should be no problem against a small group of mercenaries. This guy I said just now that after every three hours, we must make a joint with the following assault team. If they are all killed, then the joint cannot be completed. In disguise, the news of our location is exposed!"

Lin Tianyao's meaning is obvious, these people, either let it go naturally. If you control it, you must kill it all. As long as you escape from a fish that is missing from the net, you will become a grass snake!

Chi Tong lowered his head and savored Lin Tianyao's words carefully. His complexion became deeper and deeper.

"Do you have any way?" Chi Tong thought for a long time, but did not find a solution. He could only throw his inquiry to Lin Tianyao!

Lin Tianyao glanced at her, and suddenly laughed and said, "I have a trick, it's called a plan!"

Although the brief contact was only a few hours, Chi Tong was already accustomed to Lin Tianyao's way of saying half and half. She did not choose to pick up the words, but listened to Lin Tianyao quietly.

Lin Tianyao sticks his tongue out and licks his lips, like a lion on the grassland, when he finds that his prey has entered his capture range, the winning ticket is being held.

He said: "Boss had spoken before, we have to catch live. We have no contact with Brand now. Everyone must have the same idea in mind, they will leave one or two live on the premise of defeating the team. Since So, we might as well seize the time to find them and gather the living mouth. When the mercenaries arrive at the joint, arrange these guys to join, and take the opportunity to destroy the assault team. In this way, the secret of our camp can be temporarily hidden. !"

Rao is at the end of his life, and Lin Tianyao's ability to play on the spot still has people to admire. At this juncture, seeing that the secret was about to leak, he could still find such a way to solve the trouble. Even Najieta, who is the leader, might not be able to do this.

Chi Tong's eyes, which had always kept a mustard, the distance in them gradually disappeared. The look in Lin Tianyao's eyes also softened. This man does not seem to be just what Brand said has the ability to be a killer, but has a natural commanding ability! A talent for leaders.

Looking at Chi Tong's eyes became a little confused, Lin Tianyao reached out and waved gently in front of her: "How about, do you agree with this method? Do you suddenly feel dazed?"

Chi Tong shivered slightly and returned to reality from his thoughts. Gazing closely at Lin Tianyao's face, he suddenly showed a shy expression. She lowered her head, concealing the embarrassment on her face, and whispered: "Since you have thought about it, what can I say, do as you say!" Lin Tianyao snapped his fingers, and then he used Chi Xiao in his hand to push the questioning mercenary aside. All the remaining surviving mercenaries were slashed.

After doing this, Lin Tianyao said to the questioning mercenary: "You just cooperated well, so I saved you a life. If you continue to cooperate with me, I will consider letting you go!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the mercenary looked at Lin Tianyao's eyes as if he saw the Savior. The name of the night raid is known to everyone in the empire. Such a cold-blooded killer will do what he says.

Now that there is a way to live, the mercenaries naturally agreed to work hard.

Human fragility often has a lot to do with emotions. Fear of death and not fear of death, only in one thought. Especially those who linger on the death line suddenly have a lifeline, and they will all become extremely cowardly.

Driven by the desire to survive, mercenaries have not considered that much. He doesn't care how Iokal will deal with him in the future, he just needs to linger and breathe now, and earn more for a moment.

"Let's go find Brand!"

Lin Tianyao winked at Tazmi and asked him to help pull the rope tied to the mercenary's hand. The three men and the captive held by a rope began to march in the direction of Brand.

Only halfway through, Lin Tianyao found a slight turbulence in the grass in front of him. There seemed to be several people marching in the grass.

Because of the close distance, Lin Tianyao and others did not have the opportunity to hide. Just about to prepare to start, the few people who appeared in front of him made him stunned.

These people are Brand and Maine. Unlike the imagination, they seemed to have solved the task ahead of time and rushed towards him.

Brand and others also found Lin Tianyao and others. Looking at the mercenary who was being led, he exclaimed: "Tianyao, you really made my eyes shine. I thought Chi Tong would be a little difficult to take you and the two newcomers Tazmi. Unexpectedly You have completed the task so well!"

After listening to this slightly degraded appreciation, Lin Tianyao said with a bitter face: "Brand, you too underestimate me and Tazmi! Even if you don't believe me, you must believe the red pupil!"

Brand reached out and patted the back of his head, embarrassedly: "No, I don't mean that. I know your strength, but this is the first time to perform the killer mission. Your performance really surprised me!"

Chi Tong stood up and said to Brand and others: "If it weren't far away this time, I'm afraid I would have suffered a big loss. It was him who killed the mercenary squad alone! And... he still has a plan!"

"what's the plan?"

After Chi Tong finished, Brand and others all looked at Lin Tianyao! ....