Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 557: 559 Dark Empire

Chapter 557 Chapter 559

Red pupil froze for a moment, coldly said: "Red pupil!"

Chi Tong had just finished saying this, and Manin in the sky suddenly shouted: "Chi Tong, you big idiot, we are killers. How can we reveal our identity casually."

Aside from the mine, Oli laughed and stretched out his arms to embrace Mann’s shoulders: "You forgot, Mann, the first rule of the killer, only dead people will keep secrets forever. Chi Tong said his name, that kid There is no way out!"

Lin Tianyao listened to Leooli, and his eyelids jumped wildly. He wanted to take the opportunity to tease Chi Tong, but he didn't expect to cut off his life unintentionally.

With a tentative tone, Lin Tianyao asked Chi Tong, "Beauty, do you really want to kill me?"


Chi Tong's lips curled up slightly, and two cold words squeezed out of the corner of her mouth like ice cubes. Immediately afterwards, a **** red awn flashed through the night sky, and the village rain knife had stabbed towards Lin Tianyao's heart.

"Did you fight like this? I haven't said a name yet, you are going to cut me?"

Lin Tianyao yelled, and Chi Xiao stepped forward, blocking Ge Pu's blow.

The blade of light flashed, and the battle with Chi Tong, Lin Tianyao was more and more surprised. This chick plays not only violently, but also the knife method makes the fire perfect.

Lin Tianyao had specifically practiced the sword technique in the copy of Death, but Chi Tong even beat him. This made him afraid to underestimate this chick.

Compared with Lin Tianyao, Chi Tong was even more shocked. She was assassinated by the imperial capital and trained out of practice. In that place, life is threatened all the time. Sex is not only necessary to continue fighting, but also to find a way to save strength while fighting, which also cultivates her ability to kill in one blow.

************************************************** *****************

However, the one-hit kill seems to be completely useless. Although Chi Tong used all his means, every move attacked Lin Tianyao's deadly place. After dozens of rounds passed, he showed no signs of defeat, but instead became more and more courageous.

In the sky, Lubbock kept staring at Missy, and his saliva almost stayed out. He glanced towards Chi Tong, and said lazily: "Chi Tong is also true. It's enough to play for so long. Don't hurry to complete the task. After a long delay, go back and be scolded by Najieta!"

The elder brother Brand slightly shook his body and said in a deep voice: "Which battle did Chi Tong have for fun like you? I think that kid is not easy, Chi Tong seems to be unable to kill him!"

Leooli responded side by side: "Looking at the entire imperial city, I can compete with Chi Tong's knife skills. I haven't really seen this kid. The identity is not simple!"

"Well, what's the skill of the knife, look at me!" Ma Yin grinned and raised the pumpkin directly in his hand, aiming towards Lin Tianyao's head.

"Tianya, hurry away!" Tazmi kept staring at the people in the sky, and screamed in a hurry when seeing Main start.


A loud noise struck the night sky, and I saw a golden flame beam, slamming straight towards Lin Tianyao's head. The speed is as fast as the speed of light.

"Boom" with a loud noise, a large pit with a radius of three meters appeared in the place where the pumpkin bombed.

Chi Tong was hit by the air wave, and he slid back on the ground for several meters before stopping.

When the dust had dispersed, she hurried towards the pit. But there was nothing left in the big pit.

"Cut, I thought how powerful it was. I wasn't left with a shot of the slag!" In the sky, Maine looked at the big pit on the ground and laughed wildly.

Tazmi's eyes were cracking. He had just found a companion. He didn't expect to be killed by these sudden killers in just a moment!

"Damn, I'm going to kill you!" With emotion, Tazmi pulled out the long sword behind him and rushed towards Chi Tong.


Chi Tong's tone was cold, and the two words squeezed out of his mouth again. In the hands of the village, Yu directly pierced Tazmi's chest.

Tazmidi's gaze immediately solidified at that moment. He glanced incredulously at his chest, then stepped back several times.

Seeing the red pupil, it was also a moment of wonder. Even if the village rain cut the skin of the living creature, the spell could kill people. But why didn't Tazmi show any signs of a spell breaking out?

At this moment, there was an exclamation in the sky.

Maine lowered his head gently, looking at the cold, long knife across his neck incredulously.

Behind her, Lin Tianyao stood holding Chi Xiao. He shouted at Chi Hitomi: "You let Tazmi, I let this chick, how?"

Chi Tong gently shook his head and whispered: "Useless, your friend is dead!"

"Dead?" Lin Tianyao shook his head and sighed softly: "This may not be seen."

Chi Tong turned his head and saw that Tazmi slowly took out the statue that the village chief had given him from his chest. Above the statue, a deep gully appeared.

Ma Yin was restrained by Lin Tianyao. Instead of being afraid, she asked in a voice that only two people could hear: "You, how did you escape my cannon?"

Lin Tianyao blew a breath on her cute little earlobe: "Heaven cannot be revealed!"

Why did Ma Yin have such intimate contact with other men? Lin Tianyao's movement made her face flush to her neck instantly. What a night, other people didn't see her embarrassingly.

Brand took a step back and pointed a spear at Lin Tianyao: "We don't have you and the kid on our list, we can let you go."


Lin Tianyao put down Chixiao, his figure moved, and appeared beside Tazmi in an instant. He didn’t forget to wave his hand at Maine, still stunned: "See if I did, I just escaped your gun like this!"...