Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 567: Black hand behind the scenes 569

Chapter 567: Black Hand Behind the Scene

After Lin Tianyao helped clean the cobwebs on Chi Tong and Tazmi, his attention began to turn to the alien mercenaries who had helped themselves into dumplings.

Seeing him coming, the mercenaries shuddered and frightened, and began to work hard under their feet, moving their bodies to the tree. It seems that there is a special sense of security against the tree.

"A few of you, let me ask a question next, you answer one, dare to talk nonsense, and you will think about the consequences yourself!"

Lin Tianyao carried Chixiao, leaned back slightly, and looked at these mercenaries with a degree of looking down. The words spoken in that mouth were still cold and breathy. In stark contrast to his smiling face.

This kind of smiling and unsmiling attitude is almost chilling. The few mercenaries nodded desperately while pulling their bodies back hard, fearing that they would be hurt if they were closer to Lin Tian.

This effect is exactly what Lin Tianyao wants. To torture the captives, we must first defeat them from the bottom of my heart. The attacker is the best!

"Tell me, how many of you are here?"

Lin Tianyao opened his lips lightly, and besides the tongue moving, his teeth clenched.


The mercenary closest to Lin Tianyao, a trace of hesitation flashed in his frightened face, and the words at his mouth suddenly stopped.


The tearing of the skin rang in the quiet forest. Lin Tianyao didn't hesitate, he directly chopped it on his chest. As the flesh of the chest was cut open, the mercenary's heart, lungs and intestines could be seen clearly.

Lin Tianyao raised his hand and used the tip of Chi Xiao to pick up the intestines of the mercenary and gently pulled it out. Shake in the air and throw it at the feet of another person.

The man saw his companion's intestines being thrown to his feet, still creeping slightly, and suddenly both legs lost their support. Sit directly on the ground.

"Tell me, how many people did you come with, and where are they?"

Lin Tianyao had a smile on his face. I didn't know if it was intentional on the cheek, and a few drops of blood spattered on him, making his look even more terrifying.

The mercenary grew his mouth wide and made a gurgling noise in his throat. There seems to be a lot to say, but the mouth keeps calling.

auzw.comLooking at him like this, Lin Tianyao waved Chi Xiao again in his hand, and suddenly stuck on the head of the dead mercenary. After the tip of the knife pierced the head, it was stuck on the trunk, and the mercenary's body was nailed to the tree.

"Give you three seconds to consider, if you don't say it, you are the same as his end!"

The mercenary didn't know where the strength came from, but even raised his hand and hit him hard with a punch.

After suffering, the fear was reduced a lot. This finally restored his ability to speak. He panted heavily, and after a slight recovery of his emotions, he hurriedly shouted: "Uncle Night Attack, I said, I said everything!"

Lin Tianyao split his lips and gritted his teeth. Under the reflection of the moonlight, it looked extraordinarily gloomy, "Then say quickly, I have no time to accompany you!"

The mercenary squeezed his chin with his hand, and his mouth was like a round of shells: "There are four teams, in addition to us, there are three. Our team is in the middle, there are two teams in the northwest and northeast. As for The last team, the latest departure, belonged to the assault force. All three of us were looking for their way ahead!"

Lin Tianyao looked in the direction he said, and then turned his head to Chi Tong: "Chi Tong, I started to admire you a little bit. Brand, the direction they went, just became a fan with us, this Northwest and Northeast, they have blocked!"

With a cry back, Lin Tianyao continued to ask, "Where is that assault team now? Also, who sent you, why did you come to explore this place?"

Lin Tianyao did not directly indicate that the night raid camp was here, but asked why they had investigated. He wasn't sure whether there was any way to pass messages between these mercenaries. Even if the other party has become a captive, you should be cautious when speaking.

The mercenary’s fears have calmed down a lot now, and he said smoothly: "We are under the order of Lord Iokal. The assault team will connect with us every three hours. If the agreement is reached If there is no time to hand over, it will default to an accident. Their team will evacuate on their own!"

"It's really cautious!" Lin Tianyao sighed. Although these guys are not very good, this kind of planning and layout means is a very savvy type.

Moreover, once a team broke out, it would show that there must be a problem in this forest. Even if I didn't see it with my own eyes, this night's attack on the camp was indirectly proved.

Catching a key term in the mercenary's mouth, Lin Tianyao asked, "Who is Iokal you just said?"

"Master Iokal, a blood relative of the minister, has a strong influence in the emperor..."

Halfway through the mercenary words, Chi Tong suddenly came over and she explained first: "Tianyao, this Iokal, is on our blacklist. According to the originally booked plan, he is the target of the next mission!"

"The next mission?" Lin Tianyao wondered: "It seems that the guy is very alert, so start with the first one?"

Chi Tong sneered coldly: "Damn Iokal, he should not know our action plan, he must have received any news, so he will investigate here! Since the guy is so dead, I will complete him! "

Seeing Chi Tong's face not right, Lin Tianyao asked, "Why, is this Iokal bad?"

"It's not only bad!" Chi Tong clenched the handle of Murakami's knife: "That guy has a very vicious hobby, which is to specifically rob young and beautiful women, and then use extreme cruel methods to torture them to death! "...